
The gorgeous animation film "Di Lili's Fantasy Paris" takes you through the centuries-old drunken time of Paris

author:Sneak peek at the fast battle

Paris, France, the capital of culture, the capital of romance, every building on the street, witness its richness and thickness, and every note in the ear pours out its elegance and legend.

The gorgeous animation film "Di Lili's Fantasy Paris" takes you through the centuries-old drunken time of Paris

For many years, literary and artistic works about Paris, whether it is novels, paintings, dramas, sculptures, and film and television works, have brought us all aspects of this mysterious and wonderful city from different angles, but it is not until we meet the animated film "The Fantastic Paris of Dililly" created by the French national treasure animation master Michel Eslo, that the charming city is finally so vivid and presented in front of us.

The gorgeous animation film "Di Lili's Fantasy Paris" takes you through the centuries-old drunken time of Paris

"Di Lili's Fantastic Paris" is so special, the film depicts The paris at the end of the nineteenth century, that is the "drunken Belle Époque" in Paris, the new art is blooming, the new technology is endless, in such a period of overlapping and alternating old and new eras, full of novelty. Through the combination of real scenes and cartoon stories, the director has turned Paris, which dates back more than a hundred years, into a dynamic picture. But "Di Lili's Fantasy Paris" is not a sports landscape postcard, but brings us a twisty and tense story, that is, through a mixed-race girl from Carnock, Di Lili, and her courier friend Ohel, together to detect the experience of a group abducting girls.

The gorgeous animation film "Di Lili's Fantasy Paris" takes you through the centuries-old drunken time of Paris

For example, when Di Lili walked through the flowers, she would meet two painters who were painting, one was Cézanne, one was Renoir, two painting masters with very different styles, and in this way, they appeared in front of the audience as a surprise, and similar scenes abounded in the whole "Di Lili's Fantastic Paris", including the architect Eiffel, the painter Picasso, Monet, Sculptor Rodin, Chemist Mrs. Richter, novelist Proust, actress Bernard, etc., "Di Lili's Fantasy Paris" has appeared nearly 40 celebrities in Paris, France at the end of the 19th century. When the realistic 3D architectural environment collides with the freehand 2D characters, the film brings us such a vivid and romantic old time in Paris.

The gorgeous animation film "Di Lili's Fantasy Paris" takes you through the centuries-old drunken time of Paris

Just like the word "fantasy" in the title, we can follow the footsteps of Di Lili, walk through the streets and alleys of Paris, and see all the celebrities, famous paintings and famous scenes in Paris, a movie ticket can take the audience through time and space, and feel the essence of Paris's humanistic customs, such an opportunity is unprecedented. This is the most fascinating thing about this film, the director is full of montage techniques that use film and television works, let us wander in a stunned, eye-opening Paris horizon, the Eiffel Tower, versailles, the Arc de Triomphe, the Moulin Rouge, and more buildings that we are not familiar with or have not yet set foot on, the amount of knowledge is simply too rich.

The gorgeous animation film "Di Lili's Fantasy Paris" takes you through the centuries-old drunken time of Paris

But don't think that Di Lili and Ou Haile are here to play soy sauce, looking back at the story of "Di Li Li's Fantasy Paris", it is still very thrilling, after all, according to the plot setting, at that time, Paris, hidden a mysterious and terrifying "master" organization, they kidnapped children, created riots, no evil, and the Paris police actually did nothing, drove out the Di Li Li who came to report the crime, helplessly, Di Li Li had to come to end this suspense case on her own, during the period of wit, bravery, people are admired, A group of celebrities have also come to help, this is a battle between good and evil, but also a refreshing song of righteousness.

The gorgeous animation film "Di Lili's Fantasy Paris" takes you through the centuries-old drunken time of Paris

Before watching "Di Lili's Fantasy Paris", Zhan Taifeng had the opportunity to see the director's previous work "Twitter" series, as well as "Prince and Princess", etc., for the director's very individual aesthetic style, and fascinating storytelling methods, quite heart-watering, but in front of the big screen to watch the movie "Di LiLi's Fantasy Paris" still feel unexpected surprises, first of all, the amount of information in the film is quite rich, the picture composition color is more gorgeous and exquisite than the previous work, at the same time, as a work with great aesthetic value, the viewing process, It is also a process of raising the level of aesthetic appreciation, so that it is a work suitable for all ages to brush and brush, and even as a collection of French art treasures.

The gorgeous animation film "Di Lili's Fantasy Paris" takes you through the centuries-old drunken time of Paris

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