
Peili Street is problem-oriented and accurately promotes targeted policies for urban governance

author:Anning posted
Peili Street is problem-oriented and accurately promotes targeted policies for urban governance
Peili Street is problem-oriented and accurately promotes targeted policies for urban governance

【Anning Rong Media Center News】"Hello, our building is a brick-concrete building, can we install an elevator?" "What are the procedures for installing an elevator?" "When will the survey of residents' demand for installation end?" "Do you need the signature and consent of all the owners of this unit?" "On the residential square of Dongxing Aluminum Community in Peili Street, the staff of the Peili Street Community Urban Governance Special Class is holding a special class on-site meeting, and the theme of this meeting is the on-site Q&A meeting for the installation of elevators in the old residential area.

"Uncles and aunts, do you understand the policy we have explained?" Buildings with the willingness to install, need to elect several building leaders, do the mobilization work separately, the specific implementation of the problems can come to the community to consult me, I am the responsible person of the Gan aluminum community. Chen Guangli, deputy director of the neighborhood committee, patiently answered the residents one by one.

Wu Xiaoling, a cadre of the street community service center, introduced: "After the issuance of the "Notice on Comprehensively Mapping the Needs of Installing Elevators in Old Residential Areas" in Anning District, we actively publicized and mobilized, "further grasping the needs of the masses and ensuring that those who meet the conditions can enjoy this welfare policy.

Dongxing Aluminum Community is an old community with a relatively concentrated contradiction problem, and the street realizes the "online discussion of problems, online mention of needs, and online solution of problems" of residents in the community through the use of information platforms such as "Lanzhou Digital City Management Information System" and the collection of opinions of the Social Work Committee, and gradually resolves the contradictions in the needs of the masses. The street gives full play to the role of the special class, in view of the policy issues in the process of installing elevators, organizes residents to answer questions in a centralized manner, and issues the "Guide to the Installation of Elevators in Old Residential Areas", which clarifies the declaration conditions and the 6 types of information that the owners need to submit to ensure full coverage.

Zhou Yingxiang, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Peili Street, said that how to transform the requirements of the municipal party committee 'leading, socialized co-construction, community-based co-governance, and neighborhood-style sharing' into giving full play to the role of members of the Social Work Committee, so as to make the mechanism of the social work committee platform, is the direction of our future work.

It is reported that the implementation of the "five-step work method" in Peili Street in response to the problems found by the masses, do a good job of classification, collection, transfer, and return visits, up to now, 30 cases have been collected and reflected, and the case closure rate is 100%.

(Source: Peili Street; Editor: Liu Xiang; Review: Niu Yulin Dong Zhengang)

Peili Street is problem-oriented and accurately promotes targeted policies for urban governance

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