
Robot density is comparable to Germany, what is the deep meaning of Shanghai to seize the new track of digital economy? | reading Shanghai 2021


A newly released set of data reveals the extent to which production is automated in Shanghai.

The density of robots in Key Industries in Shanghai reached 383 units per 10,000 workers, higher than the national average of 246 units. If this indicator is compared to the world, it has surpassed Germany (371), which ranks fourth. The company with the highest density of robots in Shanghai has reached 980 units per 10,000 workers, which is comparable to South Korea (932), which ranks first.

As an important indicator, the density of industrial robots represents the degree of automated production in a country or region, is an important reference in economic digital transformation, and is also the main battlefield and main track of the current economic digital transformation. In the stage when the GDP exceeded 4 trillion yuan and the industrial added value exceeded 1 trillion yuan for the first time, Shanghai is also looking for new tracks and growth space to achieve "jumping" and forming a "second curve".

Wei Liurong, deputy chief engineer of the Institute of Policy and Economics of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, said in an interview with the first financial reporter that in the digital era, Shanghai is focusing on how to improve the survivability of digitalization and the transformation of the industry. In addition, combined with the positioning of regional cities, Shanghai also needs to export these benchmarks or capabilities to the outside world. "The mainland now emphasizes the digitization of traditional industries. Industrial digitalization requires the accumulation of more service capabilities, and the accumulation of these capabilities requires such leading regions to explore first, and then accumulate relevant experience and then export them to the outside world. ”

What did Shanghai do to seize the new track?

In the three areas of urban digital transformation, economic digital transformation is the main force of high-quality development. Many traditional enterprises try to find new tracks and growth space before the maturity and recession period, realize the "jump" and form a "second curve". The "second curve" comes in a variety of forms, some from the C-end to the B-end, some from the hardware to the software, and some are the iterations of the product itself. But in any case, there is an important experience, that is, there is a deep understanding and excavation of the stock business.

Industry experts believe that smart factories are the main battlefield and main track of the current economic digital transformation. Different from traditional factories, smart factories deeply integrate digital technology with intelligent equipment, and regard data as an important production factor, thus creating special competitiveness.

In Xinshida, Shanghai, located in the Jiading district of northern Shanghai, robots on the production line are mass-producing and assembling "themselves". This local company in Shanghai, which has been established for more than 20 years, is the company with the highest density of robots in Shanghai.

"Our four factories in Shanghai are all developing into digital factories, and the robot density is now nearly 1,000 units/10,000 workers." Wu Yuhui, general manager of Shanghai Xinshida Electric Co., Ltd., told reporters that in addition to the autonomy of hardware, in recent years they have invested more in independent industrial software, such as the application of digital twin technology.

From Jiading to the east, in Jinqiao, Pudong, Shanghai, SAIC Yanfeng's half-football field-sized workshop can hardly see a few workers, and one robot arm is busy working.

Lu Kai, deputy general manager of SAIC Yanfeng, told First Finance that they began to explore and optimize along the logic of digitalization from the time they put into production 15 years ago, and now the equipment has reached 60% interconnection. The practice of digitalization has also increased the company's overall efficiency by 30%, economic benefits by 30%, and site savings by 30%, "these digital models are being exported to our 240 bases around the world."

Robot density is comparable to Germany, what is the deep meaning of Shanghai to seize the new track of digital economy? | reading Shanghai 2021

Courtesy of SAIC Yanfeng

"With the in-depth development of Shanghai's economic digital transformation with smart factory construction, for manufacturing enterprises, the land is no longer so sticky, so many high-end intelligent manufacturing companies have settled in Shanghai." In 2021, Shanghai's industrial added value is expected to exceed 1 trillion yuan, becoming the first city in the country with an industrial added value of more than one trillion yuan. Liu Ping, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, said.

In the past 2021, Shanghai has built 2 national benchmark intelligent factories, 5 municipal benchmark intelligent factories, and 40 municipal intelligent factories. According to the "14th Five-Year Plan for Shanghai to Comprehensively Promote Urban Digital Transformation", in the economic field, the proportion of digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises above designated size should reach 80%, and 200 benchmark smart factories should be built.

Robot density is comparable to Germany, what is the deep meaning of Shanghai to seize the new track of digital economy? | reading Shanghai 2021

Shanghai aims at more than just smart factories and application scenarios. Because smart factories are often located in the core position of the relevant industrial chains, they will play a leading role in upstream and downstream software and hardware products and key technologies to enhance the competitiveness of the real economy.

Gao Dan, business director of CCID Consulting, told CBN that the development of China's digital economy is facing the challenge of instability in the global supply chain, which highlights the importance of key core technology research. She explained that the ICT industry and the digital economy industry technology change rapidly, and the mainland's current advantages of the digital economy are on the application side, so it is more necessary to embed and feedback the advantages of the application side to the key core technologies, accelerate the application of key core technologies, and form an ecosystem dominated by Chinese enterprises.

In the 2022 Shanghai Municipal Government Work Report, it is proposed to accelerate the digitization of the economy, and this year will promote the development of digital industries in key areas, improve the supply capacity of basic software, industrial software, security software, etc., build a number of open service platforms such as big data and blockchain, accelerate the cultivation of a number of online new economy leading enterprises, and start the construction of Hongqiao Online New Economy Ecological Park. Promote digital technology to carry out all-round and full-chain transformation of traditional industries, accelerate the innovation and development of the industrial Internet, build 30 digital empowerment platforms for manufacturing, build digital twin enterprises, and build 40 new demonstration smart factories.

Wu Yuhui told reporters that in the field of robotics and intelligent manufacturing, the mainland is currently more of a solution for intelligent manufacturing production lines linked by robots, but international giants, whether it is Siemens or Schneider and Honeywell, are more software-driven hardware. Therefore, we also need to be aware of this gap to strengthen and improve the level of software.

Not long ago, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the fifth batch of national-level "intelligent manufacturing benchmarking enterprises", and 11 of the more than 8,000 reporting units were selected, of which two enterprises in Shanghai became the city with the largest number of lists in the country.

CBN learned from the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology that in order to accelerate the cultivation and expansion of new momentum for development, the Shanghai industrial sector has been formulating a new track layout plan, especially in the fields of digital economy, green and low-carbon, and meta-universe, and at the same time targeted support and cultivation of intelligent terminals.

In Wei Liurong's view, on the basis of the existing foundation, it is recommended that Shanghai further strengthen the development of digital technology core technologies, "which is of great help to empower the whole country and the improvement of the entire national digital economy." Moreover, Shanghai should make good use of its talent advantages and cultivate integrated talents. ”

Shanghai is not only the fastest internet speed

If industrial digitalization is the key to driving the digital upgrading of traditional industries to empower the real economy, digital industrialization related to informatization is the foundation.

So what are the advantages of Shanghai?

Leading 5G layout, the strongest AI "brain", digital economy talents, and rich application scenarios...

Taking 5G as an example, as the first of the "new infrastructure", it can not only provide important network support for other new infrastructure such as data centers, artificial intelligence and industrial Internet, but also empower cutting-edge technologies such as big data and cloud computing to all walks of life and become a new engine for economic transformation and upgrading and sustained growth.

As one of the leading cities in 5G development, Shanghai is the first city with three major operators to carry out 5G layout, and it is also the first batch of "Gigabit Cities" in The country, accounting for more than 52% of the mainstream 5G core talents in the country.

The 2022 Shanghai Municipal Government Work Report pointed out that in 2021, Shanghai will build a total of 54,000 5G outdoor base stations and promote more than 700 double gigabit demonstration applications. Actively cultivate 15 industrial Internet platforms, build 40 smart factories, start the construction of the first batch of 7 digital transformation demonstration zones, and form 11 digital life benchmarking scenarios.

Robot density is comparable to Germany, what is the deep meaning of Shanghai to seize the new track of digital economy? | reading Shanghai 2021

In terms of the strongest "brain" of cities in the field of artificial intelligence, SenseTime and Tencent have placed the supercomputing center in East China in Shanghai.

Recently, during the 2020 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, senseTime's artificial intelligence computing center in Lingang New Area is currently undergoing intensive project closure.

After this chip-like building is completed and put into production, it will provide large-scale elastic computing power, complete training of 100 billion parameter models in 1 day, and support the training of tens of billions of parameter computer vision large models.

Yang Fan, co-founder and vice president of SenseTime, told First Finance that this is a city-level AI computing platform that integrates large-scale AI computing power, industrial-grade AI algorithms and open AI services, and is also the first super-large artificial intelligence computing center in East China.

"Shanghai and even the Yangtze River Delta region is the most concentrated and developed area of traditional heavy industries and manufacturing industries, which are facing transformation and upgrading. Activating the digital transformation of these industries will have a strong leverage promotion effect on the entire economy, and the center will go deep into business scenarios such as the Yangtze River Delta region in the future to provide the core driving force for the transformation and upgrading of the entire industrial chain. Yang Fan said.

In addition to the computing power platform, AI technology has also begun to be applied to new drug research and development. Mao Chen, chairman and CEO of Via Biotechnology Holding Group (hereinafter referred to as "Via Biotech", 01873.HK), told the first financial reporter that AI has been applied to target discovery, compound synthesis, compound screening, crystal form prediction, clinical trial design, drug redirection and other aspects of new drug research and development, which helps to reduce the cost and cycle of drug research and development and accelerate the research and development process of new drugs.

Wei Liurong also believes that whether it is integrated circuits or artificial intelligence promoted by Shanghai in recent years, as well as the original Internet industry foundation, Shanghai's existing advantages in digital industrialization have also laid the foundation for further enhancing the survivability of digitalization and enhancing the transformation of the industry.

The "Shanghai Model" of the Data Element Market

In addition to the achievements of new infrastructure and industrial digitalization, Shanghai officially inaugurated the Shanghai Data Exchange on November 25 last year, and launched a fully digital trading system to promote the circulation of data elements and release digital dividends.

Shan Dongming, deputy director of the Informatization Promotion Department of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, said that although the exchange is placed in Pudong, Shanghai, this national data exchange serves the whole country. "Maybe one day in the future we will be able to complete the transaction in Shanghai and complete the delivery in London."

Huang Lihua, executive deputy director of the National Engineering Laboratory for Big Data Circulation and Transaction Technology and professor at Fudan University, explained to reporters that data resources are generated every day, but the value of data is still relatively limited. How to release the value of data production factors and empower economic growth and high-quality transformation and development is not only a problem for Shanghai or other cities in China, but also a problem facing the whole country and even the world.

She also highlighted the importance of cross-border flows of data. As a window for opening up to the outside world, Shanghai's international trade center and international financial center mean that a large amount of data must flow, and global participants can participate in the process of data circulation. "In addition, in the future development of the digital economy, China should also play a leading role."

While accelerating the development of the data element market, Shanghai is also improving the top-level design of the data industry and the legislation of data elements.

The Shanghai Municipal Data Regulations, promulgated in November last year and implemented on January 1 this year, focus on the three major links of data rights and interests protection, data circulation and utilization, and data security management, combined with the development bottlenecks of market entities related to the digital economy, to promote data circulation and development and utilization to the greatest extent, and empower digital economic and social development.

Wu Qing, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor, recently said that the promulgation of the Regulations marks the initial establishment of the "1+1+3+3" policy framework for Shanghai's urban digital transformation. He introduced that Shanghai, as a megacity, is the only way to realize the modernization of urban governance system and governance capabilities, and to promote urban digital transformation, relying on laws, systems and data technology.

Wu Qing said that in terms of accelerating the cultivation of the data element market. The Regulations clearly propose to build the Shanghai Data Exchange and the International Data Port, at present, the Shanghai Data Exchange has been inaugurated and established, and there has been new progress in the construction of the International Data Port. As the two important carriers of Shanghai's data element market, it will accelerate shanghai's emergence as a domestic data element resource agglomeration and a global data aggregation and circulation hub.