
Jin Xiaoyu made bipolar disorder spread more widely, but this is not a genius disease that has touched many people's articles that have spread rapidly on the Internet, and also put "bipolar disorder" this disease

author:DrX said

Jin Xiaoyu has made bipolar disorder more widespread, but it is not a genius disease

An article that touched many people spread rapidly on the Internet, and also pushed the disease of "bipolar disorder" closer to the eyes of the public.

First, the manifestations of bipolar disorder are complex. Bipolar type I is mainly a manic episode + depressive episode, bipolar type II is mainly a hypomanic attack + depressive episode. Others are hybrid, and the form is very confusing.

Therefore, the diagnosis of mental illness is complex, and the criteria are constantly being revised. One of the principles applied is "light diagnosis, heavy treatment". In other words, our purpose is to analyze and solve problems. What is the specific name of this disease, there is no need to be too attached.

In addition, the concept of "bipolar and talented" should also be justified. Yes, many patients are talented, but that doesn't mean other patients are necessarily the same. It is not a genius disease. If this idea of "bipolarity and multi-talent" has been widely disseminated, what will patients without special talents think when they hear such words? Do you feel worse?

I hope that everyone will not "stigmatize" this disease and do not leave stereotypes. #躁郁症: The "Genius Disease" of Traveling to and from Heaven and Hell #

Jin Xiaoyu made bipolar disorder spread more widely, but this is not a genius disease that has touched many people's articles that have spread rapidly on the Internet, and also put "bipolar disorder" this disease