
Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

Bolivian Reyginaldo Ustali Arce, a war correspondent, once witnessed the shooting of Che Guevara up close.

For more than 40 years, Arce consulted confidential Bolivian documents, questioned Che Guevara's comrades and comrades, and truly restored Che Guevara's last 48 hours.

Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > the life of the revolution</h1>

Wearing a beret, long curly hair, deep eye sockets, always smoking a cigar, che Guevara's head has been deeply engraved in people's hearts, he is a symbol, imprinted in the hearts of every young person who yearns for revolution and freedom.

Che Guevara, the founder and leader of the Cuban Revolution, was a staunch Marxist revolutionary. Che Guevara, che is not actually his name, but a Slang word in Spanish, originally only for greeting intimate people, similar to the "feed" in Chinese.

Che Guevara's former comrade-in-arms was very fond of saying, "Cut! Che Guevara". Over time, Che Guevara also fell in love with the name, calling himself Che Guevara.

Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

Born in Argentina, Che Guevara has a prominent lineage, having been governors of the colonies before him, and Che Guevara himself is of Spanish and Irish descent.

Growing up in a good educational environment, Che Guevara excelled. He attended the University of Buenos Aires' medical school and was a young man full of adventure, and Che Guevara was no exception.

During his studies, Che Guevara applied to the school for a one-year suspension, rode a motorcycle with friends, and traveled throughout South America. During his journey, Che Guevara felt the customs and customs of the localities, but also saw first-hand the oppression of the people of South America under the rule of imperialism and colonialism.

Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

Che Guevara, who had long grown up in a vacuum, first experienced the suffering of the masses, and it was from that time that Che Guevara aspired to devote himself to the revolutionary movement to liberate South America.

Che Guevara's South American experiences were recorded in The Motorcycle Diaries, which was later adapted into a film and caused a huge response around the world.

In 1955, Che Guevara met the Castro brothers who were involved in the guerrillas, and because they were medical students, Che Guevara took on the responsibility of saving lives and joined the guerrillas as a military doctor. On the way to Cuba, the guerrillas were attacked by the enemy, and the members were caught off guard, and the scene was very chaotic.

Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

One of the warriors threw down the ammunition box as he fled in a panic, and Che Guevara saw the situation, dropped his medicine box, and braved the hail of bullets to retrieve the ammunition box. It was then that Che Guevara suddenly realized that being a warrior was more valuable than being a doctor.

After coming to Cuba, Che Guevara followed the Castro brothers in the armed revolution. Soon after, Che Guevara became Castro's right-hand man.

In 1958, Che Guevara led his men to defeat Tista's government forces in Santa Clara, making a great achievement. Cuba's dictator, Tista, was so wounded that he fled cuba overnight, while Castro and others gained control of Cuba.

Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

Later, Che Guevara was appointed to the rank of major, and in recognition of his contribution, Castro also rewarded Che Guevara with a Rolex Greenwich Ref.1675.

After the success of the Cuban Revolution, Che Guevara was appointed Governor of the National Bank and Minister of Industry. According to the original plan, Che Guevara should participate in the construction of Cuba and become the founder of Cuba. Soon after, however, Che Guevara had a huge disagreement with the leader, Castro.

Having witnessed the oppression of the people of South America, Che Guevara has always been a staunch anti-American. During the struggle for supremacy between the United States and the Soviet Union, Che Guevara represented Cuba in the Soviet Union to negotiate the deployment of nuclear missiles.

Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

The Cuban missile crisis was originally on the verge of erupting, but in the game between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union lost the battle first and withdrew its nuclear weapons.

Losing the opportunity to confront the United States, Che Guevara was furious, believing that the Soviet Union was incompetent and advocating for Cuba to be freed from Soviet control. Castro disagreed with Che Guevara, and the two men had a heated argument.

Che Guevara never cared about long-term development, nor did he know anything about the economy, and for him, revolution was the only way out. That is why Che Guevara was able to sacrifice the lives of innocent people at all costs for the sake of the revolution. Che Guevara once said, "If anyone had said a good word for the government of the past, I could have shot him." ”

In the end, Che Guevara decided to leave Castro to fight for his ideals. In 1965, Che Guevara wrote a farewell letter to Castro, in which he said: "I am going to a new battlefield, and wherever imperialism is, I will fight him." ”

Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

Since then, Che Guevara has resigned from all his positions in Cuba and traveled alone to Africa to begin his anti-imperialist career. He led guerrillas in the Congo in Africa against the colonizers, but the African army was weak, and only 7 months later, Che Guevara's plan collapsed.

In 1966, Che Guevara returned to South America to conduct guerrilla warfare under his command in Bolivia. Before heading to Bolivia, Che Guevara received his second Rolex watch.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > the last 2 days of life: from capture to execution</h1>

Even back in Bolivia, Che Guevara's anti-American cause remains bumpy. On the surface, Che Guevara's enemy, the Bolivian army, is not to be feared, and behind the Bolivian government army is the support of the entire CIA.

Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

Meanwhile, Che Guevara was extremely ambitious, and after joining the Bolivian Republican Party, Che Guevara has been actively vying for military leadership.

In the face of Che Guevara, who suddenly joined the Republican Party, Bolivia's fighters were also skeptical. Che Guevara was soon targeted by the United States, and the CIA formed a team to arrest Che Guevara.

In October 1967, Che Guevara was betrayed by traitors and surrounded by Bolivian government forces. After the exchange of fire, Che Guevara was captured with a leg injury.

Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

In a panic, Che Guevara shouted to government forces: "Don't shoot, I am Che Guevara, and for you, I am more valuable to live than to die." ”

On U.S. instructions, Che Guevara was supposed to be escorted to Panama for trial. However, the day after Che Guevara was arrested, the Bolivian government announced his execution.

What happened in just two days?

Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > heroism and never outdated</h1>

After his arrest, Che Guevara was imprisoned in an abandoned house in Bolivia. To prevent Che Guevara from escaping, Bolivian government forces were watching from the sidelines with guns and heavily guarded.

The Bolivian government had been discussing the modalities of Che Guevara's execution, with the United States proposing to send him to Panama, while the Bolivian president vetoed the United States proposal.

When the President of Bolivia learned of the arrest of Che Guevara, he ordered his execution almost without hesitation. Two different versions of Che Guevara's execution circulate.

Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

In the first version, when the muzzle of the Bolivian army is aimed at che Guevara's head, he does not have the slightest fear, but calmly shouts at him before dying: "Shoot, coward, you are going to kill a man." ”

The Bolivian government soldiers in charge of the execution also maintained the highest respect for Che Guevara. On the day of the execution, he drank and went into the broken house and pulled Che Guevara out of his chair.

He said helplessly, "Commander Che Guevara, I'm sorry, I've tried my best. But this was an order from the Bolivian supreme commander. ”

With a gunshot, Che Guevara collapsed in a pool of blood. The soldiers then fired seven shots at Che Guevara's chest and throat, one of which hit him in the chest.

Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

In the second version, when bolivian government forces saw Che Guevara's powerful aura, their hands trembled and they did not dare to pull the trigger, and Che Guevara said, "Shoot, coward, you're just killing one person." ”

Subsequently, Che Guevara was shot and killed.

Che Guevara was once a well-deserved freedom fighter, but his death was so tragic that everyone was shocked. After Che Guevara's death, Bolivian government troops carried him out of his abandoned room on wooden planks and placed him in the open air to show the masses.

Military personnel were always on standby at the body of Che Guevara to prevent accidents. Along with Che Guevara, he was arrested by his guerrilla comrades, whose bodies were placed next to Che Guevara, equally tragically dead.

Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

After Che Guevara's death, Bolivian government army officials personally visited and inquired in detail about the specific process of Che Guevara's execution. Military personnel brought in a large number of journalists to expose the death of Che Guevara to the world in the form of photographs.

Subsequently, military officials ordered their men to cut off Che Guevara's hands as proof that the Bolivian government had killed Che Guevara.

Soon after, Che Guevara's body was secretly transferred to another city, and after a mass visit, his body was secretly buried and the crowd did not know where to go.

Che Guevara's last 48 hours: captured with a leg wound, shouting before death: Shoot, the last 2 days of the life of the coward's revolution: from capture to shooting heroism, never out of date

In 1995, a joint team of Argentine, Cuban and other experts searched for the body of Che Guevara, but nothing was found. It was not until July 1997 that the body of Che Guevara was discovered.

On 12 July, Castro sent experts to Bolivia to retrieve Che Guevara's body. When the plane arrived in Hava, Castro personally went to the airport to meet him.

Someone once said that if Castro had left Che Guevara at all costs, all tragedies would not have happened. Unfortunately, if it can only be if, abandoning the relationship between superiors and subordinates, Che Guevara and Castro are sympathetic partners.

Because of this, Castro will not stand in the way of Che Guevara's pursuit. In the end, Castro held a grand funeral for his former friend, and Che Guevara's life finally came to an end.

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