
Social organizations adhere to their original intentions and influence life with life

author:Nine Schools of Observation

They are the confidants and friends of children in distress, fertilizing the flowers of the motherland; they are the close partners of the residents and the masses, contributing to the construction of a happy community; they are the guardians of the stars and the moon, escorting the elderly; they have expanded the "influence on life with life" to the extreme... They are the social organization of Taicang!

Adhere to the original intention of public welfare service - The Federation of Loving Merchants

Social organizations adhere to their original intentions and influence life with life

Taicang Caring Merchants Federation adheres to the original intention of public welfare services

Taicang Caring Merchants Federation was established in 2016, with 88 member merchants and 586 team volunteers. Under the leadership of President Ye Yuping, the association has been engaged in various public welfare volunteer service activities for a long time, including: carrying out various kinds of student assistance activities, realizing the dreams of the disabled, opening 22 "mobile refrigerator" points in Taicang, serving sanitation workers, carrying out desert tree planting activities, and carrying out Spring Festival volunteer services for 7 consecutive years, and actively participating in public welfare service undertakings.

In November 2021, there were no guards and car barriers in Shuangfeng Community, which brought great safety hazards to residents, and residents complained. After understanding the situation, President Ye Yuping actively convened the owners, mobilized everyone's strength, organized everyone to hold coordination meetings many times, and even went out to learn from the experience. On December 26, the community held a preparatory meeting of the property management committee, the owners from the original incomprehension to the later active support, the community a total of 51 households, 36 permanent households, within 5 days after the end of the preparatory meeting, 41 owners donated 186,000 yuan, the problems that plagued the residents were solved.

The "urgent difficulty and anxiety" of the masses is the driving force and direction of the service of loving businesses, and they never slack off on the road of public welfare services.

Hold up a piece of the sky for children in distress - Xincheng Social Worker Service Agency

Social organizations adhere to their original intentions and influence life with life

Xincheng Social Work Service Co., Ltd. solves practical problems for its clients

In 2021, Xincheng Social Work Service Co., Ltd. undertook social assistance governance projects and care service projects for children in distress in some towns (streets) in Taicang City, among which the children in distress assistance project carried out assistance actions for 105 families of children in distress, and the service content mainly included medical aid dispensing, academic counseling, psychological comfort, warm companionship, case service, group service, etc.

During its daily visits, Xincheng Social Union discovers the different needs of its service recipients and uses professional social work methods to solve practical problems for its clients. Xiao Yang (pseudonym), a child in distress, has divorced parents and poor family conditions. Xiao Yang himself is introverted, coupled with his father's short temper and difficulty in communicating with him, which leads to tension between father and son. Due to the low level of education of family members, xiao Yang cannot give Xiao Yang help in learning, and Xiao Yang is facing greater learning pressure at the same time, rarely going out to socialize, and having few friends.

According to Xiao Yang's situation, Xincheng social workers formulated a detailed service plan to carry out family counseling, so that family members can strengthen communication and enhance parent-child relationships, at the same time, social workers linked volunteers from Taicang Jianxiong College to provide Academic Counseling for Xiao Yang and reduce academic burdens. Social workers often invite Xiao Yang to go out of the house and participate in various activities to enhance his sense of social integration. After half a year of service, Xiao Yang's family, with the help of social workers, alleviated negative emotions, enhanced family benign communication, formed a family atmosphere of mutual support, Xiao Yang's learning efficiency has been significantly improved, his personality is more cheerful and outgoing, he is willing to play and learn with friends of the same age, and gradually formed his own interpersonal circle.

A close friend who accompanies teenagers - Qihang Youth Affairs Service Center

Social organizations adhere to their original intentions and influence life with life

Taicang Qihang Youth Service Center escorts the healthy growth of teenagers

Taicang Qihang Youth Service Center was established in February 2014, the institution focuses on three areas such as community, school and judicial station, and explores a full range of three-dimensional care services for teenagers. By the end of 2021, the agency has implemented 117 projects, serving more than 250,000 young people and families.

"Little Lion" Xiao Bo is one of the service objects of the voyage, due to the brainstem hemorrhage at birth, Xiao Bo has been "different" since childhood. At school, he only dared to sit in the corner of the class, became silent, he avoided the strange eyes of others, sensitive and inferior, afraid of hearing the sound of ridicule, habitually bowed his head and covered his ears, and his supposedly brilliant childhood became dim and dull.

Qihang social worker became good friends with XiaoBo through case service and group activities, and invited Xiaobo to participate in the "Happy Harbor" training base to take him out of his psychological predicament. It is a matter of pride that Xiao Bo's works won the "I am a law-abiding little citizen" award in the "I am a law-abiding little citizen" painting competition, and the works were exhibited in the Taicang City Library. Xiao Bo's mother said that Xiao Bo had no strength in his hands and had never touched a paintbrush before, and the social worker encouraged him to participate in the competition, although it was only coloring, but he seemed to have found his hobby. Because of the trust and support of Xiaobo's parents, Qihang social workers can enter Xiaobo's life, take him to establish contact with the outside world, and let everyone understand the simplicity and beauty of life itself that "special children" have.

A trustworthy heart-warming team - Siyuan Public Welfare Service Center

Social organizations adhere to their original intentions and influence life with life

The love team "benefits" the road

What remains unchanged is the original intention, what is practiced is love, and what is transmitted is warmth

Taicang Siyuan Public Welfare Service Center was established in 2015, everyone is accustomed to calling it Siyuan Love Team, they are a group of taxi masters who love public welfare, mainly carry out transportation services to help students, the disabled, the poor and other activities. Many years ago, the love team made a promise to the elderly in the Summer Palace: to carry out free medical transportation for the elderly in the park.

"Hey! Hello, is it the love team? On December 18, 2021, Shen Xueliang of Siyuan Public Welfare received a strange phone call with a rapid voice, which turned out to be a call for help in the Summer Palace in Taicang City. An old man in his 90s, physical discomfort, the daughter called for help Siyuan motorcade, Captain Shen hurriedly contacted the nearby team members, the team's master Chen Feng received the call, gave up other business, went straight to the Summer Palace to pick up the elderly, to the Chinese Medicine Hospital, accompanied the elderly to do various examinations, took the examination report for the elderly, until the old man was diagnosed with nothing, then sent back to the Summer Palace, helped the elderly up the stairs, sent their father and daughter to the room, and then quietly left.

In the past 8 years, the team has donated more than 10,000 pictures of various types to 8 schools for the children of migrant workers, and provided 1,371 pick-up and drop-off services for retired veterans, the elderly, and unpaid blood donors. The love team "benefits" the road, the unchanged is the original intention, the practice is love, the transmission is warmth, with the perseverance of all the team members, won the trust of the people!

In Taicang, there are many such love stories, including the companionship and psychological counseling of cancer patients, the warm help of the elderly who have lost their independence, and the love resource links of seriously ill and disabled families... The workers of social organizations adhere to the service concept of helping others and self-help, uphold the persistent belief that "life affects life", and use practical actions to run in the streets and alleys of Taicang, and in inconspicuous corners, telling one ordinary and touching story after another.

Source: Learning to power the country

【Source: Learning to Strengthen the Country】