
"Peaceful City" Golden Sea: The "Old Scalper" on the Procuratorial Front

author:Liancheng Media

Jin Jinhai is the director of the third procuratorial department and a first-level procurator of the Liancheng County Procuratorate, and in the past 33 years since the procuratorate, he has practiced the dedication and loyalty of procurators in the new era with practical actions.

"Peaceful City" Golden Sea: The "Old Scalper" on the Procuratorial Front

Early in the morning of January 19, Jin Hai went to the video surveillance room of the detention center's resident inspection office as usual to check the situation of detainees. Golden Sea, which shoulders the heavy responsibility of criminal enforcement procuratorate, has always regarded maintaining the supervision and safety of county detention centers as the lifeline of criminal enforcement procuratorate.

"Peaceful City" Golden Sea: The "Old Scalper" on the Procuratorial Front

No matter what business position Jinhai is in, he always insists on learning, and he systematically studies when the new law is introduced, and he studies in depth when he encounters difficult problems. He has undertaken more than 1,500 arrest and prosecution cases, and hosted and co-organized more than 100 cases of bribery, without a single wrong case.

"Peaceful City" Golden Sea: The "Old Scalper" on the Procuratorial Front

Jin Jinhai, director of the Third Procuratorial Department of the Liancheng County People's Procuratorate and a first-level procurator, said: "The procuratorial work of criminal enforcement involves a lot of laws, and in a sense, the work of criminal enforcement is the work of a small procuratorate, from investigation to judgment to criminal enforcement. If you don't study, you will definitely not be able to keep up with the situation. ”

"Peaceful City" Golden Sea: The "Old Scalper" on the Procuratorial Front

In the past 33 years since he was a procurator, Jin Hai has successively worked in criminal prosecution, supervision, anti-corruption and other posts, no matter which post he is in, he has quietly dedicated himself, and each post has done an excellent job, and has been rated as an excellent prosecutor, a member of the advanced collective backbone of the grass-roots discipline inspection and supervision work of the national procuratorial organs, and an excellent section chief of the city's procuratorial organs. In March 2012, Jin Hai was re-elected from an instructor at the Anti-Corruption Bureau to the head of the prison inspection section. Faced with the challenges of lagging behind in the procuratorial work in prisons at that time, the transformation of traditional prison procuratorates into criminal enforcement procuratorates brought about by the revision of the Criminal Procedure Law, and the sharp increase in new business, he remembered that he was a communist party member and a people's procurator, and he could not count personal gains and losses, and resolutely took up a heavy burden.

"Peaceful City" Golden Sea: The "Old Scalper" on the Procuratorial Front

Tong Wencan, a colleague of Jin Hai, said: "He has been working here for decades, working in the procuratorial office of the station, and the content of his work is relatively monotonous and boring, but he has never complained about it, he has worked hard and complained, and he has done everything conscientiously and well. ”

"Peaceful City" Golden Sea: The "Old Scalper" on the Procuratorial Front

Jin Jinhai, director of the third procuratorial department of the Liancheng County People's Procuratorate and a first-level procurator, said: "I have been used to it for so many years, on the one hand, it is required by my duties, and on the other hand, I am indeed used to doing this for so many years. Not only is it simple to do, but also to exert its ability to do things well. ”

After the adjustment of the post, for more than 10 years, Jinhai has not taken a day of paid leave, the department cadres and police have worked hard, in exchange for the supervision of the place to achieve safety supervision without accidents, the new business of criminal enforcement procuratorate has been steadily advanced, and a number of businesses have ranked among the best in the province and the city in the evaluation of the construction of grass-roots hospitals.

"Peaceful City" Golden Sea: The "Old Scalper" on the Procuratorial Front

Jin Jinhai, director of the Third Procuratorial Department of the Liancheng County People's Procuratorate and a first-level procurator, said: "Revolutionary cadres are just a brick, and they will be moved wherever they are needed, and as a party member, they need to obey the organization's arrangements, not only to obey but also to do a good job." ”

Reporter: Wu Xiaotong, Xiang Zhiwei