
Folk tale: Black Bear White Bear

author:Self-talk literature and history

The following story is from the Qing Dynasty Wang Tao's collection of Wen Yan Zhiwei novels, "The Sayings of the Hidden Caves", with slight changes when translated.

Folk tale: Black Bear White Bear

Bears Ears Peak is the highest mountain in the south of Mount Hua, and it looks like it is straight into the sky, as if it is outside the sky. There are many animals in the mountains, and some people who cut firewood and hunt can often see bears, tigers, foxes, deer, pheasants and other birds and animals.

There is a man named Fang Zimin in Chudi, who has always been known for his bravery, and this person is brave and good at using shotguns. His shotgun was specially made, larger than the usual shotgun, looked like a small cannon, and could hold three or five pounds of gunpowder at a time, and the lead bullets were also very large. The sound of shotguns is huge, as long as the distance is not far, not to mention birds and beasts, even large stones can be broken.

Once, Fang Zimin went hunting in the mountains at night, saw a low hill, mistakenly thought it was a tiger, and shot the tiger, only to hear a loud noise, Mars splashed around. When I got up in the morning to look, I found that the low hill had been missing a corner. As a result, people called him fang iron gun.

Folk tale: Black Bear White Bear

Fang Zimin heard that there were many prey on Bears Ears Peak, so he took the gun and went to the mountain at night, planning to get some prey.

It was winter, it was snowing heavily, and Fang Zimin carried dry food on his back and went to Bears Ears Peak. I saw only one place, there were many bamboo poles, the scenery was beautiful, but somewhere above the bamboo, there was a knotted place, and there were some hairs on it, and it seemed that there were some animals sleeping on it.

Fang Zimin took a closer look and found a large black bear with sunken eyes, a long mouth, and a body three inches long. The black bear weaves bamboo into a large futon by hand and sits cross-legged on it, which seems to be very pleasant. This action is almost like a person.

Leaving this big black bear behind may endanger the people on this mountain and even here, Fang Zimin decided to kill it.

Folk tale: Black Bear White Bear

He loaded his ammunition, picked up the shotgun, aimed it at the black bear's neck, and fired a shot. Because the gunpowder was loaded and the sound was too loud, Fang Zimin himself was shocked and dizzy, he quickly threw down the gun, and then quickly ran backwards, found a stone hole, and drilled into it.

I could only hear the roar of anger outside, and the sound of breaking bamboo and cracking stones was continuous, like thunder, and it was endless. It took about a meal to slowly quiet down. At this time, Fang Zimin stretched out his head and found that the stones at the entrance of the cave had been smoothed out, fortunately it was not broken, otherwise he would definitely be torn apart by the bear.

Looking around again, within a radius of three miles or so, bamboo and trees have been destroyed and broken, and even crushed, and these destroyed trees and bamboos have been piled on one side, like a mountain. Fang Zimin's gun was originally on the ground, but now it had bent the flattening into a round shape.

Fang Zimin was frightened, hurriedly ran, and ran all the way for ten miles, and could still see the bear sitting on the stone on the opposite mountainside, looking down at the nursing bear, it turned out that this bear was a female bear, it seemed to be injured, but did not see blood. As for the bear, although it has not been weaned, it is also as tall as a normal man.

Folk tale: Black Bear White Bear

At this time, Fang Zimin was already frightened and did not dare to look at the end again. So he crouched down and waited to run. After a while, the black bear suddenly threw the child on the stone, and it stood up and jumped into one place, shouted, and then stopped moving.

At this time, Fang Zimin still did not dare to look forward, he waited for most of the day, and then carefully walked outside the mountain, and walked for two days before he figured out Bears Ears Peak.

After seeing the nearby residents, Fang Zimin asked them what was going on with the big bear in the mountains. There is an old man who is very experienced, saying: Deep in the mountains and old forests, it is easy to appear big animals, and these animals live a long time, and some of them will become goblins. The bears you see belong to the category of bears, and they are female bears, which are very harmful, and if they are male bears, then you will certainly not be able to run.

Fang Zimin didn't quite believe it, saying: Is it so powerful? I'm not quite convinced. However, he had lost his gun and was indeed shocked by the mother bear, so he did not dare to say anything more.

On the way home, Fang Zimin stayed at the hotel and met his old friend Tie Dongjiang.

Folk tale: Black Bear White Bear

Tie Dongjiang is a Shaoxing native, very strong, able to hold a three-hundred-pound hammer, walking from the roof, and does not make a sound. Because of his great strength, Xiao Yong is unusual, and he also likes to hunt.

Fang Zimin told Tie Dongjiang about his experience, and Tie Dongjiang said indignantly: Such a strange thing, since there are females and children, there must be males, why not get rid of them together? When Fang Zimin heard this, he found that he believed it to be true as the old man said, so the two decided to return to the mountain and get rid of the bear.

After preparing food, shotguns, and self-defense equipment, the two went to the mountains to look for black bears. Fang Zimin took Tie Dongjiang to the place where he had found the black bear before, but did not see any more traces of the black bear. The two expanded, but never found.

After three days, the two felt that there would be no more big bears and decided to go back.

When they were about to go out of the mountain along the road, the two suddenly heard a gust of wind, and suddenly came to the front, the leaves on the ground flew up, and fixed their eyes on it, and a larger white bear ran forward. This white bear was at least four feet tall, fierce, and looked very frightening.

Folk tale: Black Bear White Bear

Fang Zimin knew how powerful it was, hiding behind a rock, and he shouted at Tie Dongjiang: Don't be tough with it, you should be smart. After saying this, he shot and hit the white bear in the left arm. The white bear was furious and jumped up to a height of more than a foot, and it tore open the wound with its right hand, and pulled out the projectile in its left arm, bleeding a lot, on the ground, between the stones, like a small river.

Tiedongjiang, who had long been ambushed next to him, saw this opportunity, immediately picked up the iron hammer and went straight to the white bear, wanting to hammer the white bear to death. The white bear blocked with his left arm, and Tie Dongjiang could not hold the hammer, and the hammer fell to the ground.

Tie Dongjiang was really fierce, he abandoned the hammer and did not use it, he was going to fight the white bear with his bare hands, the white bear roared, the right hand easily grabbed Tie Dongjiang, and then threw it into the sky, and then grabbed tie Dongjiang's two legs with both hands, clicked and tore Tie Dongjiang, and directly put it in his mouth to eat. After eating, the white bear ran.

Folk tale: Black Bear White Bear

Fang Zimin, who witnessed all this, was completely frightened, and he lay behind the rock and hid for a night, until after dawn, he stumbled out of the mountain.

When I met the locals again, Fang Zimin told the story of hunting white bears and said: When I want to kill people, people will definitely want to kill me. When I wanted to eat these prey, these prey wanted to eat me. These are the scourges of lust and greed.

Since then, Fang Zimin has never hunted again.

Folk tale: Black Bear White Bear

The following is a personal sentiment.

Yeah, do we have to eat those prey in the mountains? No, we live outside the mountains, they live in the mountains, just like the well water and the river, as long as the well water does not violate the river water, how can the animals in the mountain harm people? If there was no heart to kill bears, how could Fang Zimin's friend Tie Dongjiang be eaten by bears?

If you say, because you are worried that so-and-so animals will harm people, you will find its nest and kill it. However, if they obviously did not harm people, but they were killed by people, who harmed whom? Isn't it outrageous and absurd that some people, in order to eat wild game, risk hunting, so that they are injured by animals, and turn around to kill animals and even bring harm to humans?

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