
Chen Anning, President and CEO of Ford China, has accurately grasped the new opportunity for change and accelerated brand renewal

author:The big navigator said the car

Under the sweep of the wave of electrification and intelligence, the competition pattern of China's automobile market has been reshaped, and Ford Motor is also accelerating its transformation to electrification and intelligence. As Vice President of Ford Motor Co., Ltd. and President and CEO of Ford Motor (China) Co., Ltd., Ford Chen Anning accurately grasps the development trend of the industry, accelerates the implementation of the "Ford China 2.0" plan, and further fulfills the promise of "More Ford, More China".

Chen Anning, President and CEO of Ford China, has accurately grasped the new opportunity for change and accelerated brand renewal

Ford's comprehensive, leading-edge smart technology experience

In 2019, Ford announced the Ford China 2.0 strategy and proposed a new development concept of "more Ford, more China". In recent years, under the leadership of Ford Chen Anning, Ford China has reorganized its market strategy in China, determined the development strategy of Ford brand passenger cars and commercial vehicles, further strengthened the Lincoln brand, and rapidly promoted the development strategy of electric vehicle business. Ford Chen Anning said, "Ford Motor is implementing the Ford+ business development plan around the world to accelerate the transformation to the new four modernizations, the Chinese market is crucial in this plan, we will be more determined to focus on Chinese consumers, fully implement the 'more Ford, more China' commitment, and contribute to the prosperity and development of China and the world economy and trade." ”

Under the commitment of "more Ford, more China", Ford continues to transform the global professional "hard power" into a consumer-centric "warm technology" through actions. At the just-concluded Guangzhou Auto Show, Ford adhered to the brand spirit of "pioneering innovation" to bring a variety of new models and intelligent technologies, and launched the exclusive brand for electric vehicles, Ford Select, to create a direct-to-consumer direct sales channel for electric vehicles, and participate in the competition of the electric vehicle market as a challenger in the field of electrification. In this regard, Ford Chen Anning said that a hundred years ago, Ford was a challenger to "load the wheel for the world", for a hundred years, the brand spirit of pioneering innovation has always been rooted in Ford, and now the Ford brand in the Chinese market is undergoing a comprehensive renewal, which will lead consumers into the era of intelligence and dream with consumers.

Chen Anning, President and CEO of Ford China, has accurately grasped the new opportunity for change and accelerated brand renewal

Ford set off an E wave in China

Under the leadership of Ford Chen Anning, the Ford brand adheres to the brand spirit of "pioneering innovation" and strives to achieve self-transcendence. Next, Ford Chen Anning will continue to accelerate the comprehensive renewal of the brand image, with the concept of "more Ford, more China" to increase investment in technology, products and other aspects, to bring Chinese consumers better products.