
Centennial Party History Weekly Classroom

January 18

On January 18, 1955, the People's Liberation Army liberated Yijiangshan Island. From February 13 to 26, Dachen Island and the outer archipelago were liberated. At this point, all the coastal islands in Zhejiang were liberated.

From January 18 to April 3, 1979, the Party's retreat for theoretical work was held. On March 30, Deng Xiaoping delivered a speech entitled "Upholding the Four Cardinal Principles" at the meeting. It emphasizes the need to adhere to the socialist road ideologically and politically, adhere to the dictatorship of the proletariat (later expressed as the people's democratic dictatorship), adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party, and adhere to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. These four cardinal principles are the fundamental prerequisites for realizing the four modernizations.

From January 18 to 23, 1991, the National Agricultural Work Conference was held in Beijing. The meeting pointed out: The responsibility system based on household co-production contracting is the party's basic policy in rural areas, and it should be gradually improved under the premise of stability. The main way to improve should be to develop multi-form and multi-level services, and gradually form a socialized service system. Rejuvenating agriculture through science and technology is the hope of agriculture, and on the basis of the remarkable results achieved in "rejuvenating agriculture through science and technology and education" last year, we should strive to continue to push forward the important matter of rejuvenating agriculture through science and technology and education. Strengthening the basic position of agriculture in the national economy should be reflected by readjusting the investment structure and increasing the proportion of agricultural investment. It is necessary to give full play to the enthusiasm of the central authorities, localities, collectives, and peasants, organize and attract financial resources from all quarters, and strive to increase agricultural input.

January 19

From 19 to 20 January 1974, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) was ordered to conduct a self-defense counterattack against the armed offensive of the saigon authorities in South Vietnam, and successfully defended the territory of the Paracel Islands.

From January 19 to 22, 2000, the State Council's Leading Group for the Development of the Western Region held a conference on the development of the Western Region in Beijing. The topic of the meeting was to study and comprehend the important policy decisions and instructions of the party Central Committee on implementing the strategy for the large-scale development of the western region, unify thinking, enhance understanding, and study the basic ideas and strategic tasks for speeding up the development of the western region.

January 20

On January 20, 1983, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Circular on Strengthening Ideological and Political Work in Rural Areas. It is pointed out: At present and for some time to come, the task of the party's ideological and political work in the rural areas is to, in accordance with the strategic arrangements put forward by the Twelfth National Congress of the Party and centering on the central idea of rural work of making the broad masses of peasants prosperous as soon as possible, and strive to use about three to five years to enable the broad masses of peasants to have a comprehensive and profound understanding of the spirit of the documents of the Twelfth National Congress and the party's principles and policies in the rural areas, dare to work to get rich, and achieve the goal of taking into account the interests of the state, the collective, and the individual; Grassroots cadres and party members have undergone rectification and study, and have a new look; The party's work style and social atmosphere have fundamentally improved.

January 21

On January 21, 1985, the Ninth Session of the Standing Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress passed a motion to designate September 10 as Mainland Teachers' Day.

On January 21, 2014, the State Council issued the Outline for the Promotion of the Development of the National Integrated Circuit Industry, proposing that by 2030, the industry as a whole will reach the international advanced level.