
Shallow study of the "Disciple Rules" (16) (4) Original Author: Wu Ling's original text is out of the way to help the elderly stand, the young do not sit, the elderly sit, fate is to sit. Before the honorable chief, the voice should be low, low and unheard, but it is not appropriate. Today


Studying the Disciple Rules (16) (4)

Original Author: Wu Ling


Out is out of the way

The elderly stand, the young do not sit, the elderly sit, and the fate sits.

Before the honorable chief, the voice should be low, low and unheard, but it is not appropriate.

Today we continue to learn how to talk to elders. If we have a question, "Ask the division commander about the difficulty, and stand up." "Doubt is where you have doubts; difficulty is that you have difficult questions, you don't understand, and you need the teacher to answer and explain." Especially when students in school, whether at school or at home, ask the teacher for advice, they must stand up from their seats and respectfully ask the teacher for advice, so as to comply with the etiquette of respecting the teacher. If the student is very casual and does not have respect for the teacher, the teacher will feel that your learning momentum is insufficient, not focused, perfunctory, and some teachers will also answer you, sometimes perfunctory. On the surface, this teacher is very equal, to explore deeply, which is to indulge the student and give up a responsibility for teaching.

If your teacher is a person of high moral standing, very cultivated, and good at teaching students, if you sit and ask for advice, he will definitely give you a reasoning and let you learn how to answer with the teacher. Teachers shoulder important teaching responsibilities, not only to impart knowledge to students, but also to be responsible for the guidance of behavior cultivation, which is the most important. When we see that students have unreasonable points, we must correct them and guide students to know etiquette and etiquette, which is a good teacher who is truly capable of both moral integrity and ability, and is good at teaching students. Now these people do not talk, even if they talk about it, they do not do it in behavior, students learn for the benefit of the future, teachers teach for the interests of the present, parents are even more so, want to make their children into dragons and phoenixes, and want to get benefits from their children. What was the purpose of the teaching of the ancients? I only hope that the next generation can become holy and virtuous, so "Zhu Zizhijia" says that "reading is aimed at the sages, not the disciples." "The purpose of reading the books of the sages is to learn the deeds of the sages, not only for the sake of the examination and the first.

Modern we must not be puzzled by this problem, isn't reading books just to have a good future? To get rich for a promotion? If there is no good future, it is better to do business early! Hahaha... This is just the psychology of modern people, why is this so? I don't understand! Fortune has never been separated from virtue, why? Nature! If the virtue is deep, the blessing is thick, and if the blessing is thick and the virtue is shallow, this is false, it will not be long-term, and it will even be a disaster to the body and mind. Anyone who studies historiography should have some understanding and understanding.

When the teacher solves our problems, we should "sit upright or upright, not support the stock, and bend over and stomp on our feet." Sitting upright or standing in a well-mannered manner is not only a kind of respect for the teacher, but also necessary for students to learn, because through the adjustment of the limbs, we can unite our minds and minds, concentrate on the explanation. Only by listening attentively can we understand the truth, can we follow the text, immerse ourselves in the scene, and can we understand it thoroughly. Today's education has a misunderstanding, always put students do not listen well to lectures, blamed on the teacher's lectures are not attractive, no innovation, there is no variety of means, to put it mildly, this is the inversion of teaching. Students' concentration needs to be cultivated and trained, not with a few small means can attract students for a long time, only through the standardized learning and guidance of the rules, can the students' concentration be cultivated, such concentration can be permanent, benefit for life.

"Not supporting" is not to use your hands to support your head, which means that you are mentally weak, your learning mood is low, and if the teacher sees it, the lecture will not be energetic enough. "Stock exchange" is a crossed foot, which is a very arrogant and incompetent behavior, so that when sitting, the psychological consciousness will be very loose and relaxed, which is not only disrespectful to the teacher, but also not good for their focused learning.

I once had a student who studied poorly when he was in school, only knew how to play, and he was also very stupid when playing, there was no skill activity, he didn't understand anything, and the countryside was a bit "stuffy". When he grew up, he went to the army, and because of the "stuffiness", the officer did whatever he wanted, and he was very obedient. After retiring from the army, I found a small unit, and although the salary was very low, I still worked hard.

One day I came to my house as a guest, although I have been discharged from the army for many years, my sitting posture and standing posture are still one by one, just like in the army. After sending the child away, my lover said, is there a problem with the child's intelligence? I said: Just by looking at his standing and sitting posture so upright and respectful, his future will certainly not be sent there. Sure enough, three years later, married a daughter-in-law with a higher education and a better job than him, their babies are now quite old. Therefore, only by cultivating good virtue and etiquette can we truly change ourselves.

"Stooping and stilting" is also not allowed, the stilt foot is to lift the heel, related to the stock exchange, once the stock is exchanged, the foot will be stilted. When listening to the lecture, these small actions are not allowed, why? "Ten Thousand Laws and Idealism", sit upright and listen to the lecture, your heart is single-minded, and there is a sincere and respectful heart in it. Just like chanting the Buddha to the Buddha statue, if someone looks at the Buddha statue as if he were facing the real Buddha, he will get greater benefits; some people are smart, he knows that the Buddha statue is paper, a photo, so his benefits are small. In the same way, the same class, the same class teacher, why do some students study well? Some students do not study well, it is not difficult to answer. This is why the learning attitude is different!

Shallow study of the "Disciple Rules" (16) (4) Original Author: Wu Ling's original text is out of the way to help the elderly stand, the young do not sit, the elderly sit, fate is to sit. Before the honorable chief, the voice should be low, low and unheard, but it is not appropriate. Today

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