
Foreign Film Critics: Harvey's Last Chance

author:Human aging begins with the spirit

Desire is like a glass of jelly. You can use it to satisfy your hunger pangs, but it never seems to fill your stomach. Most people don't like the word desire very much, it's so full of evil and greed, but in fact, some simple thoughts, when many people, can turn into a desire, even a desire to understand, to find true love, is the embodiment of a certain degree of desire. In fact, human beings have always been faithful to the human instinct to desire desire, so desire eventually ends in bloom. The desires of the young are like vines, wild and wild; the desires of the middle-aged are like fruits, rich and useful; the desires of the elderly are like flowers, beautiful and witty. But no matter what stage of your life, you unconsciously seek and explore under the guidance of desire, and say a little more, we live quietly in our desires. As you experience the ups and downs of life, when many simple laws of life sharpen the edges of your passion, we quietly choose to remain silent after time has passed. Maybe young people give us a failed marriage and a cruel escape, maybe the wandering of middle age gives us a poor heart, a pair of poor people will eventually save the skin, however, it is often a time to be abandoned by us, but finally to a feeling that has been alienated. This emotion soothes our past setbacks, soothes our mental wounds, and activates our long-held desire to be banished. So when we regain lost emotions and discover that not only can we make our loved ones in the lost territory, but more importantly, our desires and courage and determination, the future life in the twilight, decide what to pursue, is the last chance, the beauty of life is an opportunity to let the love in the heart begin.

Foreign Film Critics: Harvey's Last Chance

"Love Starts from the Heart" – I loved the movie and almost fell in love with it before I saw it. Because I like quiet, euphemistic flowers and vines and fruits slightly preachy. The film is a real conflict between Oscar-winning two Dustin Hoffman and admired individuals, and the first time an Oscar to win the British actress Emma Thompson in the true sense of the word, rest assured, this line-up makes me look like there may be no waves for this plot movie anomaly. Indeed, as I watched the end of the second part, I was completely immersed in a beautiful ending in the film: this calm story, not deliberately created, did not outline any breakthroughs, but made people more immersed in this quiet, beautiful and pure.

Foreign Film Critics: Harvey's Last Chance

As I have described the beginning of life, the protagonist experienced a youthful madness and a failed marriage, his career carefully stood in your dreams, but there is no doubt that the deviation from the expected long-cherished wish: the jazz pianist may be a composer of voice advertising because of age or the decline of creativity (although this work is an interesting errand in the eyes of the most people), without the characteristic dignity of the artist, without a lawyer or doctor, with a fairly stable income, the hero of Harvey's life basically has only two things, One of his daughters and a half-life force could be called a continuation of her "career," and her estrangement and dangerous work left Harvey with nothing but a step away. The heroine has always been copied in the life of his mother, who is the closest and most avoidant person, who is deeply attached to her, even his home and mother, but she also denies the life of her mother, who is freed from more than 80% electricity. His appointment to each mother. But we also found that her mother did not do this, so she constantly urged her daughter to seize the opportunity of happiness in life as soon as possible, and on the other hand, she interrupted her life with her mobile phone in order to maintain some unfounded psychological fears. In addition, the heroines Kate and Harvey, with a hopeless person who are unstable after work, do not suddenly quiet down when they encounter a spark without warning, and inevitably achieve a life that is about to intertwine.

Although the story is simple, it is extremely exquisitely designed, and the psychological characteristics and details of the characters are vividly portrayed, full of sound and color. Harvey, for example, stepped on a plane that undoubtedly exposed his character at the moment, he was absent-minded to avoid looking for him to do Kate's investigation, and for his trip to London ended as soon as possible, returning to New York to continue his work, even before the "important" wedding plans began, England. Harvey's marriage failed, the smile on her face was one of polite indifference, but no dull wife telling the ripples of blame, and Harvey didn't feel empty when he helped his daughter away from the right to marry. Similarly, the heroine Kate, as a middle-aged woman, is not even a decent marriage, not a complete family, likes ersanshilai young people like other people's introductions and the most awkward dates, focusing on his mother's body. While her epiphany was blind in the process of Simon and Simon's friend's accident making the quiet world of two people come alive, Kate— a middle-aged woman, found herself dating Simon, or anyone, was a different, and this terrible one was different— the gap.

Foreign Film Critics: Harvey's Last Chance

So we begin to understand the word desire and eventually begin to lose its influence in the story. Two lonely and lost hearts, people in equal pain sympathy for each other. Nothing that gives the desire a chance. Luckily, Harvey finally seized Kate's last chance to have a polite conversation during his second encounter, contributing to a successful ending to a story for the first time, ending the romantic era in the process, with subtlety more than enough. A story as calm and full of love as water, with a few guys in the middle, put Kate's experiences to the ordeal. Inevitably in the middle of some slight old-fashioned film turning points, finally there is a perfect ending, the two protagonists repeat their confession of looking at each other and laughing, one will never understand, the unknown future, especially at the end of Harvey's active answer to the questionnaire he initially refused to renew, he also liked his rejection of all the failures for half a year, all this makes the film set in the most beautiful picture, the two old men who have lost their passion, quietly on the riverside road, the days that have passed, I don't know some of their memories, but I don't know how long it has been, and at the moment, creeping back to life.

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