
Jerry was born in China, his parents are Swiss, the family has domestic work, Sichuanese, Jerry eats Sichuan cuisine until the age of 6, and his parents move back to Switzerland. Jerry always asks: When will I get home? In his heart, home is in the middle


Jerry was born in China,

Parents Swiss,

Family has housekeeping, Sichuan people,

Jerry ate Sichuan cuisine until he was 6 years old, and his parents moved back to Switzerland.

Jerry always asks: When will I get home?

In his heart, home is in China,

His parents also had to take him with him often.

Go back to "home" and see.

(Do you generally like Western food when you are accustomed to Chinese food?) )

#Original Essay # #金粉社区 #

Jerry was born in China, his parents are Swiss, the family has domestic work, Sichuanese, Jerry eats Sichuan cuisine until the age of 6, and his parents move back to Switzerland. Jerry always asks: When will I get home? In his heart, home is in the middle

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