
It's a new year


There are records to have memories, and there is a past to grow


Spring and autumn come, you have finally come to this moment,

He's not special in this moment, it just has some special meaning for you and your family.

For the 17 years that have passed quietly, I no longer ask you to make any grand ambitions or make a so-called confession; I hope that you will forget the past and become a new self. Work towards what you want! I can't say that persistence will be something, but giving up must be nothing.

I make a wish to the sky, hoping that you can fade the childishness of the whole body and look at life with a mature and rational eye; I hope that you can provoke your own life with responsibility and responsibility like an adult; I hope that you can have a tenacious will and be able to be alone against the turbulence and storms of the unknown.

I'm a brave boy

May you not be afraid of the wind and rain, and move forward fearlessly.

You are late in coming

My dearest 18

It's a new year

You may not believe it, but white clothes are my first love hahaha

19 years old

If you don't fly out of China, how do you know the feelings of home and country

If you don't leave your hometown, how do you know the homesickness of strangers

Do not say goodbye to their parents, how to know the grass Chunhui

It's like not missing something for some people,

How can you know how to cherish.

Before the rite of passage of passage,

It didn't get any bigger, it didn't get any better.

There are still so many things to learn along the way

I think:

At the age of 20, I am sure to see you very differently

19 Come on!

It's a new year


I always thought that twenty years ago was not really growing up

20 Hello [Rose] [Rose] [Rose]

It's a new year



I used to think that 18 was the real growth, and before that I could be a child without any scruples.

Until the day I was 18 years old, except for the three years of high school graduation, it seemed that nothing different.

20 years old is not different, I quietly became an adult, no cheers, no feast, some are just a big hand that constantly pushes me closer to society, he told me, I no longer have the title of teenager.

21, as scheduled.

Committed to internships, facing college graduation, unable to find any excuse to escape from life, I am not in the identity of children and students, and there is no way to ask to be treated lightly by society.

The only hope, later on, I can be happy, always loved, always young.

It's a new year

21 Giggles put on the new clothes that Kang Kang bought

Then 22 years old

Although there are still a few days left, but I have also passed ahead of time, after the age of twenty, the life is fast. With responsibility and pressure, I hope that time can go slowly and breathe slowly. When I was a child, I always wanted to grow up faster and become a free adult, but behind the freedom was confusion and helplessness, and if I could, I would rather not grow up forever.

It's a new year
It's a new year