
Three fleets assembled! The Russian Navy will hold large-scale military exercises in important waters

author:Shangguan News

As tensions in Ukraine continue to ferment, the Russian military has recently sounded a series of "rallying calls." The Russian Defense Ministry issued a statement on the 20th that the Russian naval fleet will hold a series of military exercises from January to February this year to deal with military threats from the direction of the sea. At present, the Russian Pacific Fleet, which has just participated in the Sino-Russian-Iranian military exercise, is ready to go to the Mediterranean Training Ground to meet with the Russian Northern Fleet and the Baltic Fleet.

The analysis believes that in the context of continued tensions in Ukraine and NATO's disregard for Russia's "security guarantees" proposal, Russia has shown "military muscles" to send a signal to the West. Given that the West will also hold military exercises and step up arms against Ukraine, the Military Confrontation between Russia and Spain may escalate, which will also pose greater challenges to the diplomatic approach to downgrading Tensions in Ukraine.

The three fleets are ready to assemble

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, according to the 2022 training plan of the Russian Federal Armed Forces, the Russian Armed Forces will hold a series of maritime military exercises in all areas of responsibility of the Russian Naval Fleet from January to February.

The exercises will be conducted in the waters directly adjacent to Russia, as well as in the Mediterranean, North Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, the northeast of the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

The statement said that about 10,000 soldiers, more than 140 combat and supply ships, more than 60 aircraft, and more than 1,000 pieces of weapons and equipment are expected to participate in the exercise.

Although the details of the drills have not yet been disclosed, the Russian media has captured some military movements.

For example, the Russian Pacific Fleet's newest diesel-electric submarine recently launched a "Kalib" cruise missile from the Sea of Japan, successfully hitting a land target.

On the 20th, the Russian Pacific Fleet formation, which had just completed the Sino-Russian-Iranian joint military exercise, was also preparing to go to the Mediterranean training area to join forces with the Russian Northern Fleet and the Baltic Fleet. The six landing ships of the last two fleets set sail from the Baltic Sea on 15 January.

"We must keep the gunpowder dry"

The outside world has noticed that the Russian side has recently repeatedly demonstrated "military muscles." Shortly before announcing a series of naval exercises, Russia and Belarus announced that they would hold a joint military exercise code-named "Allied Determination" in February.

Reuters said this was a time when negotiations on Ukraine were deadlocked, and Russia was interested in demonstrating military power to the West.

Russian military experts believe that Russia's military training is to show its ability and will to defend national security, and it is also a response to a complex geopolitical situation.

Former Black Sea Fleet Admiral Vladimir Komoyedov noted that January to March was a "busy season" for the Russian Navy – all surface and underwater forces were working with the Air Force to develop battle plans. "So there's nothing unusual about Russia hosting large-scale exercises."

However, Komoyedov also pointed out that the tension in Ukraine has forced Russia to remain vigilant at all times. "Given the current relations between Russia and Ukraine, the complex diplomatic environment, NATO's eastward expansion plan, and the threats facing Russia, we must keep the gunpowder dry."

Alexei Abatov, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, pointed out, "In fact, we often exercise, but on a small scale. The large-scale exercise of the Russian Navy is obviously related to the crisis caused by NATO - just like Russia deployed troops on its territory, all of which is to impress the West. Diplomatic dialogue is under way, while at the same time demonstrating force to all possible limits. ”

There is also public opinion that Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov will meet with US Secretary of State Blinken in Geneva on the 21st. The news of the Russian military's release of a series of military exercises at this time may also be a signal to the West: Russia is ready for both diplomatic and military response.

Escalation of military confrontation?

There is also public concern that when Russia and Israel are showing strength, the West is also warning Russia at a "high price" and taking a series of military actions. Will the military confrontation between the two sides escalate?

The Russian Interfax news agency pointed out that since both Russia and NATO have taken measures to prevent incidents on the high seas and airspace, "the Russian exercise itself is unlikely to end badly." "But the West will not slow down its reaction, and it will inevitably begin to resemble military exercises." The risk of escalating Russia's military confrontation with the West is greater.

The United States previously announced that it would hold a large-scale NATO military exercise in the polar region in March this year, with 35,000 soldiers participating. "Western military exercises are dangerous, and the deeper they go into the region, the more complicated the situation becomes," said the Russian news agency. ”

On the other hand, the West is constantly increasing its military arming of Ukraine. The U.S. Biden administration approved an additional $200 million worth of defensive security assistance to Ukraine last December. Biden also approved the transfer of weapons to Ukraine by a third party with U.S.-made weapons. The British have deployed at least 6 military aircraft to deliver arms to the Ukrainian side.

Komoyedov said the scale of the Russian exercises could trigger another episode of hysteria in the West, but "they have been hysterical all along, especially in recent years." Wherever Russia goes, their temper tantrums follow. And the West doesn't even knock on the door, it just stands at the door of our house and stomps its feet..." In this situation, Russia has to show the seriousness of the situation and show its determination.

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Column Editor-in-Chief: Yang Liqun Text Editor: Yang Liqun Title Image Source: Xinhua News Agency Data Chart Photo Editor: Xiang Jianying

Source: Author: Zhang Quan