
Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

author:Ah Zheng said anime

I saw a high-praise comment on Douban, writing:

"French animation is more suitable for art or art."

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

I'm impressed with that.

At the moment when Disney's "hegemony" status is unshakable, the masters of French animation have chosen the opposite path to the industrialization of Disney animation.

Through the continuous innovation of creation, French animation has become the leader of the world's animation art on the one hand, and on the other hand, it has also caused the regret of not being able to produce on a large scale.

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

Because of this, the proportion of artistic masterpieces in French animation films has always been high, and the animation we want to talk about today is even more exquisite.

It's a 2011 animated film directed by Jean-François Lagio.

<h1 class="ql-align-center" > The Land of Paintings</h1>

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

It is often said that France is the most romantic country in the world, and the French are the most romantic people in the world.

The animation "Painting Country" makes us truly feel this kind of romance carved in our bones.

So, what kind of story does it tell?

In fact, the title has already spoiled us the main content of the animation.

To put it simply, "The Land of Painting" is about the history of the struggle of a group of villains in the oil painting country.

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

————————I'm the spoiler dividing line———————

Don't underestimate this oil painting kingdom.

It is hierarchical, and everyone is divided into three, six, nine, and so on.

A class of oil painters at the top of the food chain is called "painting the whole person" because they are the finished product that the author has already painted.

Of all the painting villains, only the painters are eligible to have fun in the castle.

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

A type of oil painter located in the middle layer is "unfinished person".

The person who has not finished painting is very close to painting the whole person, and the difference from painting the whole person is only that there is a part of them that has not been colored.

The most pitiful is the "line writer" at the bottom.

They do not have a little color on them, and they are excluded everywhere in the country of painting.

Sometimes, there will be a situation where "line writers cross the street, and everyone shouts and beats".

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

The turning point of events came to a pair of lovers in oil paintings.

Ramo, the boy who painted the whole-person camp, fell in love with Claire, a girl who did not finish the human camp, and the two fell in love.

Such a thing obviously could not be recognized by the two camps, and they could only meet after dusk.

Claire is unspeakable, her eyes have not yet been colored by the painter, but Rameau said that her eyes are "like blue amber, ingenious".

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

For a moment, I didn't know whether to say that he was "out of the eyes of a lover" or "a man's mouth, a deceitful ghost." (Stallholder)

The pair of oil-painted versions of "Romeo and Juliet" believe that only by letting the painter come back and paint everyone completely, so that everyone becomes a whole person, can they really be together.

It is also the only way to eliminate hierarchical differences and eliminate discrimination.

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

Because of the public expression of "freedom, democracy, and equality" such "rebellious" words and deeds, Ramo violated the interests of the whole person in power and was condemned as a traitor by the whole person camp he was in.

In the process of dodging the pursuit, he mistakenly hit and accidentally sat on the "thief ship" of lola, who had not finished painting, and the line writer Brum.

Therefore, the small boat that gathered three kinds of oil painting people, such as the whole person, the unfinished person and the line writer, went with the flow, broke into the dark forest that no one had entered in the mouth of everyone, and embarked on a long journey to find the painter.

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

As they walked, a fault suddenly appeared on the flat ground, and Lola fell.

She found herself in a strange place.

Here, two gangs in red and green uniforms are fighting.

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

Lola, who fell from the sky, was captured by the people of the Red Army as spies of the Green Army.

As witty as she was, she soon realized that she had left the painting where she had been and had come to another painting.

Lola explained to the people of the Red Army, but no one believed what she said except the drummer Majonda.

Unlike others who were keen on war, the drummer Magenta did not have a good feeling about war, so he was quickly rebelled against by Lola.

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

Lola takes Majanda to join her former partner.

After passing through the canvas, the crowd came to the studio of the real world.

They heard the voice of someone talking.

Looking for the sound, I was greeted by a portrait of a fruit-bodied woman.

Although Lola and the others were surprised that the woman did not have clothes painted on her, the other party said that the painter had completed the creation of her.

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

Suddenly, they saw a bearded man painting next to them, thinking that it was the painter they were looking for.

Burning geese, reality poured cold water on them — this bearded man was nothing more than a self-portrait of a painter.

Although he looks exactly like a painter, he is not a painter himself after all.

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

Knowing that the crowd was looking for the painter, nude for the woman gave them a tip message: the painter's true love is the water city of Venice, and maybe you can meet him there.

So, how to get to Venice?

Don't forget, this anime is called "The Land of Paintings", and there is nothing that a painting can't solve.

Lola and the others entered the Painting's Venice and attended a carnival party held there.

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

As a result, although they did not meet the painter as they wished, they found a way to make the unfinished person or the line writer become the whole person without the help of the painter's hand.

That is to use the paint in reality and color yourself!

As the saying goes, do it yourself and eat enough

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

After possessing brushes and paints, the line writer Brum first restored the line writer's friends who had been squashed by the whole person.

Drummer Ma Zhenda returned to the war-themed painting where he had been, and took advantage of the quiet of the night to sneak into the tents of the two camps and paint everyone a guy purple.

When the war began the next day, the two armies faced each other, but they were stupid and could not distinguish between the enemy and us.

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

People who have not finished painting are told that now they can not only color and become a noble painter, but also freely choose their favorite color.

Can be described as personality DIY, who paints who knows.

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

Rameau hadn't forgotten his sweetheart Claire.

The two men came to the lake, where Rameau himself painted Claire's unfinished face.

Although the upper face effect of "blue eyeshadow + blue lipstick" is slightly frightening, but looking at the fact that you two are lovers, we have to send a sentence of "you are happy".

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

Just as everyone went back to their homes and looked for their mothers, Lola returned to the studio alone.

She drilled out of a hole in the studio wall.

A miracle happens: Lola meets the real painter—the man who created her.

At this point, the dimensional wall of "The Land of Paintings" has been broken in a real sense, and the animation has also ushered in the dialogue between Lola and the painter.

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

Overall, this is a very interesting animation.

What attracts it is not only the unique animation content, but also the philosophical thinking contained in it.

If you let a person with a normal mind do this animation, he will probably end the story with Lola and others finding a painter and the painter coloring everyone as desired.

However, "The Land of Painting" did not do this, but arranged for the people in the painting to color themselves.

As the painter said, he has given the painter the basic needs, and the rest will be left to them to complete.

Between "Destiny by Heaven" and "Free Will", the producers of the anime "Painting Country" chose the latter.

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

One of the most touching scenes in the anime, I thought, was what Lola said to the old painter at the end.

The painter asks Lola what she wants to do now.

Lola turned back as she walked and shouted to the painter:

"I'd love to know who drew you!"

Douban 8.4, but only 6,000 people have seen it, this French unpopular animation is worth watching "The Country of Painting"

Who did I create, and who created me?

The animation ends abruptly in Lola's question, which is amazing.

Seeing this, I think you have already felt the powerful charm of "The Land of Paintings".

This article just picked some of the key points I think to share with you, if you want to know more about the mystery, you can go to see this animated movie for yourself