
Wu Yingqiu: Is Euler a brain fever when she is the world's most woman-loving car brand?

author:Yixing is prosperous, and Ola Jiang Zhen
Wu Yingqiu: Is Euler a brain fever when she is the world's most woman-loving car brand?

On March 20, at the "2021 China Automobile Consumption Forum" jointly sponsored by the China Automobile Dealers Association and Huanqiu Automobile Group with the theme of "Opening a New Era of User Operation", Yu Fei, General Manager of Great Wall Motor's Euler Brand Marketing, announced on the spot that Euler will be the world's most woman-loving car brand in the future.

As soon as this statement came out, the guests on and off the stage and the people watching the live broadcast online were very surprised. Is it too bold for a car brand to announce that it serves a female segment? You know, since the birth of the car for more than a hundred years, men have been the main group of buyers. Some people are even worried that Euler will position herself as a female car brand and make herself small? Was Euler's decision a brain fever?

In my opinion, Yu Fei's statement this time has its own logic.

Last year, I visited the headquarters of Great Wall Motors and had in-depth exchanges with Wei Jianjun, chairman of Great Wall Motors, and this exchange made me have a great change in my understanding of the Great Wall. In the past, the Great Wall sold cars, focusing on products. Even many people think that the Great Wall Motor Sales Company is to transport the car to the dealer, the car is the key to the Great Wall Motor, and selling the car is just a matter of course.

Now I see that Great Wall Motors has changed. This change comes from the keen insight of companies into market changes. If you are more precise, Great Wall Motors has made a series of changes in the direction of corporate mechanism, organization and talent. In Wei Jianjun's words, they should use some young people with actual combat experience to let young people do the right things and fully authorize them.

Especially in terms of organizational innovation, the great wall has formed a development logic of "one car, one brand and one company", a car is a brand, a company, forming an extremely flat, user-oriented, project- and process-oriented management organizational structure to manage, Euler is a typical example.

In the Great Wall culture, there is a concept called "Green Wisdom Tide Play Hi World". "Green" is the change of power, "wisdom" is intelligence; "tide play" means that the car is not like power products, the interior and shape of the car must have a trend trend, and there is an attribute of play in the auto product market. "Hi World" is all about going overseas. "Green Wisdom Tide Play Hi World" is a good summary of Euler's thinking on the market positioning of his own products. From these perspectives, Euler's female brand is based on the big cultural background of the Great Wall.

I have stressed in the past that saying and doing are two different things. In the past, many car companies have always paid attention to respecting the market, but there are always various reasons when it comes to the implementation stage. One moment it is said that the manufacturing side has planned the strategic products after a few years, and it is normal for production to lag behind the market; the next it is said that blindly following the market will disrupt the rhythm of the enterprise. Looking at it now, none of these reasons hold water.  

I checked a data on euler's chosen group of female car consumers. Since 2016, the proportion of women in Higher Education in China has exceeded 50%, and it has increased year by year. At the same time, 75% of the country's total household consumption is decided by women, who dominate household consumption. From February to October 2020, female car users grew by 64%. From January to October 2020, in the age composition of female car users as a whole, young female users after 90 and 95 accounted for more than 50%. This shows that the female market chosen by Euler is not small at all.

Of course, the consumption positioning of enterprises is not achieved overnight. Even euler's development has been changing, even in the early days. The first model launched by Euler was named Euler iQ, and the models were divided into three models: aggressive, connected and enjoyable. Ordinary people can't remember, can't tell, and dealers don't know who their consumers are. No matter how good the product is, consumers do not buy it, and in the end it still does not work.

Now, Euler product naming has abandoned the pattern of traditional car numbering, but is named after Euler good cat, white cat, black cat, etc. Allowing consumers, especially women, to remember at once and be able to emotionally choose the products they have for their appetites is Euler's bold attempt in the field of car sales.

Euler became more than just a name, but studied the needs of female consumers in every way. Taking the color of euler good cat model as an example, the eight model colors are named puppet white, large orange gold, 10,000 meters, high heel red, blue bowan, wisdom brown, forgive green, Siamese black, and in the naming process, a wave of fan interaction has been carried out. Perhaps from a male point of view, these color naming is also a gimmick, but in the eyes of female car owners, the naming of each color is closely related to fashion wear, which is Euler's marketing thinking based on female customers. For example, Euler's good cat's "forgiveness green" is the best of all colors, and a survey found that this hue is the most versatile color for women's clothing, which alone teaches us a lesson in traditional car marketing.

The positioning is right, the practice is right, and the result must not be bad. In the first year of the Euler brand and positioning in 2020, it gained more than 55,000 consumers, and sales in December increased by 380.4% year-on-year, and sales are expected to double in 2021. The results have proven that Euler's choice was correct. Tracing back to the source, Euler's announcement of being the most female-loving car brand is definitely not a momentary brain fever, but a systematic change made around the enterprise mechanism, talent, marketing, and product manufacturing from the perspective of consumer demand. I believe that the future female marketing of the Euler brand will definitely bring new surprises to everyone.

Active time

January 29, 2022 - January 29, 2022