
Yichun Mayor Dong Wenqin: Comprehensively open up a new situation in the work of the new government

author:Heilongjiang Economic Network

On the morning of January 20, the first (expanded) meeting of all members of the 15th Yichun Municipal Government and the work conference on clean government were held in Lindutang, and the meeting thoroughly implemented the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Economic Work Conference, fully implemented the spirit of the Provincial Party Committee Economic Work Conference, the Eleventh Plenary Session of the Twelfth Municipal Party Committee, the Thirteenth Party Congress of the Municipal Government and the First Session of the Fifteenth Municipal People's Congress, and decomposed and refined the objectives and tasks of the "Government Work Report". Arrange the deployment of various work tasks and integrity work of the municipal government in 2022. Yichun Mayor Dong Wenqin attended the meeting and made a speech, in which she stressed: All fronts and governments at all levels in the city should further unify their thinking, gather consensus, and arouse their vigor, anchor all the goals and tasks for the whole year, take the initiative to take the lead in taking the bids, and with a high-spirited and uplifting mental state and a fighting attitude, race against the clock to promote development, concentrate on implementation, comprehensively open up a new situation in all aspects of the work of the new government, and greet the victory of the party's twenty major congresses with outstanding achievements.

Meng Li, member of the Standing Committee of the Yichun Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor, presided over the meeting. Wang Jibin, member of the Standing Committee of the Yichun Municipal CPC Committee, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and director of the Supervision Commission, attended the meeting. Meng Li, Yang Bin, Zhao Litao, Shi Chunguang, Zhou Shixing, and Xiao Shuang made specific arrangements for the work in charge. Han Dianjun, secretary general of the municipal government, explained the "Opinions on the Implementation of the Main Objectives of the Municipal Government Work Report and the Division of Responsibilities for Key Work".

Dong Wenqin pointed out that this year is the year of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the first year in which the new government of Yichun City performs its duties. It is necessary to have a clear understanding of the situation and grasp implementation. We should further stimulate the spirit of exaltation, work hard, act diligently, and devote ourselves to the work of the new year with a new atmosphere, new responsibilities, and new deeds, so as to ensure that all the work of the new government has a good start and a good start. It is necessary to be loyal and firm in implementation. The municipal government system should put the party's political construction in the first place, give prominence to political guidance, put political discipline and political rules in the forefront, resolutely ensure that the political direction does not deviate, the implementation of the party Central Committee's decision-making and deployment does not deviate, persist in strengthening the party's overall leadership throughout the entire process of government work, resolutely support the authority and decisions of the municipal party committee, and ensure that the municipal party committee has the implementation of the decision-making and the government, the municipal party committee has the deployment of the government, and the municipal party committee has the initiative to advocate the government, and truly ensure that the government decrees are smooth and the pace is consistent.

Dong Wenqin demanded that we should perform our duties and fulfill our responsibilities and grasp the implementation. It is necessary to divide the troops into troops, carry the standards, lead the leaders on all fronts, and all localities and departments should take the initiative to take the initiative to take back the targets and tasks they have set and conscientiously shoulder them in accordance with their respective responsibilities and tasks, and make all work practical, refined, projected, and concrete, so as to ensure the efficient advancement of the work. It is necessary to really do solid work, be more earnest in tackling tough problems, further enhance the spirit of struggle, resolutely ensure that we do not evade difficult problems when encountered, do not take detours when encountering contradictions, find ways to break through difficult points and blockages, and promote breakthroughs in all fields of work. It is necessary to study diligently and be good at planning and enhance their skills; the vast number of cadres in the government system should strengthen their study, promote strategy through learning, promote cadres with learning, strive to become composite leading cadres who study and do practical work, and constantly improve the professional ability and level of their work.

Dong Wenqin stressed: It is necessary to give prominence to the key points and grasp implementation. It is necessary to resolutely fight and win the battle of epidemic prevention and control, adhere to the general strategy of "external prevention of import, internal prevention and rebound", in accordance with the requirements of "early and fast, accurate and strict and meticulous", strict and strict, meticulous and meticulous, and practical and on-the-spot implementation of various measures for epidemic prevention and control, put efforts on daily life, down on details, and on the sense of responsibility, resolutely guard the "city gate", "county gate" and "home door", and ensure that the bottom line of no epidemic import and spread is kept. Ecological protection should raise the standard, strictly manage forest ecological resources without relaxation, deeply fight the battle against pollution, grasp the new round of feedback from the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors to the letter, strengthen the implementation measures for the transformation of ecological value such as the pilot construction action of the "Xing'anling Ecological Bank" and the pilot project of increasing the foreign exchange of forest operations, and strive to open up the "resource-asset-capital-wealth" transformation channel. To improve the efficiency of investment promotion, the county (city) district governments and commercial departments at all levels should act early and deploy early, come up with unprecedented strength, optimal policies, and effective tactics, take the initiative to attract business, highlight the introduction of large and strong, attract new and excellent, build chains and supplement the chain, and strive to achieve breakthroughs in the introduction of key links in the industrial chain, core enterprises and upstream and downstream supporting enterprises, and strive to achieve the city's investment attraction curve overtaking, lane changing overtaking.

Project construction should be accelerated, further strengthen the concept of grasping projects is to grasp development, normalize project planning throughout the year, and do a good job in the preparatory work of provincial "top 100 projects" and municipal key projects to ensure that "construction starts in the spring". It is necessary to continue to optimize the business environment, pay attention to the needs of enterprises, strengthen project guarantees, strengthen the construction of government creditworthiness, and improve service quality and efficiency. The revitalization of rural (forest farms) should be archived, and efforts should be made to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and the revitalization of rural areas (forest farms), deeply develop the characteristic rich people's industries of "one township and one industry" and "one village and one product", put the rural (forest farm) infrastructure construction plan in the overall situation of new urbanization and county economic development, take the improvement of the living environment as the starting point, deeply promote the "five revolutions", and lead the revitalization of rural areas (forest farms) to move forward in breadth and depth. The people's livelihood guarantee should be improved, the people's interests should be persistently taken as the starting point and foothold of all work, we should make every effort to do a good job in stabilizing employment and ensuring people's livelihood, do a good job in the construction of people's livelihood projects such as urban construction roads, park squares, and fitness venues, concentrate on doing a good job in inclusive, basic, and bottom-up people's livelihood work, solve the "urgent, difficult, and anxious" problems of employment, education, medical care, old-age care, social security, and housing that the masses care about with heart and affection, and constantly consolidate and expand the results of the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses" to make the people's livelihood cause more "warm."

It is necessary to strengthen the mechanism to grasp implementation. It is necessary to establish an effective mechanism, adhere to the "one map, two tables, three singles and four systems" to grasp the implementation of the work method as the starting point, establish an accurate supervision mechanism and a realistic assessment mechanism, and ensure that the government work can be decomposed, quantified and assessed. It is necessary to promote efficient operation, strengthen the awareness of efficiency, the concept of time and team spirit, and promote the work in accordance with the requirements of "not staying overnight" and with good and fast standards. Members of the government team should strengthen the awareness of the overall situation and the overall concept, take the initiative to cooperate and seamlessly connect to ensure the efficient operation of the government team. It is necessary to give prominence to the orientation of results, make fewer statements, do more practical work, persist in using results to test the quality and effectiveness of work, and strive to achieve new breakthroughs in government work.

It is necessary to strictly administer the government and grasp the implementation. It is necessary to adhere to the "five firsts" orientation, always maintain a high-spirited and upward mental state, conscientiously implement the "five details" requirements, carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, carry forward the spirit of nails, and go all out to grasp the goals and tasks set by the municipal party committee and municipal government. It is necessary to build a "five-type" government, strictly follow the standards and requirements, standardize administrative behavior, love and maintain the image of the government like loving the eyes, be pragmatic and hardworking, dare to innovate, be diligent and thrifty, and ensure that the government work reassures the municipal party committee and satisfies the people. Leading cadres must strictly abide by the bottom line of honesty and honesty; leading cadres must strictly self-discipline, set an example by example, take the lead in strictly abiding by the requirements of all regulations on honesty and honesty in government, often check against the standards, calibrate deviations in a timely manner, adhere to the bottom line, not cross the red line, properly perform the main body responsible for improving the party's work style, building a clean and honest government, and carry out the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, and conscientiously create a good political ecology in which the government system is clean and upright.

Dong Wenqin also put forward requirements for grasping the key work before and after the Spring Festival, emphasizing the need to do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, consolidate the responsibility of the "four parties", implement the "nine early" measures, strengthen personnel control, strengthen the management of cold chain food and express logistics, strictly control the social aspects, and resolutely adhere to the city's hard-won epidemic prevention and control achievements. It is necessary to do a good job in social stability work, pay close attention to the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in safe production in all fields, and promptly and steadily control and resolve petitioning disputes in accordance with the law. It is necessary to make careful and meticulous arrangements for the lives of the masses during the Spring Festival, carry out activities such as visiting and comforting people, helping and assisting, and sending warmth as soon as possible, and do a good job in food safety, "warm houses," and price regulation and control, so that the people can enjoy a stable and peaceful Spring Festival. To ensure a "good start" in the first quarter, all fronts, localities, and departments should aim at the key tasks in the first quarter, plan and advance in advance, and ensure that the city's economy will achieve a "good start" in the first quarter.

Members of the municipal government team, second-level inspectors, deputy secretaries-general of the municipal government; principal responsible comrades of the municipal government work departments; principal responsible comrades of relevant directly subordinate and public institutions; principal responsible comrades of relevant units directly under the central, provincial, and municipal governments; principal responsible comrades of various counties (cities) and district governments; responsible persons of Yichun Sengong Group and chairman of various forestry bureau companies; responsible comrades in charge of Yichun Vocational College and Yichun Technician College; responsible comrades of other institutions and inviting units; and responsible persons of relevant enterprises attended the meeting.

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