
U.S. lawmakers complain that Chinese masks do not have English instructions! On January 20, U.S. Republican Congressman Brian Step posted the masks distributed to each U.S. lawmaker in the U.S. House of Representatives.

author:Military world

U.S. lawmakers complain that Chinese masks do not have English instructions! On January 20, U.S. Republican Congressman Brian Step posted the masks distributed to each U.S. congressman in the U.S. House of Representatives, saying: "Speaker Pelosi has issued masks to members, but I can't read the instructions!" This US congressman is deliberate, knowing that the mask is made in China, and wants to use the "Made in China" mask to find trouble. The use of this N-95 mask, where will there be instructions? This is the certificate of conformity is not the manual, and the addition of no instructions, is the matter of the American dealer, the matter of the American merchant, China is only responsible for manufacturing. And the certificate of conformity is bilingual in Chinese and English, and this AMERICAN congressman can't even read English? Moreover, immediately an American punched the face: "This N95 mask, Chinese really even the English instruction manual, have been given to the Americans!" It was really perfect. "Punch in the face too hard"! This U.S. congressman doesn't want to wear it or not, no one please you! Wearing a mask needs to be explained in detail, on this IQ, don't the US congressman. Or that American politicians are so "anti-intellectual" and "low IQ". #American Truth ##口罩 #

U.S. lawmakers complain that Chinese masks do not have English instructions! On January 20, U.S. Republican Congressman Brian Step posted the masks distributed to each U.S. lawmaker in the U.S. House of Representatives.
U.S. lawmakers complain that Chinese masks do not have English instructions! On January 20, U.S. Republican Congressman Brian Step posted the masks distributed to each U.S. lawmaker in the U.S. House of Representatives.
U.S. lawmakers complain that Chinese masks do not have English instructions! On January 20, U.S. Republican Congressman Brian Step posted the masks distributed to each U.S. lawmaker in the U.S. House of Representatives.

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