
We will fall in love tomorrow, no matter what the mulberry field and the sea

author:One equals all

You who have grown up or are about to grow up, have lived in the world for so long, do you know what love is?

Are you good at love? Or are you lucky enough to always be favored? Have you ever had an unforgettable moment of heartbeat, or a memories related to love that are always beautiful?

Many people will answer that first love is the most memorable.

We will fall in love tomorrow, no matter what the mulberry field and the sea

At that time, we were like a blank piece of paper, love was unknown, there was no shape and no taste, it was the first time to love, some panic to go on a long trip, no tension before the final exam, a mood that had never been felt before quietly grew, could not be suppressed, constantly emerged from the eyes, but the mouth did not know how to express it to describe one-thousandth of his heart.

I like you.

This is the answer carefully written at the end of the blank piece of paper.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, sort out all your heartbeats and use five movies to return to the simplest and most sincere appearance of your first love.

"Complete True Love"

"When you fall in love, it's not just you, everyone knows."

We will fall in love tomorrow, no matter what the mulberry field and the sea

Do you remember the first person you fell in love with? When I was a child, I didn't understand anything, and I didn't have any real troubles when I first fell in love with someone.

Do you remember why you liked him? What kind of stupid things did you do for him?

This Norwegian film is a story about meeting true love at the age of nine. Little Redhead Anne had only one thing in mind—to find a boy to fall in love with as soon as possible, and the new little boy in town, Yell, just made her fall in love at first sight. The adults thought she was joking, and Anne herself knew that she was really in love with Yell.

We will fall in love tomorrow, no matter what the mulberry field and the sea

Adults always feel that there is a so-called "love" between children, they do not understand love, and no one will meet their own lifelong true love at the age of ten. But adults don't understand that there are never small things in the child's world, and love is to pour out all the big things.

Sitting in the back of his bike, feeling like he really had the whole world, seeing him talking to other little girls would be a mess of jealousy. Children do not understand repression, do not know what reason and sensibility are, and only think foolishly. I love him so much, I couldn't love him more. How can I be with him forever and ever?

Maybe what we encountered at that time was the so-called true love, pure love, without any other factors mixed in, moody and simple.

"The First Kiss"

"There are so many rich people in the world, talented people, sentimental people, barbarians, only this person will make you laugh happily." 」

We will fall in love tomorrow, no matter what the mulberry field and the sea

Even if you haven't seen "First Kiss", you must know the classic shot where the boy puts headphones on Sophie Marceau's head from behind, hugs her, and at the ball, exclusive to music that only the two of them can hear, dancing softly, as if the moment will never end. It is the romance that everyone longs for, the first love in the dream, as long as the song "reality" sounds, the young Sophie Marceau in the mind will appear in love, and it is as if a person has a world.

The "First Kiss" series is like a textbook about love, from the first love is ignorant, the love of parents to the elderly can not fall into love. How romantic French people love, why people can't lack love, all the questions are answered here.

At the age of just becoming sensible, the first step for adults is to learn to love.

We will fall in love tomorrow, no matter what the mulberry field and the sea

The most common scene in the film is the way young boys and girls gently hug each other and dance slowly to the music, without having to talk or look into each other's eyes, we just have music, there is each other, leaning on your shoulders, and we are shaking and loving each other.

Love may be eternal and unchanging, when you meet like, everyone will be like a child, helpless, mixed feelings, love is never reasonable, who you fall in love with, who does not love who has no laws, sometimes it is a glance of ten thousand years, sometimes it is a smile.

"Sunset Bridge"

"We're glad we're different."

We will fall in love tomorrow, no matter what the mulberry field and the sea

In Venice, there is an old legend: "Whenever the sun sets and the bells ring in the city, if a couple rides a gondola and kisses under the Bridge of Sighs, a miracle will come and bless them to love each other forever." ”

Love is full of rituals, dating, holding hands, hugging, kissing, confessing, every little thing is a big thing between lovers. A girl who loves philosophy, a boy who loves to watch movies, a legend told by an old gentleman, if I'm leaving France, the last thing I hope we do together can be to go to Venice to realize the legend.

We will fall in love tomorrow, no matter what the mulberry field and the sea

It is also an elopement that is tolerated by adults, the old man who tells the story raises money for the two, lies for the two at the border, the mother who calls the police and the policeman who is looking for the girl almost become saboteurs, but chooses to follow silently after finding the traces of the two people, escorting them. Elopement is really not easy, in addition to firm love, but also need to provide blessings and help from all kinds of people along the way, if we have become unlovable adults, can only hope that this pair of little lovers can achieve their own romance.

"Without you, Venice would be meaningless."

The most romantic thing I can think of is not to grow old with you slowly, but to chase a forever that may not exist together. Because of love, people are naïve enough to believe in eternity.

The Blue Gate

"What will we be like in a year, three years, five years? Because you are kind, cheerful and comfortable, you should be more handsome. ”

We will fall in love tomorrow, no matter what the mulberry field and the sea

Have we become the ideal adults who push open the blue door? The summer that was once long and seemed to never end passed in a trance one day. Gone are the days of bicycles, swimming pools, gym classes, cleaning and graffiti on the walls, school uniforms don't know where they were thrown, and sun-drenched teenagers don't know who they became after sinking into the sea of people.

Perhaps the introverted Meng Kerou will also become enthusiastic and cheerful, the spirited Zhang Shihao can no longer confidently say "I am very good", and Lin Yuezhen, who has been loved and pursued love, does not know what kind of person she fell in love with later. The years are like water, plain and clear, without a little impurity and color, allowing everyone to refract themselves and imagine nostalgia.

We will fall in love tomorrow, no matter what the mulberry field and the sea

"Oh, the summer is almost over, as if nothing has been done yet." "Yeah, I didn't do anything, I just ran around every day."

There are no earth-shattering events in youth, so many are inexplicable and aimless, and those small things that only they know are blown away by a gust of wind and can never come back. Unconsciously, we have become the old generation, the old past is stuffed into the peninsula iron box, and no one but myself will open it and cherish it.


"It's not that I don't like you."

We will fall in love tomorrow, no matter what the mulberry field and the sea

I used to think that seventeen was the darkest time under the heavens, who would have thought that it was just the beginning of life's difficulties, when the most intolerable things that I felt were not worth mentioning when I grew up.

How sad would I be if I could see who I am now at the age of seventeen? I didn't end up being different, and even being an ordinary person was often breathless, but I still wanted to tell myself at that time that life was not bad.

We will fall in love tomorrow, no matter what the mulberry field and the sea

The double negative table affirms that Sue, a seventeen-year-old girl who came to the countryside from Seoul to go to school, is unlikable, willful, sharp, and speaks harshly to everyone, she hates her own life, and she hates everything in life. As the class leader, ZhenXian has always taken the initiative to ask to be with her, the dodgeball of the physical education class quietly helps her, and the graduation commemorative essay collection is done with her. Zhenxian can see through Sueyi's heart at a glance, the two of them have similar pain, in front of Suey, Zhenxian always can't help but be honest and can't help but tolerate. In this country where everything was strange, there was a similar person who gave Sue warmth.

Not all stories have an beginning and an end, and they didn't wait until the graduate Zhenxian family suddenly moved away, Sue's feelings ended without a hitch, and the boy's intentions could not be known.

After becoming a gray-headed middle-aged man, Sue opens the anthology again, and the sentence of Zhenxian's farewell at that time is also his confession, "I am not disliking you."

When we grow up, we have not become better selves, but we have re-acquainted with the seventeen-year-old who is not so unbearable. You don't have to meet again, you spend seventeen with me, now, I take the good of the past, continue to live, my life, not so bad.

We will fall in love tomorrow, no matter what the mulberry field and the sea

Even if we are no longer young, there are always people who are young and can't find the dream words at that time, so let's continue to live with the inexplicable and naïve courage of that year, we don't understand anything, we are all learning, we are all becoming better adults in our own way.

Whether you have a lover or not, I wish you, find your own heartbeat in the ordinary life, and meet the eyes that are as loving as you in the vast sea of people.

After all, the world is full of lovers, and sentient people will surely step through the dust of the world and come to you who are also full of love.

Not only Valentine's Day, every day I hope you can live happily and lovingly.