
Liu Bang glanced at Lu Jia: "Shusheng is doing things, is this not waiting?" Bathing, bathing, and washing the world's first-class heroes! After scolding for half a moment, he suddenly remembered it again, and hurriedly ordered the two customers to meet.

author:History of the Bavarian Thorns

Liu Bang glanced at Lu Jia: "Shusheng is doing things, is this not waiting?" Bathing, bathing, and washing the world's first-class heroes! After scolding for half a moment, he suddenly remembered it again, and hurriedly ordered the two customers to meet. The doorman looked sad, holding the tian heng head wrapped in white silk and handing it over to Him.

Sui He carefully opened the package and presented it to Liu Bang and Lu Jia for inspection. That Lu Jia was still talking and laughing with Tian Heng an hour ago, when he caught a glimpse of Tian Heng's head, he couldn't help but turn pale: "His Majesty... Your Majesty, sure enough, it was him! ”

Liu Bang saw that the first rank was full of anger, and he couldn't help but sigh: "Although You don't know Tian Heng, but seeing this heroic spirit, how can there be a second person in the world?" ”

Lu Jia was still shocked and uncertain: "When he was in the pavilion, he also saw him with a calm attitude, asking his courtiers about the rules of the Han family, how can it be that in an instant, the heavens and people are separated?" ”

Liu Bang sighed, "The Tian clan is a tyrannical lord, and only Tian Hengshang can be called a virtuous prince." He did not want to come to see me, but to keep the feast. How many people in the world can there be in the world who have abandoned glory in such a way? What a great husband, a great husband! ”

"If so, why didn't he just stop it on the island?" But he had to run with his subjects for half a month, so why did he come? ”

"Corrupt, can't see through it?" Tian Heng was summoned to the outskirts of Luoyang, only to commit suicide, but to show his heart that he did not want to rebel against the Han family's tianwei, and this move was to seek a way to survive for the five hundred disciples. ”

Lu Jia realized something at this point: "Oh, Wei Chen's pedantic pole, he didn't even notice." ”

Liu Bang said softly to the two disciples, "It is really rare that you two are loyal to the Lord, so let's be a lieutenant in the army." After saying this, he summoned He Dao, "Go to the northern qi mountain, find a blessed land, collect the body of the former king of Qi, and bury it with royal rites." ”

As He took the order, he got up to wrap up the first level, but Liu Bang said, "Wait a minute, let's take another look." ”

Before coming to the first level, after a few glances, he couldn't help but shed tears and said to Lu Jia and others: "Qi you tian heng, the good name can be passed on to future generations." After a thousand years, who can still calculate whether today will win or lose? Only the name of such a gentleman is passed down from woman to child, and is known from generation to generation. Although my generation of soldiers is a winner, in terms of fame, they have lost to him. ”

The two guests heard that the Han Emperor was so praised, and they were even more sobish, and they prostrated their heads one after another.

The next day, Tian Heng's body was escorted by a thousand forbidden soldiers to the foot of the Beiqi Mountain and chose a place to dig a hole.

After sealing the land, the two disciples said to Sui He: "Therefore, the King of Qi treats me like a son and nephew, and now he really can't bear to leave abruptly, please allow the two of us to temporarily inhabit this place, and after guarding the funeral for ten years, I will return to the camp." ”

After he left, the two disciples did not rest, and dug two caves in the tomb wall overnight. At dawn, the two men took off the Han family's clothes, changed into white clothes, and prayed to Tian Heng's tomb: "Since the king is martyred, how dare the subject steal his life?" May you accompany the king to the north forever, looking at the homeland from afar. After a great cry, he drew his sword and threw himself into the cave.

Some nearby peasant families found out and rushed to tell LiZheng, so they rushed to the Luoyang Palace at the first level.

When Liu Bang heard the report in the Nangong Palace, he couldn't help but be shocked: "Qi Di has such a Qi Shiye? At that moment, he passed on Lu Jialai, and told him about the martyrdom of the doorman, and said, "Tian Heng killed himself, and the second guest actually martyred himself, which is rare in the world of the master's servant Enyi, but when he hears it, he feels quite uneasy." Thinking that on that island, there are still five hundred righteous men who have not yet surrendered, and is it not necessary to make trouble again when they smell the wind? In this matter, Mr. Laofu himself had to settle the matter, and then go to the island, coax him and a group of party members to return, and then appease him. ”

When Lu Jia heard the order, he couldn't help but look embarrassed: "Tian Heng killed himself, and tomorrow no one in Luoyang City will know." Within a month, the word will spread throughout the sea. The courtiers can coax five hundred people to leave the island, but after going ashore, when they hear that the old lord is dead, how can they give up? ”

"Sir, don't worry, you will send Li Shang to lead a team of pawns to escort you there."

"Don't do it! General Li harbored a family vendetta and sent him away, how to make it? ”

Liu Bang smiled, shook his head, and said, "Reader, why are you so timid?" ”

After a little thought, he added, "When you go to the island, you don't have to land, and when you go to the ship, you will announce to the other generations that you only say that Na tian Yoko has killed himself, and that he has decreed that he will be buried with royal rites." All the people on the island were awarded the high knighthood and allowed to return to their hometown. The Edict was issued by the Ming Dynasty, and the small officials of the counties and townships absolutely did not dare to make trouble. ”

"What about after the proclamation?"

"You just have to go back." The ship does not dock, or are you afraid that the five hundred people will fly over and divide you up? ”

"So... With only these few words, can the five hundred disciples stop the flag? ”

"In this section, you don't have to worry about it. Five hundred people listened to their movements. The crowd is leaderless, what can they do against each other? He would order coastal vigilance. When his lord was dead, and under the order of appeasement, the disciples hesitated for several days and returned. ”

On this day, the boat traveled to the near side of the island, only to hear a sound of gold, and many people suddenly crowded out between the mountains and rocks on the island.

It turned out that the five hundred righteous men had already seen the ship coming, thinking that Tian Heng had returned, and they were all overjoyed. However, when he looked closely, he did not see Tian Heng, only Lu Jia and a book boy standing on the bow of the ship.

While everyone was wondering, they overheard Lu Jia's loud proclamation, and the gist of what he said was exactly what Liu Bang had instructed a few days ago.

The five hundred people on the island listened and froze for a moment. Only then did they all come back to God, understand that the lord was dead, and when he ascended to the heavens, he rushed to the heavens and the earth.

Someone suddenly shouted, "Junshang, and go slowly, my generation is also coming!" "Shouting, he drew his sword and killed himself." Suddenly, the five hundred brave men all drew their swords in their hands and killed themselves one after another.

Lu Jia was horrified to the extreme, led the sailors to inspect the island, saw no one alive, and could not help but sigh, and it took a long time before boarding the ship and leaving.

When he returned to Luoyang and entered the imperial court, Liu Bang was also so shocked that he collapsed on his seat: "There are so many righteous people in the world!" After taking another breath, he stood up, stomped on the temple for a long time, looked up and sighed, "If there was no Ji Xin to die in those days, I Liu Ji would be Tian Hengyi today!" ”

Lu Jia saw that Liu Bang was unhappy, and hurriedly pleaded with sin: "The subject is blunt, went to the island three times, but did not persuade one person to return, and the sin is unforgivable." ”

Liu Bang turned around and looked at Lu Jia, and couldn't help but smile: "Sir, where are you guilty?" You allowed Na Tian to take a bath, and you washed away a big problem in my heart, and the praise was not enough, how can I blame you? Then he ordered Xiao He to move to Jimo County, and the county ordered the people to go to the island, collect the bones of the five hundred people, and bury them in good faith, so as not to cause resentment among the people. ”

Liu Bang glanced at Lu Jia: "Shusheng is doing things, is this not waiting?" Bathing, bathing, and washing the world's first-class heroes! After scolding for half a moment, he suddenly remembered it again, and hurriedly ordered the two customers to meet.
Liu Bang glanced at Lu Jia: "Shusheng is doing things, is this not waiting?" Bathing, bathing, and washing the world's first-class heroes! After scolding for half a moment, he suddenly remembered it again, and hurriedly ordered the two customers to meet.
Liu Bang glanced at Lu Jia: "Shusheng is doing things, is this not waiting?" Bathing, bathing, and washing the world's first-class heroes! After scolding for half a moment, he suddenly remembered it again, and hurriedly ordered the two customers to meet.

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