
Rational use of drugs| mixed with 4 kinds of cold medicines to cause kidney failure! 14 medication knowledge you must know

author:Bright Net

A few days ago, Ms. Wang of Wuhan was anxious to treat a cold, mixed with four kinds of cold medicines, causing acute kidney failure. According to statistics, about 2.5 million people in China are physically impaired by taking the wrong medicine every year, and 200,000 people die as a result.

Reminder: (1) Cold medicine should not be eaten indiscriminately; (2) take painkillers for more than three days at a time; (3) Excessive intake of vitamins may turn into poison.

Compound licorice tablets: continuous medication should not exceed 7 days

Rational use of drugs| mixed with 4 kinds of cold medicines to cause kidney failure! 14 medication knowledge you must know

It needs to be purchased with a prescription, and it cannot be taken without authorization when taking it, and it should be guided by a pharmacist and taken according to the prescribed dosage and course of treatment. The prescribed dosage should not exceed 3 days, the continuous medication should not exceed 7 days, or replace compound licorice tablets with other expectorant cough medicines.

Cough syrup: 1 time more than 60 ml will be excited

Rational use of drugs| mixed with 4 kinds of cold medicines to cause kidney failure! 14 medication knowledge you must know

Common name compound codeine phosphate solution, containing codeine, ephedrine, oral administration of more than 60 ml will appear excitement, irritability and other symptoms, a large number of people will produce euphoria and hallucinations, normal use will not be addictive.

Nasal drops: long-term use is harmful

When you have a cold, do not go to the pharmacy to buy nasal drops, vasoconstriction nasal drops long-term use can cause the nasal mucosal blood vessels to be in a constricted state, causing local mucosal tissue hyperplasia, resulting in drug rhinitis, long-term use will also produce drug dependence.

Asthma inhalants: use with care

Inhalants are first aid drugs that cannot be used for long periods of time when there are no symptoms, which can lead to drug resistance. The drug should be rinsed with water immediately after inhalation, which can not only reduce or avoid local adverse reactions, but also reduce systemic adverse reactions caused by the absorption of the drug from the oropharynx.

Throat lozenges: Eating too much can induce oral diseases

Taking throat lozenges for a long time without inflammation or unclear causes in the mouth is easy to inhibit and kill normal bacteria in the mouth, but may cause mouth ulcers, tonsillitis and so on.

Many throat lozenges contain ice tablets, which are cold in nature, which may aggravate the weakness of the spleen and stomach and cause diarrhea.

Band-Aids: Misuse or infection

Band-aids can only stop bleeding, can not completely achieve antibacterial disinfection, coupled with its poor water absorption and breathability, once used improperly will lead to wound infection.

Use Caution:

1. Band-Aids are only suitable for small wounds that do not hurt the muscle layer, do not bleed much and do not need to be sutured.

2. Wounds with more bleeding, small and deep, animal bites, stings, infected wounds, and heavier skin abrasions, burns or burns, can not use Band-Aids.

3. If the wound is soaked or contaminated with water during use, pay attention to replacing it in time.

Cephalosporin antibiotics: do not drink alcohol for 7 days after discontinuation

You should not drink alcohol while taking cephalosporin antibiotics, and you should not drink alcohol or eat drinks and foods containing ethanol products for 7 days after stopping the drug, such as chocolate, huoxiangzheng water, and fermented vinegar.

Gastric motility drugs: stomach discomfort should be used with caution

Dyspepsia can be divided into organic and functional. Drugs that increase gastrointestinal motility are more effective for functional dyspepsia, while dyspepsia due to organic diseases requires a definitive diagnosis. Therefore, stomach discomfort should take gastric motility drugs, which may cover up organic lesions and delay treatment.

Hormone topical drugs: do not use indiscriminately

Topical drugs containing hormones, including pastes, emulsions, oils and ointments, are generally used 1 to 2 times a day to achieve the purpose of treatment. The larger the range of lesions, the lower the concentration of the drug used. In addition, it is necessary to use it for a long time, and it is best to use it every other day.

Plaster: Misuse and misuse hurt the body

Each patch has a unique pharmacological effect and cannot be universalized.

The following three situations should be used with caution:

1. When there is an ulcer in the affected area;

2. Muscle contusion, joint or ligament strain caused by exercise or labor, do not immediately use injury wet pain relief cream and musk wind chasing plaster to apply to the injured part;

3. Pregnant women should not use plasters containing musk, frankincense, safflower, myrrh, peach kernels and other blood-activating and stasis-reducing ingredients.

Menstrual medication for women: blood-activating drugs should be kept away

When women take medication during menstruation, some medications are contraindicated or used with caution.


Blood-activating and stasis-reducing traditional Chinese medicine, which can dilate blood vessels and accelerate blood flow;

Certain anticoagulants, such as aspirin, warfarin, heparin, etc.;

Laxatives, such as magnesium sulfate, sodium nitrate (Glauber's salt), have a violent discharge effect and can cause reflex pelvic congestion, and the above three drugs can cause increased menstrual flow;

Sex hormone drugs, such as androgens, can cause decreased menstruation or menopause, and progesterone can cause irregular bleeding.

Painkillers: Pay attention to distinguish the symptoms and do not use them indiscriminately

Different medications can cause damage to the gastric mucosa, kidney damage, and even cardiovascular disease. Long-term use of painkillers can also create psychological dependence. And if painkillers mask the condition, such as cancer, the best time for treatment may be missed.

If the cause of the slight pain is clear, if there is no effect after taking the drug for 3 consecutive days, you must go to the hospital for examination.

Amino acids: excessive intake increases the burden on the liver and kidneys

Amino acids are clinically mainly targeted at patients with severe malnutrition and those who are unable to supplement protein by eating or oral.

If a normal diet is able to get enough protein, no infusions are needed to obtain amino acids. Excessive intake of the body can not be used, excess amino acids decomposed and excreted from the body will increase the burden on the liver and kidneys.

Calcium supplements: Excessive amounts affect children's development

Excessive and repeated calcium supplementation not only easily affects the child's appetite, but also may lead to anorexia, constipation and flatulence, and even kidney stones, bladder stones, etc.;

Excessive calcium intake can also affect the absorption of iron, zinc, magnesium and other elements. Therefore, calcium supplementation should be preferred diet, such as soy products, dairy products, fish and meat, etc., infants and young children with a normal diet do not need special calcium supplementation.

Source: Yangzi Famous Medical Group

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