
The competition company paid a high salary to dig up the vice president in my father's factory, and my aunt and father asked my father to quickly raise his salary and stay. My father said, "I have worked so hard to cultivate this man, and now is the time for him to repay his kindness."

author:Brother Yumu's entrepreneurial logic

The competition company paid a high salary to dig up the vice president in my father's factory, and my aunt and father asked my father to quickly raise his salary and stay. My father said, "I have worked so hard to cultivate this man, and now it is time for him to repay his kindness." "The great aunt and father disagreed. In the end, my dad cried.

In the 1990s, my dad and my aunt and dad co-founded a furniture factory called Unity Furniture Factory.

At its best, there are hundreds of employees.

At that time, there was a young man named Xiao Xu, who was in his twenties, with a very flexible brain and a tactful attitude.

My father said to my aunt and father, "This boy is very smart, and in the past, his father did not seriously educate, and his studies were abandoned."

If we cultivate well, we may be a talent in the future. ”

Xiao Xu's father and my father are the same countrymen, and they are quite familiar.

Xiao Xu was clever when he was young, but his father was a farmer and neglected to discipline him.

After arriving in junior high school, Xiao Xu followed some on the street to play, and finally did not even go to high school.

He didn't come back until he was twenty years old, but the best time to study was over, and he had to go to the furniture factory as a general worker.

When my eldest aunt heard my father say that he wanted to cultivate Xiao Xu, he laughed and said:

"You're joking, aren't you?" We are a factory, an enterprise, not a school, and the training of people is not in our business scope. ”

My father said, "This is a good seedling, cultivated, and can contribute to the factory." ”

The eldest aunt said: "For small and medium-sized enterprises like us, cultivating talents is simply a false proposition.

Unless it is a very close relative of your own, don't waste this money and energy. ”

But at that time, my father was the director of the Unity Furniture Factory, responsible for the actual operation of the factory.

Because the eldest aunt and father still have a garment factory to manage, they will not manage the affairs in the factory.

My dad actually started to train this guy with his heart.

Every process in the factory let him do it over and over again, and then let Xiao Xu be the workshop management.

Later, he was arranged to go to school with a salary to study the marketing and management of furniture.

When I came back, I was promoted again.

Because he was very young, he was promoted out of the ordinary, and some people in the factory also had some opinions, but my father suppressed him.

My dad was really bullish on the potential of this guy.

However, because Xiao Xu was young and inexperienced, the factory also suffered a lot of losses and suffered several losses.

But my dad added, "As long as he can eat a long and wise, these tuition fees are worth it." ”

A few years later, he did become the pillar of the factory.

The factory was restructured and corporatized, and he was also appointed deputy general manager.

In recent years, his salary has also been rising, which is faster than that of his peers.

But one day, he came to my dad and said something.

It was the owner of the stone nail furniture factory next door who gave him a salary of 18,000 yuan and wanted to dig him up to be the deputy general manager of their factory.

At that time, the price was cheap, and eighteen thousand was definitely a high wage.

Stone nail factory is one of the main competitors of my father's factory, both of which produce high-end solid wood sofas.

And Stone Nail received a big investment from Chuan Yan that year and is expanding vigorously, so it is digging talents everywhere.

At that time, Xiao Xu's salary in my factory was only 11,000, which was a lot worse.

My dad asked him, "What do you mean by yourself?" ”

Xiao Xu said: "The boss is so good to me, I will definitely not leave." ”

My dad was very happy with this and felt that he had a good eye and did not look at the wrong person.

This is not the wrong person has two meanings.

First, this young man is indeed a talent, from a low-educated stunned young man to grow into a pillar of the enterprise, my father did not misread him at that time, is a good seedling.

Second, my father felt that other factories were highly paid to invite him, he did not go, this loyalty he did not look at the wrong person.

But when my great aunt heard about this, she immediately said to my father, "Hurry, give him a salary increase, up to eighteen thousand." ”

My dad said, "What's the salary increase?" He's not going to go.

What did I spend on cultivating him for so many years? Now is the time for him to repay the favor. ”

The eldest aunt smiled and said, "The money you spent on cultivating him before was a sunk cost, so forget about it!"

Now he's going to be poached, he's worth eighteen thousand, you give him eighteen thousand. ”

Dr. Lu said, "What do you know? When he was working as a general worker in the factory, he only had more than a thousand yuan a month.

At that time, our factory promoted him, gave him the opportunity to study, entrusted him with heavy responsibilities, and gave him the opportunity to exercise practice.

Now that he has become popular, how can he be so grateful? ”

The eldest aunt smiled again: "The so-called gratitude is just a wish of yours." ”

The next year, the boy's employment contract expired, and my father paid him thirteen thousand.

He promised to be good, and in the blink of an eye, he went to the factory of stone nails, and the salary was eighteen thousand, and there was a bonus.

My dad immediately broke down, inexplicably angry.

The eldest aunt felt that this was very normal, and said: "You have been wrong from the beginning, we are a factory, an employer, a profitable organization, not a training institution."

Employees can arrange what positions they can come in, and if his ability is improved, his salary will be increased.

The cultivation of talents should be combined with the actual needs of the company, and there is no need to deliberately cultivate them.

If you cultivate talents because of the company's needs, then after the training, you must forget how much the company has paid, and directly use his current market to set his salary.

Don't always count on the gratitude of employees, people are selfish. ”

My father was angry, went to find the young man, and questioned him: "The factory has spent so much effort to cultivate you, you just ran to another factory in the blink of an eye, do you think it is worth it?" ”

The man said, "It is true that you have trained me, but is it because of this that I am going to give you cheap work for the rest of my life?" ”

My dad was speechless.

Later, with the help of this Xiao Xu and the financial support of Chuan Yan, the factory of stone nails soon got better, and robbed my family's business of a lot.

Almost squeezed my family's factory out of business.

The eldest aunt said: "Employees come to work to make money, and we recruit employees to work to make money."

Cultivating talents is not impossible, but it must not be paid to cultivate, but to let employees improve their abilities while contributing to the factory. ”

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