
"The Mercy of Justice" is an outrageous case and a difficult accident

author:Lawyer Xiaoyu

Original Xiaoyu Lawyer Mulan Legal

In a perfect world, it is not difficult to be a perfect angel, but it is difficult to be light and salvation in a flawed society.

It is easy to create unjust cases, but it is too difficult to correct the chaos.

The highest human emotion is compassion, the kind of suffering that takes the suffering of others as suffering, and fights against the misfortunes of others, adapted from real events, "Righteous Mercy" tells the story of Brian, a black student who graduated from Harvard Law School, whose first internship experience was to visit a death row prison, and he became a lawyer for the Equal Justice Initiative, which aims to provide legal aid to the poor, death row inmates, and people who have been treated unjustly.

In the United States, where the highest human rights glorify themselves, one of the nine prisoners on death row is found to be innocent, what an astonishing rate of error. This is the meaning of the existence of the Equal Justice Initiative.

Fighting for those in need, that's the credo that Brian's mother taught him. Not all death row inmates deserve it, and Brian could have chosen to be a man who escaped from the bottom and embarked on a smooth path of embracing wealth and status, but he chose the hardest path.

Seeing the desperate Brian, people can't help but think of the black conductor Don in "Green Book", their common point is the choice they made after gaining the freedom of life through self-struggle, the biggest charm of freedom is that they can choose not to do anything, but they all choose to be biased towards the tiger mountain line.

There is no profit in serving the vulnerable, there is no name for serving the racially savage, and only countless hardships and dangers are hidden in it. The first time Brian went to prison, he was going to meet six people a day, and he was asked by the prison guards to strip naked, which was a very hurtful and humiliating experience.

Legal aid under high pressure is fundamentally different from agents who push boats along the water. Lawyers who accept legal aid cases cannot be said to have no public interest, but they are more of a temporary choice for young lawyers who lack a source of cases. Brian's choice of legal aid is brave and compassionate because his choice is to fight for justice all his life.

The fledgling Brian faces too many questions and threats, death row inmates do not trust and rely on him, a young face is not a pass for a good lawyer, and death row inmates think that a kind hairy child does not know what he is doing, thinking that this is just a temporary impulse of a young man.

Brian's sincerity and kindness have won the trust of death row inmates, one of whom is about to be executed, and he is asked to accompany him on his last journey, which is a difficult mental journey. He could not have gone, but out of compassion, Brian experienced the last side of the Vietnam War veteran and accompanied him through the last moments of his unfortunate life.

Before they were executed, they were put on death row, and those who could restore the truth did not dare to testify, and those who came out to testify were instructed to give false testimony. Investigators obstruct Brian from overturning the case to death row inmates, swaying public opinion sways the case, and so on.

Brian kept looking for witnesses for Walter's evidence, and finally, the key witnesses subverted all the previous confessions, and the trial seemed to be clear, but a month later the judge ruled that the witness's confession was invalid, and Walter still had to wait for the execution. People are discouraged, including Walter's relatives, Brian is also suffering, his efforts are so wasted?

When justice is kidnapped by public power, Walter becomes even more elusive, and he tells Brian, "If you pull me into the electric chair now, I will laugh and go up, because I have regained the truth." "At first he thought he would be fine because the truth was on his side, but when the media, the public and law enforcement all said he was guilty, when he was on death row 3 years later, the children were calling less and less, he wanted to know how his family saw him, how they saw themselves, and began to wonder if he was really guilty, and the truth began to blur. But when he heard the witness tell the truth again in court, he rediscovered himself and remembered who he was.

Undeterred, Brian applied to the Alaba Supreme Court, which three months later ruled and sent it back for retrial.

Is the truth the truth? In fact, not necessarily, the truth in the media report, the truth in the witnesses, and the truth in the hearts of judges and defense lawyers, the truth in the hearts of the parties themselves, the truth that gradually becomes blurred with the passage of time...

Walter is innocent, and it hurts him to exhaust all his strength and luck to fight for a fair trial for himself.

Is justice that is late be just? From time to time, this question peruses our conscience and cognition, and it is better for justice to be late than for justice not to come. Upholding justice does require compassion, justice is faith, it is not a thing that is readily available, it requires blood and tears to fight, and defending justice needs to be tested like fire, testing whether all people can withstand threats and intimidation, and whether they can always maintain their adherence and sensitivity to justice.

Prosecutor Chapman eventually withdrew all charges and Walter was free. He shook hands with death row inmates one by one, a life-and-death farewell between death row inmates and those who had regained their freedom.

The police ignore the evidence and rely on speculation to identify the suspect as a murderer, the wrongful case is outrageously wrong, Walter is in prison to die and wait for the snow, all this needs someone to come forward, Walter is unfortunate, he is also lucky, because Brian stepped forward. In the face of strong public power, in the face of an arrogant state apparatus, everyone needs justice, and every law enforcer needs compassion.

It is important to have a righteous belief, but it is even more important to realize it by practicing it. Young people who are new to society dream of changing the world, many people become numb before long, to prevent becoming numb and greasy, to maintain a reverence for life and the law is the professional consciousness of lawyers.

Racial discrimination is a black hole in the minds of racists, it hurts not only the specific discriminated against, it hurts the fairness and justice of the law more deeply. Compassion is the need to pay at least attention to human nature. The law has no temperature, but the enforcers need to be humane and compassionate.