
Folklore foreshadowing from 22 to 25 January

Folklore foreshadowing from 22 to 25 January

(1) Saturday, January 22 (20th of January).

1, folklore should be avoided: ~ Xin ugly year, Xin ugly month, B Hai day, moon and day rendezvous, although the three bi is on duty, there will be disputes, but folk customs events are still appropriate.

2. Zodiac Day: ~ Tiger, rabbit, sheep, rat, or born in Yin, 卯, 未, Zi Day: more smooth and suitable for feasting or acting, etc. ~ Snakes, monkeys, or born in Mi and Shinri: changeable and conflicting changes, or injuries and diseases, etc. ~ Pig men, or those born in the sun, are inevitably depressed and depressed, and they must also pay attention to health and safety. Other genera are in mixed proportions or in the japanese grid.

3, the direction of the aura: ~ the direction of the day, to the east, north, southwest, more auspicious. ~ The color of the day, with green, black blue wet, dry yellow, can be suitable. ~ The aura of the day, wangmu, water. Fire, earth, flat gold. Market concern: wood, water.

4, the pattern characteristics: ~ xin ugly, xin ugly, xin wei, stubborn nature, slow and hot, career efforts, poor learning, strong spouse, marriage is slightly hindered. The three pillars are already prosperous, and the hour is fine.

(2) Sunday, January 23 (21st of January).

1, folklore should be avoided: ~ Xin ugly year, Xin ugly month, C zi day, four green on duty, Wang Wenchang talent, Li education and training, folklore events are more appropriate.

2. Zodiac Day: ~ Cattle, monkeys, dragons, pigs, or born in ugly, Shen, Chen, Hai Day: More smooth and suitable for feasting and procession. ~ Horses, sheep, or born in the afternoon or the day: changeable and conflicting, or injury and illness, etc. ~ Mickey Mouse, or those born in the child day, or have depression and trouble, pay attention to health and safety. ~Other genera are mixed with the Japanese grid.

3, the direction of the aura: ~ the direction of the day, to the west, north, southeast, northeast, more auspicious. ~ The color of the day, wet with white, black and blue, is more appropriate. ~ The aura of the day, fire, wood, dry soil, water, gold, wet soil. Market attention: gold, water, wet soil.

4, pattern characteristics: ~ ugly, ugly, C, strange nature, abnormal behavior, career efforts, learning in the middle, strong spouse, yin and yang errors, high divorce rate. The three pillars have been weak, or weak or from, the hour claims.

(3) Monday, January 24 (22nd of the Lunar New Year).

1, folklore should be avoided: ~ Xin ugly year, Xin ugly month, Ding ugly day, five yellow when on duty, many diseases and broken wealth, folklore and other things are not appropriate.

2. Zodiac Day: ~ Rats, snakes, chickens, pigs, or born in the son, 巳, 酉, 海日: multi-shun and suitable for feasting and traveling. ~ Those who belong to sheep and horses, or who were born in the afternoon or at noon: changeable and conflicting, or injuries and diseases. ~ Little black cows, or those born on ugly days, beware of depression and depression, pay attention to health and safety. ~Other genera are mixed with the Japanese grid.

3, the direction of the aura: ~ the direction of the day, to the west, north, northeast, southeast, more auspicious. ~ The color of the day, wet with white, black and blue, is more appropriate. ~ The aura of the day, fire, wood, water, gold, earth. Market concern: gold, soil.

4, the pattern characteristics: ~ ugly, ugly, ugly, stubborn, abnormal behavior, hard work, learning in the middle. Strong spouses, yin and yang, and high divorce rates. The three pillars have been weak, or weak or from, the hour claims.

(4) Tuesday, January 25, (23rd of the Lunar Month).

1, folklore should be taboo: ~ Xin ugly year, Xin ugly month, Peng Yin day, six white on duty, profit and wealth, folklore events are still appropriate.

2. Zodiac Day: ~ Pigs, horses, dogs, rabbits, or born in the day of hai, noon, 戌, 卯 day, more smooth and suitable for feasting or acting. ~ Monkeys, snakes, or born in Shen and Mi, there are changes in conflict or injuries and diseases. ~ Little tigers, or those born in Yinri, are mostly troubled and depressed, and pay attention to health damage. ~Other genera are mixed with the Japanese grid.

3, the direction of the aura: ~ the day of the direction, to the east, south, northwest, more auspicious. ~ The color of the day, with green, red, dry yellow, more suitable. ~ The aura of the day, fire, wood, dry soil, decaying water, gold, wet soil. Market attention: fire, wood, dry soil.

4, the pattern characteristics: ~ xin ugly, xin ugly, penyin, timidity, ordinary behavior, career efforts, poor learning, strong spouse, yin and yang, divorce rate is high. The three pillars are weak, and the hour is harmless.

(5) "Cliché": Some netizens asked: What does it mean to return to the nine stars?

Answer: In the Year of the Tiger in 2022, from the perspective of the palace star, it is the return of the nine stars to their own palace, which is both a coincidence and a special. Both the auspicious star and the fierce star have returned to their own homes and have stopped harassing others, which means that the environment is relatively calm. However, the palace star aura is the same, which increases the strength of the palace, if it should be auspicious, it is the icing on the cake; if it should be fierce, it is worse, which means that in the small environment, small unit, or small family, the auspicious response is more distinct, and there is a sign that the cleaner is better and better, and the turbid is more turbid and more difficult. Therefore, no matter what the general environment is, itself can not be blindly optimistic, especially in this year, the zodiac day of the offender, or the courtyard door into the door, as well as the office, or bed in the southwest Kunfang, should pay attention to the environment, and the aura, adjust their own small units and small families, do not seek merit, but seek no fault. After all the robbery, the waves are safe, and the sails are regrouped and raised!

Folklore foreshadowing from 22 to 25 January
Folklore foreshadowing from 22 to 25 January
Folklore foreshadowing from 22 to 25 January
Folklore foreshadowing from 22 to 25 January

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