
New Year's School Sun Yaoqi wears an orange coat with black high boots, handsome and temperamental

Red lapels oversize the outer wear, plus the tunic design, embellished with a little black high boots, a little handsome and a little temperamental, the layered color system is simple, the fashion texture is relatively high, with a lapel design, that is, a simple trench coat + corset design

New Year's School Sun Yaoqi wears an orange coat with black high boots, handsome and temperamental

The waist also has texture, such as the dexterity of high boots, coupled with a simple collocation, the micro-curled hairstyle looks better, a little playful and a little elegant, with a black turtleneck knit shirt, with shorts

New Year's School Sun Yaoqi wears an orange coat with black high boots, handsome and temperamental

The elements of the black system and the light color system as the inner layer have temperament, red or orange oversize the outer layer, the most suitable for forming a sense of versatility, oversize coat, with red or orange system is also good

New Year's School Sun Yaoqi wears an orange coat with black high boots, handsome and temperamental

More set off their own unique sense, like Sun Yaoqi's simple collocation, high brightness, high saturation, with white knitwear, want to be more simple, the inner layer does not need a high neck, simple knitwear is OK, like to have layers, with a high neck knitwear looks better

Sun Yaoqi's choice of coat length is also very appropriate, on the one hand above the knee, the length is just right, the texture is relatively high, if you say this type of wear, do not know how the small partners look, the New Year's moment, and what wonderful ways to wear?

New Year's School Sun Yaoqi wears an orange coat with black high boots, handsome and temperamental

Although the red saturation is high, the collocation is good, but it can also be very advanced, the elements used are different, the feeling of collocation is also different, the New Year wears more red, what kind of elements do you prefer?

Disclaimer: Picture editor Jiang Xiaoyu, text: bj Jun original content editor M Jun review, content without permission please do not reprint, plagiarism will be investigated

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