
The Divine Man Chapter 1

author:Lich commentary

Chapter 1 Beginnings

In the first year of the Han Dynasty, Changle Palace

A man dressed in a red-encrusted golden dragon robe who was not angry and arrogant and less than twenty-five years old was reviewing the recital

"Report! Your Majesty! According to the news from the front, wei qing and Huo went to the sick two generals to break the Xiongnu, general Wei Qing beheaded the Xiongnu Right Sage King, and General Huo Went sick secretly attacked the Xiongnu base camp, killing the Left Xian King and ten Jindan Period Xiongnu wizards."

"Very good, I want to be rewarded"

His name is Liu Che, he is the "Emperor Wu of Han" praised by posterity, but this side of the world is not a simple historical world, there are monks, Liu Che is the human emperor, last night there was a soul from the afterlife who wanted to take away Liu Che but was swallowed up, Liu Che knew the history of the future, and the cultivation system of this side of the world is three, Xiandao, Shinto, and Martial Arts.

In the last year of the Qin Dynasty, the first emperor of the Xianqin Dynasty, Ying Zhengdu, failed to cross the robbery, and after his death entered the Lishan Imperial Mausoleum, the second Hu Hai was incompetent, although Great Qin had the Xiandao Yuan Infant Realm Wei Shuzi and the Jindan period monk Zhang Handan, but the unity of heaven and man plus the innate divine power of Xiang Yu was too strong, and liu Bang of the imperial qi luck appeared, the Xianqin Dynasty died, the Great Han learned the lessons of the demise of the Xianqin Dynasty, inherited the jiuzhou dragon vein qi luck in Jiuding Town, and cultivated the incense fire Shinto with the owner of the human throne, such as the main father, who is the god of man, Wei Qing and Huo went to the state of the unity of heaven and man, and reached the realm of the unity of heaven and man. The Xiongnu Heavenly Peak Zuo Xian King and ten land immortal wizards who formed a Golden Dan were in the steppe

Xiandao: Practicing Qi, Building a Foundation, Xiantian, Jindan, YuanBao, Infant Change, Zhiwei, Aido, Ascension

Shinto: Mortal gods, human gods, earth gods, celestial gods, holy gods, golden gods, god kings, gods, gods and emperors

Martial Arts: Acquired Heaven, Heavenly, Grandmaster, Grand Master, Land Immortal, Unity of Heaven and Man, Shattering Void, Feathering And Ascending

Liu Che was three ways and three cultivations, the immortal way reached the tenth layer of Zhiwei, the shinto reached the early stage of the gods, and the martial arts were land gods, he smiled slightly, and it was time to do something big next