
Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

author:Nuclear network

Author: Imperial Group_Day.)

Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

This year marks the 25th anniversary of Pokémon's birth. The number of Pokémon has increased from 151 in the original game to 898 today, not counting the morphological variations of the various Pokémon. The Pokémon series has always had a low threshold but a depth, which makes the age distribution of Pokémon players widespread. And for the question "Which is your favorite Pokémon?" everyone has their own answers and reasons.

Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

Some Pokémon have morphological variations

In the 2021 "#就决定是你了" vote that ended a few days ago, The Tondo Rat stood out from more than 800 compatriots with a score of 68396 votes and became the most popular Pokémon.

Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

Looking back at the Pokémon votes of the past generations, even if some Pokémon votes have been at a high level for a long time, but there will always be different dark horse players in each period, I will take you back to the official Pokémon Popularity Polling Activities held in previous years (which may not be complete), combined with the results and the news at that time to analyze the reasons why some Pokémon were on the list.

<h1>First Little Magneto Shock (2008</h1>).

In 2008, in order to build momentum for the theatrical version of Pokémon: Riding Latina and the Bouquet of Flowers in the Ice, the official organization of a Pokémon Popularity Poll was held at Yahoo Kids in Japan. Although it is a Pokémon vote, there are only 9 objects to choose from, including the small magnetic monster. Officials said that after voting, the top three will be made into wallpapers and provided to fans.

Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

These are all Pokémon that appear in the movie

This is not a regular Pokémon vote, but if you talk about this topic, the 2008 incident is indispensable.

There are a total of 9 contestants, if you really let the child vote, the small magnetic monster is most likely a runner. Netizens at that time also saw this, so they have reached out to "help", 2ch appeared on the topic of "let the inconspicuous and poor little magnetic monster be the first", and persuaded netizens to go to the Yahoo Kids channel to vote for the small magnetic monster.

2ch netizens have indeed been instigated, and even some people have used tools to vote a lot of votes for the small magnetic monster, which has also spread to the outside of the forum, and people have guessed whether the small magnetic monster can really get the first place. The rapid increase in the number of votes of the little magnetic monster also made the official begin to pay attention to it, so it decided to shut down the voting page and declared to the outside world: "The page will be maintained before the voting is terminated." So it becomes a state where no one can vote, and no one can confirm the ranking.

Before the 2ch campaign is launched, the small magnetic monster gets 1%; after 5 minutes, the vote rate becomes 2%; after 30 minutes, the small magnetic monster becomes the first. The official timely halted the voting and finally announced the ranking as follows:


Little Magnetic Monster

Ride Latina

Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

The little magneto got more than 61% of the votes after getting 100,000 votes.

In the end, the little magnetic monster won the second place, which made many passers-by feel that the organizer was "black whistle". However, in this activity initiated by 2ch, some netizens used tools, the principle of which is that the votes cast by others to Pikachu are automatically counted into the results of the small magnetic monster, which is even more disgraceful, and the official act of stopping voting is also a timely stop loss. After the end of the singing, the official promised to release the top three wallpapers.

Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

<h1>Pokémon General Election of Past Games (2011).</h1>

From November 12 to December 25, 2011, Japan held the Pokémon General Election, which was held to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the release of Pokémon Red/Green, and there was no concept of "Pokémon Day" at that time. ‘

Since it is a commemorative game release, the official has a special rule, that is, "choose your favorite Pokémon from the cover of the series" (excluding derivative works), so there are not many Pokémon for players to choose this time, and the official promise will be the first place to the player. In the end, the rift seat won the first place, and it was officially distributed in designated stores from February 10 to February 27, 2012. This rift also learned to represent the "V Hot Flame" of victory. Curious if Pokémon such as Frog Flower and Gaioka get the first place, can they also learn this trick?

Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

Pokémon Total Election 720 (2016)



If you want to really support the Pokémon sign of the vote, you have to mention the "Pokémon Total Election 720" in 2016. At that time, Pokémon had entered the sixth generation, and the total number of Pokémon had reached 720, so the scope of this vote was all the Pokémon at that time, which made players excited, and finally saw who was the popular king of Pokémon.

Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

It may be to use voting activities to promote sales, or to prevent the recurrence of the "little magnetic monster shock", this Pokémon general election mainly uses the method of mail voting. For every Pokémon item purchased at designated shops (forget whether it is 800 or 1,000 yen), you will receive a postcard for voting, with three boxes on the back, write down the national picture book number of your Pokémon, and send it out to vote (stamps need to be purchased separately). In addition, there are movie pre-sale tickets, TV voting, and magazine voting to participate in the voting.

The official event was also held to promote the movie Pokémon: Pol Kenion and the clever Magiyana, but also prepared a lot of feedback for players. Needless to say, the official also prepared special painted toys, a whole box of Pokémon cards, and a T-shirt limited to each Pokémon as a lottery gift for fans participating in the mail voting.

Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

Friends, do you believe in fate? I drew only one Piece of The Ibu T in the world

On June 7, 2016, Toho Cinema Roppongi Shinjo held a voting event for the general election, and in the end, Koga Shinobu, one of the three families of "X/Y", won the championship. It's a versatile, cool-looking Pokémon that's popular with both adults and kids. Due to the official promise to match the most popular Pokémon, many people voted for rare Pokémon, which is why Arzeus was ranked second.

Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

There is no disparagement of Al Zeus, but many people really swipe their tickets just to get it

In the end, the official decision was made to give the player a letter to this special Koga ninja frog in the theater. The popularity ranking of 720 Pokémon species that year was completely public, and the official also decided to distribute the lowest popular popcorn ape in each Pokémon center in Japan from June 25 to July 25, 2016... This general election can be described as a variety of tricks.

Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

<h1>Pokémon OF THE YEAR(2020)</h1>

2020 already has the concept of Pokémon Day, and around February 27, TPC will carry out a series of Pokémon-related activities. That year, they joined forces with Google to launch the first Pokémon voting campaign for the world - Pokémon of The Year. At that time, Pokémon Sword/Shield had just been released, and there were 890 Pokémon types. The poll for fans around the world began on February 5 and lasted for nine days, with the following final result:

Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

It turns out that people all over the world seem to like the Koga ninja frog. However, there is no special reward for this vote, but during the period, you can get a special sticker by going to the Japanese Pokémon Center to consume, but on the other hand, this also means that everyone votes for true love, which is not utilitarian at all.

<h1>#就决定是你了 (2021).</h1>

Referring to this year's voting results earlier, we can see that most of the Pokémon selected are petite and cute, and I irresponsibly guess that this may be related to the way of voting.

Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

This year's voting method was twitter hashtags. Voters can tweet by bringing a hashtag (〇〇にきめた). From the perspective of the age distribution of Japanese Twitter users, both men and women, the main users are over the age of 18, which may be the reason for the large number of cute Pokémon entries this year, after all, children prefer cool appearances.

Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

It is worth noting that the number of votes on the first day of voting by the little magnetic monster is not low, which makes people dream back to 2008. As the ultimate beast, the burst muscle mosquito temporarily ranked first in the statistics on the first day. I guess it may have something to do with the pokémon day/month anime, or the pokémon videos that make "oil depot" Pokémon videos like to add the character of The Popper Mosquito.

Little Magnetic Monster almost got the first? What happened to the Pokémon Voting Campaign of the Past Generations The First Little Magneto Shock (2008) Pokémon General Election of Past Dynasties Game (2011) Pokémon of the Year (2020) #就决定是你了 (2021) Finally

<h1>At last</h1>

Looking back at the voting activities of Pokémon over the years, affected by the number of Pokémon, user groups, utilitarianism, etc., there is no value of comparison between each Pokémon voting activity, and it can only be said that the fairest vote is not Pokémon of THE YEAR in 2020. Although it is certainly worth being happy to see the popularity of your favorite Pokémon as a fan, the aesthetic must have its own persistence, and pokémon are more meaningful because of your love.