
Teacher Cao's diary

author:Teacher Cao's diary

Sunday, October 24, 2021 19th lunar month

Yesterday proctored a day, still relatively tired, today there is still a day's task, but also need to work hard and continue to work hard! In addition, tomorrow morning, I will go to the physical examination, and whether Xiao Ke can succeed or not, the results of the physical examination are also crucial. Trust between people is really difficult, especially two complete strangers, but this is also the most beautiful thing, it is with this trust in the peaceful life of two people that there are waves of love, for us older unmarried young people, this is particularly precious. Everyone longs to meet a Tonya who loves Paul deeply or Tian Xiaoxia who loves Sun Shaoping deeply, there is still a distance between ideals and reality, do your best to obey the fate!