
A total of 54 sealing and control areas have been demarcated in Tianjin Jinnan District, involving 136,000 residents

author:Bright Net

Tianjin, 19 Jan (China News Network) -- Wei Yin, member of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Jinnan District CPC Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Tianjin Municipal CPC Committee, said on the 19th that as of 12:00 on the 19th, a total of 54 sealing and control areas with 136,000 residents had been demarcated in Jinnan District; 202 residential communities and 8 natural villages in the control areas had 358,000 residents; and the rest of Jinnan was a preventive area.

On the same day, Tianjin held the 173rd press conference on the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, and Wei Yin said at the press conference that in order to effectively curb the spread of the epidemic and achieve "zero" of the social aspect of the epidemic as soon as possible, Jinnan District further strengthened the management of the sealing and control area, the control area and the prevention area. During the epidemic prevention period, a total of 3,703 police personnel were invested at both levels in the urban area, and 19,898 cadres, volunteers, grid members and community cadres participated in the "three districts" control and service management.

For the sealed control area, adhere to the principle of "regional closure, stay at home, service door-to-door", strictly implement home isolation measures, block 80 entrances and exits of the community, and the public security organs have invested 65 police cars and 1516 police forces in 54 sealed and controlled communities, and adopted a combination of dynamic and static patrols to patrol the community, entrances and exits and surrounding areas to ensure that all sealed and controlled communities have police forces on duty, there are special personnel at the entrance of buildings, and electronic "door magnets" at the entrances of households, truly ensuring that residents do not leave their homes and strictly prevent the spillover of the epidemic risk.

Wei Yin said that the control area adheres to the principle of "people do not leave the community, it is strictly forbidden to gather", each household can leave the house once in 2 days, and each time 1 person goes to the designated place in the community to buy or take items under the premise of strict protection. All outgoing personnel implement temperature measurement, verification and registration, arrange staff to be on duty 24 hours a day at the exit of the community, arrange police patrols around the community, and implement relevant control policies. The prevention zone adheres to the principle of "strengthening social control and strictly restricting the gathering of personnel". Residents do a good job of self-health testing, minimize going out, and conduct nucleic acid tests regularly.

In order to ensure that the "three districts" control is in place, Jinnan District timely releases epidemic prevention and control information, strengthens the publicity and interpretation of policies and measures, guides the masses to take the initiative to cooperate, rationally respond, and scientifically protect; arranges 2 emergency vehicles in each sealed and controlled community for emergency use by emergency patients with critical illness and maternity, and does a good job of protection throughout the process and implements closed-loop management.

Bayonet control increased police investment, strictly sealed the "three districts" defense line, set up 114 traffic control points in the whole district, placed 272 traffic warning signs, installed 320 pieces of guardrails, invested 976 police forces, 600 volunteers to participate in bayonet duty control; 68 control points were set up on the streets of the subordinate towns, 22 closed paths and out-of-district roads, and 184 people were on duty all day at unclosed intersections to ensure that no one car was missed.

Wei Yin said that while strictly reviewing and checking the passing vehicles, the police on duty have opened up green channels for vehicles related to epidemic transportation, people's livelihood protection, emergency medical treatment, etc., to escort the people's livelihood during the epidemic. (End)

Source: China News Network