
Knowledge Point Analysis- Vygotsky's Theory of Cognitive Development

author:Q&A Master

1. Sentiment analysis

For the examination of the knowledge point of Vygotsky's cognitive development theory, it is mainly based on objective titles such as single-choice, multiple-choice questions, and judgments, and the understanding of each concept will be examined in the form of example anti-selection and concept anti-selection, and similar concepts will be confused in the judgment questions. Among the knowledge points of Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development, Vygotsky's view of recent development is the focus. This part of the content requires us to understand the concept and be able to reverse the example and the concept to reverse the selection. Today, we mainly sort out this knowledge point, and I hope that everyone can have a clear understanding of this knowledge point in the process of learning, and can remember and apply it.

Second, the analysis of the test center

Knowledge Point Analysis- Vygotsky's Theory of Cognitive Development

3. Examination questions

1. [Single Choice] 1. The scholar who advocates the study of educational psychology as a branch of an independent discipline and proposes the "theory of cultural development" and the "theory of internalization" is ( ).

A. Ushinsky B. Sandike

C. Baptov D. Vygotsky

1. [Answer] D. Analysis: The stem "Theory of Cultural Development" and "Theory of Internalization". This theory belongs to Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development. Therefore, I chose D for this topic.

2. The current level of students is 6 minutes to do 7 calculation problems, with the help of the teacher can do 10 problems in 6 minutes, this difference between the current level of students and the level with the help of adults is called ( ).

A. Internal chemistry says B. Recently developed areas

C. Observational learning D. Level Differences

2. [Answer] B. Analysis: Vygotsky believes that children have two levels of development: one is the child's current level, that is, the level of development of children's psychological functions formed by a certain complete development system; The second is the level of development that is about to be reached. The difference between these two levels is the area of recent development. That is to say, the difference between the level of problem-solving that children can achieve with the help of adults and the level of problem-solving achieved by solving problems alone, in fact, is a transition between two adjacent stages of development. Therefore, the topic is B.

Knowledge Point Analysis- Vygotsky's Theory of Cognitive Development