
Hou Shuai: Do a good job of procuratorial work with heart and affection

author:Nine Schools of Observation

Hou Shuai, deputy chief procurator and post procurator of the Yintai District People's Procuratorate of Tongchuan City, has been engaged in procuratorial work for 10 years.

From a "young man" who only knew how to bury his head in the case at the beginning, to the "all-rounder" who grasped party affairs, petitioning, propaganda and other work, this young man born in 1986 could not hide the white hair that came out of his sideburns even if he had his hair dyed. "Dreams are cases. There is no room for error in our profession. Hou Shuai said.

Because he had the belief of being responsible for the parties to the case in his heart, Hou Shuai spent extra thought and energy in his work to inject warmth into the procuratorial work.

Judicial aid transmits the temperature of the procuratorate

In April 2020, Cai's husband was killed in a criminal case, leaving her sick and two children, as well as an 80-year-old mother with a physical disability. Seeing that there is no hope for compensation, this major change makes it difficult for the family to live an already difficult life.

After Hou Shuai learned of this situation, he quickly went to Cai's home and community with the personnel of the complaint and appeal department. After verification, he actively won 50,000 yuan of state judicial aid for Cai's family.

"At that time, I felt that the sky was falling, and I really didn't know how to live. I didn't expect the cadres of the procuratorate to give me help, so grateful. Cai said movingly.

Judicial aid is tied to legal justice on the one hand, and the cold and warm of the people on the other. "The people's procuratorate is for the people. While punishing crimes, we must also convey care and warmth to the people in need. Hou Shuai said.

Leniency and severity are combined to save lost teenagers

"For juvenile delinquency cases, we have to consider their particularity. Of course, the law must punish crimes, but the ultimate purpose is to educate and save people, and we must take handling a case and saving a child as the goal of our law enforcement. Hou Shuai said.

When handling the theft case of 16-year-old Lu Xiaomou, in the face of remorseful Lu Xiaomou, Hou Shuai, on the basis of social investigation and listening to the opinions of all parties, reported to the Inspection Commission for a decision to study and decide to make a conditional decision not to prosecute in accordance with the law, and actively contacted parents, village committees, police stations, etc. to do a good job of supervision and inspection, and "tailored" a set of inspection plans for Lu Xiaomou.

People in the same village as Lu Xiao said: "Before, I only knew that the procuratorate was cracking down on bad people, but I didn't expect that you would make great efforts to care so much about the dolls who committed crimes." ”

In recent years, when Handling every juvenile crime case, Hou Shuai has sincerely paid attention to minors, patiently helped and taught, and used law and enthusiasm to save one lost teenager after another.

Through the efforts of Hou Shuai and his colleagues, youth rights protection has become a highlight of the indo-Taiwan District Procuratorate. The "Youth Rights Protection Post" of the Yintai District Procuratorate was named "Demonstration Point for Learning Lei Feng Activities" by the Propaganda Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee. In 2016, Hou Shuai was commended by the Supreme People's Procuratorate as an "advanced individual in juvenile procuratorial work".

Crime prevention is on the front lines of law popularization

In addition to handling cases, Hou Shuai also carried out a series of legal publicity activities with procuratorial characteristics and highlights of the rule of law. He compiled and printed publicity materials such as "Reject Drugs, Grow Up Happily", actively carried out legal popularization activities with his colleagues, was hired as a member of the "Youth Lecturer Group" to carry out targeted rule of law publicity, and served as a rule of law counselor in many schools, with the campus as the main position, to carry out rule of law education...

In the "moot court" activity of Tongchuan No. 5 Middle School in which Hou Shuai participated, the students in the mock trial looked like each other, and the students who watched the trial also concentrated. After the event, many students said on the spot that they would engage in legal work in the future.

No matter what position he was in, Hou Shuai's oath to add luster to the inspection badge will never change. "The Third Moral Model of Yintai District", "The Most Beautiful Volunteer of Tongchuan City", "Top Ten Political and Legal Pacesetters of Tongchuan City", "Top Ten Outstanding Youth of Tongchuan City", "Good Youth of Shaanxi"... Each honorary title is an affirmation of his procuratorial work.

Reporter Kong Chui-nam

【Source: Shaanxi Daily】


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