
Protection must not be lax

author:Bright Net

【Short Comment】

Author: Zhou Xun

On January 17, the news of 2450 kilograms of yellow croaker in Guangming Daily attracted widespread attention from the whole society. The messages on the Internet that "people do not live up to the ocean, the ocean will not fail people" and "treating the ocean is treating themselves well" have received a lot of praise, fully expressing people's heartfelt satisfaction that "the big yellow croaker is back".

Today's news makes us add some hidden worries in addition to our excitement.

Don't forget the past, the teacher of the future. History is the best textbook: only by maintaining a moderate catch, only by rationally "cultivating the sea and herding fish", can we maintain the balance of marine ecology, and we can have yellow croaker to eat every year.

In fact, the overall ecological chain of the yellow croaker is still fragile, taking the Lvsi Fishery, one of the eight major fisheries in the country, as an example, after the devastating damage in the 1960s and 1970s, the fishing has not been suspended so far, and the overall recovery of the yellow croaker has not seen a significant improvement. It can be seen that after the balance of nature has been broken, it is not easy to recover! As experts say, the recovery of the East China Sea yellow croaker is still in its infancy, and more effective protective measures are needed to achieve obvious results.

The protection of the process of restoring marine fishery resources is also a major test. Scientific research, meticulous planning, resolute law enforcement, and precise action are all very important and must not be slackened. In this exam, how can I deliver a satisfactory answer sheet? Each of us has a responsibility to think seriously.

Guangming Daily ( 2022-01-20 01 edition)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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