
The New Year goes to the grassroots level

author:Red Net
The New Year goes to the grassroots level

Red net moment Yueyang January 27 news (correspondent Zhou Xingzhou) "two sleeves of fresh wind to resign the old year, spotlessly usher in the New Year" "fair and honest heart, bright and clear dreams are not alarmed"... With the Spring Festival approaching, in order to advocate a festive and clean festival and create a clean and healthy atmosphere, on the afternoon of January 25, the State Administration of Taxation Yueyang Yunxi District Taxation Bureau launched an activity with the theme of "Book Spring 'Honesty', Tax Delivery 'Blessing'".

The ink at the scene of the activity was overflowing with ink, and the calligraphy enthusiasts splashed ink on the spot, lifted their pens and hung their wrists, and alluded to the "honesty" in the union, taking the spring festival as the carrier, integrating the elements of honest government culture into the spring union, passing on the concept of honesty and honesty and the atmosphere of thrift and thrift, reminding cadres and workers to enhance the sense of honesty and self-discipline during the Spring Festival, creating a good atmosphere of "learning honesty before entering the door, not forgetting honesty during the festival, and keeping honesty among cadres", sending honesty to cadres and blessings to cadres' homes.

Liu Liang, head of the discipline inspection team of the Yunxi District Taxation Bureau, said: "Combining the festive celebrations of the Spring Festival with the reminder of a clean and honest festival is an effective measure to implement the spirit of the sixth plenary session of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, keep firmly in mind the eight central regulations, strengthen the awareness of discipline and rules, and strictly prevent corruption during the festival." The "honesty" activity of sending the Spring Festival this time not only increases the festive atmosphere of the festival, but also warns the vast number of party members and cadres that the red line cannot be touched and the bottom line cannot be crossed, and they must always be vigilant to maintain a clean and honest nature, and live a civilized, peaceful, and clean Spring Festival.