
If the elderly want to live a long life, they need to walk well and sleep well, and they need to do these 3 things well

author:Mind and body station

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For the rest of your life, you should try to control your own thoughts as much as possible, think more about things that are worth being happy about, and maintaining an appropriate and optimistic state of mind is the path of spiritual cultivation to be taken in your later years.

If the elderly want to live a long life, they need to walk well and sleep well, and they need to do these 3 things well

First, if you want to increase the probability of longevity, the best thing you can't do is to be less angry, anger is not good for yourself, and since anger has been passed down for thousands of years, it also shows that countless people have learned the lesson of anger since ancient times.

In order to achieve peace of mind, it is necessary to communicate with the closest relatives in the family to ensure that the atmosphere of the family is harmonious, and strive to minimize the probability of causing anger. Usually, I should enlighten myself more, avoid the situation of sulking, from less anger to no anger is not to swallow the sound, but through the inner and outer two-pronged approach, let the anger become the water without a source and the wood without roots, such as the water of Dayu Zhishui, blocking can only cure the symptoms, and will make the river more flooded when it breaks the embankment again, only the dredging can cure the root cause, both to stop the flood and to avoid the recurrence of the flood. The body still has a variety of levees, and if there is no timely evacuation, the time to break through the dikes is the day when the health is threatened.

If the elderly want to live a long life, they need to walk well and sleep well, and they need to do these 3 things well

Second, eat some light food in moderation, although it is recommended that the elderly eat some light food, but the elderly should make plans according to their respective physical conditions, and the standard for the appropriate amount should vary from person to person.

Wise elderly people will be dynamically adjusted in terms of diet, after all, the physical condition cannot be fixed, and since the physical condition is changing, it is necessary to avoid conformism in terms of diet. As an elderly person, you must understand a principle, the program that suits you is a better program, and you must not be rigid in terms of health, if you do not make a specific analysis based on your actual situation, you will not only stage self-defeating, but also lift the stone yourself and drop it on your feet.

If the elderly want to live a long life, they need to walk well and sleep well, and they need to do these 3 things well

Third, adhere to the appropriate amount of exercise, do not think that the exercise is good on excessive exercise, the result is often too light is too late, heavy is counterproductive, according to their own basic conditions, regular and quantitative exercise is beneficial to the body and mind program.

In the old age, the elderly need to consciously strengthen self-control and deliberately strengthen self-discipline, and they need to control their mouths when they should control their mouths, and they should open their legs when they should open their legs. Although life depends on movement, but to achieve moderate stopping, sometimes excessive exercise is even more harmful than no movement at all, movement needs to be analyzed with philosophical thinking and needs to be argued with dialectical thinking.

Conclusion: Longevity is inseparable from health, health is inseparable from balanced nutrition, good attitude, proper exercise and adequate sleep, health is the continuation of longevity, longevity is an extension of health.

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