
We are all deceived by Indian song and dance films, this horror film is the charm of an ancient country with a thousand-year-old civilization

author:Sycamore Film and Television Painting

For a long time, Indian movies have been complained about by the majority of the audience because they are interspersed with various funny and embarrassing song and dance clips. But in 2018, a horror film made a stunning appearance at the Venice Film Festival, and only after watching the film found that we had been deceived by those song and dance films for too long, as one of the four ancient civilizations, India has a cultural heritage of nearly 6,000 years.

"It's not like all the Indian movies you've seen," says most viewers.

We are all deceived by Indian song and dance films, this horror film is the charm of an ancient country with a thousand-year-old civilization

The goddess of prosperity has unlimited gold and food, and the earth is her womb for the gods who breed their sons.

When the universe was created, she gave birth to 160 million gods.

Hasta was her first and most beloved child, but Hasta coveted her mother's gold and food. He first managed to get the infinite gold of the goddess of prosperity, but when he attacked the food, he was besieged by other gods.

The failed Hasta was saved by the goddess and imprisoned in the womb, and he will always be forgotten and never worshipped.

We are all deceived by Indian song and dance films, this horror film is the charm of an ancient country with a thousand-year-old civilization

But one day, humanity remembered this sin god with infinite gold, and they built a temple for him and began to pray. This act infuriated the rest of the gods, and from that day on, the village named Tabad became a god-forsaken land, raining and raining all day long...

We are all deceived by Indian song and dance films, this horror film is the charm of an ancient country with a thousand-year-old civilization

This is the origin of all the stories of the movie "Tabad". The entire film is divided into three chapters, and the story spans 40 years, through the family tragedy of three generations of grandchildren.

Chapter 1: The Legend of Tabad

By 1918, the village of Tabad had fallen into ruin and the temple had been forgotten. People have lost everything they have gained from Hastana. The whole village knew about Hasta's secrets, and only two people remained.

One is the father of the male protagonist, a fallen nobleman who is about to die, whose life does not know when to end abruptly, but he still has to let the male protagonist's mother solve his desires every day.

We are all deceived by Indian song and dance films, this horror film is the charm of an ancient country with a thousand-year-old civilization

The grandmother of a male protagonist, a terrifying old woman who is half tree and half human, always thinks about eating, and will eat people if she is not satisfied.

We are all deceived by Indian song and dance films, this horror film is the charm of an ancient country with a thousand-year-old civilization

The man's mother takes care of the two every day, just to get the last gold coin of the family.

In the end, the mother got the gold coin and lost her young son, so she left Tabad with the male protagonist and the fear of Hasta, and made the male protagonist swear that he would never return.

Chapter 2: Hasta's Secret

In 1933, the adult male protagonist returned to Tabad in violation of his oath in order to restart Hasta's secret.

Here, he found that although his grandmother had completely grown into a tree, her heart was still beating. This time, the grandmother told the male protagonist how to take the gold coin from Hasta, on the condition that the male protagonist burn himself to death and end her endless life and hunger.

We are all deceived by Indian song and dance films, this horror film is the charm of an ancient country with a thousand-year-old civilization

It turns out that under the temple is the womb of the goddess of prosperity, and Hasta is sleeping in it, and the way to get gold coins is wheat (flour). It turned out that Hasta had failed to steal food and was punished with hunger forever, and wheat, which symbolized food, became what he feared the most. To get the gold coins, you have to go down to the womb, draw circles with flour, and then take out a damp dough doll to wake up Hasta, and while Hasta is concentrating on eating the dough, you can steal the gold coins from his pocket.

We are all deceived by Indian song and dance films, this horror film is the charm of an ancient country with a thousand-year-old civilization

The goddess's womb absorbs what has fallen to the ground, so leave before the flour disappears and Hasta finishes eating the dough. Each time you repeat this thrilling process, you will receive a steady stream of gold coins.

Soon, the male protagonist used Hasta's "favor" to live a luxurious life.

Chapter 3: Epilogue

In 1947, the middle-aged male protagonist gradually weakened, and the risk of obtaining gold coins became greater and greater each time, and sometimes he would find nothing.

Coupled with the fact that the temple is about to be confiscated by the state, the male protagonist decides to take his son to take the biggest risk - to steal Hasta's pocket bag containing unlimited gold coins.

The son proposed to cooperate with the plan, one person constantly used the dough doll to attract Hasta, and the other waited for the opportunity to grab the pocket.

We are all deceived by Indian song and dance films, this horror film is the charm of an ancient country with a thousand-year-old civilization

But at the moment when Hasta appeared, the male protagonist knew that this time it was over, one, two, three...

The more dough dolls take, the more Hasta there are, and it turns out that not only the gold coins are infinite, but even Hasta is infinite...

We are all deceived by Indian song and dance films, this horror film is the charm of an ancient country with a thousand-year-old civilization

Tabad is a horror film, but it shows human greed throughout.

Hasta is actually the embodiment of human greed, the male protagonist's accumulation of gold coins is actually enough to be rich in the second half of his life, but he still wants to think more, is not this just like Hasta after seizing infinite gold and still wants to seize unlimited food?

In the movie, the male protagonist pays the price for his greed, and the male protagonist's son gives up his pocket pocket and cuts off the curse of the family's greed. But in reality, whether we can control the never-ending desire is unknown.

We are all deceived by Indian song and dance films, this horror film is the charm of an ancient country with a thousand-year-old civilization

As the film begins, "The earth can meet man's needs, but it cannot satisfy man's desires."