
Huichuan Public Security Sub-bureau "four team interaction" to build a solid campus security barrier

author:Nine factions view the world

At the beginning of the new year, the Huichuan Public Security Sub-bureau closely focused on the construction of a safe campus, and actively explored the construction of a "four-team interaction" campus security work model of professional patrol team, campus security team, teacher school guard team and parent guard team, so as to ensure the safety of the lives and property of teachers and students to the greatest extent.

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Strengthen the construction of the "four teams"

Consolidate the foundation of campus security

The Huichuan Public Security Sub-bureau firmly established the concept of "limited police force and unlimited people's strength" and integrated social resources.

The first is to optimize the combination of professional patrol teams. The substation effectively integrates the security brigade, special patrol brigade, traffic police brigade and police station involved in campus security work, closely focuses on the important period of schooling and school around the campus, strengthens the guard patrol, and effectively purifies the surrounding environment of the campus.

Huichuan Public Security Sub-bureau "four team interaction" to build a solid campus security barrier

The second is to supervise and urge the campus to implement security forces. Supervise and urge primary and secondary school kindergartens to be equipped with strong full-time campus security personnel, equipped with steel forks, waist forks, riot helmets, stab-proof vests, anti-cutting gloves and other defense equipment. At the same time, we will mobilize primary and secondary school kindergartens to organize young and middle-aged teachers to participate in school nursing duties, take the initiative, effectively perform the main responsibilities of primary and secondary school kindergartens, and make every effort to do a good job in campus safety precautions.

The third is to integrate the forces of all parties in society. The Public Security Brigade organized the police of the police station under its jurisdiction to go deep into the parents of the students, extensively carried out the publicity activity of "the campus is my home, care depends on everyone", mobilized the parents of the students to actively participate in the campus safety precautions, and injected auxiliary force into the campus security work.

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Strengthen "full-time and part-time" interactions

Improve campus security efficiency

While conscientiously grasping the construction of the "four teams", the Huichuan Public Security Sub-bureau has made great efforts to improve the efficiency of campus security.

First, strengthen coordination and cooperation. At important nodes such as school attendance and school drop-off, professional patrol teams strengthen patrol prevention and control around the campus, and do a good job in on-site disposal work such as order maintenance and traffic diversion at the campus gate; the campus security team dutifully and conscientiously closes the "school gate" to ensure the safety of the campus gate; the parent guard team takes advantage of the favorable opportunity of picking up and dropping off children to help take care of students at each pick-up point to prevent crowding, stampede and other incidents; the teacher guard team accompanies the whole process of students going to and from school, eating in the canteen at noon, recess activities, etc., so that the team does not change guards, and is always on guard , there is protection everywhere.

Huichuan Public Security Sub-bureau "four team interaction" to build a solid campus security barrier

The second is to strengthen exchanges and interactions. Led by the public security brigade, establish a campus safety and security coordination mechanism, analyze and study the campus and surrounding security situation, objectively evaluate the effect of security precautions, clarify the focus of work in the next stage, and form a campus safety prevention work mechanism of exchange and interaction, joint management and comprehensive management.

The third is to strengthen emergency drills. Actively cooperate closely with relevant functional departments such as education and health and work together to urge all primary and secondary school kindergartens to formulate and improve anti-riot counter-terrorism, emergency response and other disposal plans, regularly organize "four teams" collaborative drills, further clarify their respective role positioning and task division, and ensure that once an emergency occurs, they can respond and deal with it decisively at the first time.

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Strengthen the "establishment of rules and regulations" to protect schools

Promote the normalization of campus security

The Huichuan Public Security Bureau has made every effort to promote the normalization of the "four-team interaction" campus security work mechanism through the establishment of rules and regulations.

The first is to strengthen organizational safeguards. Actively strive for the cooperation of the District Education Bureau and other relevant departments to jointly promote this work. At the beginning of the new year, the sub-bureau actively implemented the "four-team interactive" campus security model in the kindergartens of primary and secondary schools in the urban area, fully promoted the establishment of a normal mechanism for campus security, and constantly created a new situation in campus security work.

Huichuan Public Security Sub-bureau "four team interaction" to build a solid campus security barrier

The second is to strengthen system building. On the basis of extensively soliciting the opinions of functional departments such as comprehensive management and education, the sub-bureau clarified the responsibilities, division of labor, liaison and other work of the "four teams", so as to promote the orderly development of the "interaction of the four teams".

The third is to strengthen supervision and guidance. The sub-bureau actively cooperates with education and other departments to inspect the security work of the "four teams interaction" of primary and secondary school kindergartens in the whole district, and supervises the implementation of civil air defense, material defense and technical defense measures.

Producer: Tian Cong Review: Anna Wang

Edit: Public Relations Section, Political Department

Source: Huichuan Public Security

【Source: Zunyi Public Security】

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