
These days in the Miyun kiln ziwa

author:March Snake VLOG

According to historical records, Mu Guiying was commanded to fight in the Miyun Sewing JiaYu Camp, sewing and repairing the place of the war armor, which was originally called The Seam JiaYu, and now changed its name to Feng Jiayu.

It's also 50 kilometers from the city, and it's circling in the mountains.

It turned out that I was just taking the mountain road by car, just the intuitive mountain road, and I had not witnessed the road between the two mountains.

Now because my sister and aunt are renting a house here, I can clearly see the road between the mountain and the mountain, layered on top of each other.

The air here is fresh, and it is worthy of saying that this is a natural oxygen bar.

In 2021, my sister's aunt saw that the geographical environment here is good and the air is fresh.

Just in Miyun FengjiaYu Yaoziwa Village rented a yard, the yard area of 150 meters. There are not many households in this village.

Every village has a surname.

Some villagers have never left this village in their lifetime, spring, summer, autumn, winter, each season has a season of life.

Get up early in the spring to be busy sowing seeds, get up early in the summer, clean up the weeds, and tidy up the crops, and get up early in the fall to be busy with the autumn harvest.

Some also cultivate fungus, some are beekeepers, and their area is a professional base for breeding bees.

In short, local farmers are busy all day long.

Three cherry trees were planted in the landlord's yard, and there was still some spare space left, so my uncle set up a shelf to plant tomatoes and pumpkins. Wait a minute.

There are also three places outside for self-preservation.

There are two plots of land, both planted with chestnut trees.

Another plot is planted with almond trees.

There is also a large area around the almond trees that can be reclaimed. It was all overgrown with grass and no one cleaned it up.

His aunt rented the house just to go back on the weekend.

Because it is close to the Miyun Reservoir, two meters underground is the water of the Miyun Reservoir, and I heard the villagers say that two meters below the house where they live is the water of the Miyun Reservoir.

My aunt loves fishing, so I asked someone to come over and fish on the weekend.

Young people don't like to work at all.

The mother-in-law watched the land being abandoned, the harvest of other people's own land, the house they rented, and the yard left their own land deserted, and it was painful.

But my sister(mother-in-law) legs can't do it, my brother-in-law's waist can't do it, and the work in this field is either with legs or waists. Neither of them could do it.

For example, pulling grass, can not be pulled. Bending over is not a job. No way. I can't do it myself, and I want to have a little harvest. Grow a la carte, eat some green pollution-free vegetables, how good it tastes!

They had to take me as a laborer in this field.

I haven't done any of this farm work either.

The first time I went, probably in May 2021, my sister asked me if I was going to the rural courtyard, and I thought I was fine, I just went, and I followed them.

When I got there, I saw that there was a lot of grass growing in the field, and my brother-in-law said: These grasses must be pulled, and if they are not pulled, they will be mixed with the cabbage planted, which will affect the growth of cabbage.

So I changed my clothes, put on my rubber shoes, went down to the ground, and began to pull out little by little.

There is also a lot of land in this big yard? More than 200 square meters?

On the first day, the next day pulls the grass first.

When I pulled the grass, the grass seemed to be poisonous, and it tickled my arm. Scratching with your hand leaves one trace after another.

Working in the sun, all were oiled and my arms were tanned.

On the third day, the entire yard was turned over with a shovel. Then the soil is turned into a mound, and a small pit is dug in a low place to sprinkle cabbage and radish seeds. Then sprinkle some soil, just finished sowing the seeds, but coincidentally four chickens, do not know how to come out.

The chickens are really clever, they put the seeds I sprinkled with their paws, opened the soil, and used their mouths to push the seeds out and ate them, I hurriedly used the broom to drive them back to the nest, I rushed to that side, they ran to this side, they rushed for a while, and finally drove them back to the nest, I quickly locked the door, did not lock, and came out again to make trouble [teeth] [teeth] [tears]

Then remove all the shelves of tomatoes. The tomatoes were picked, the rest rotted in the field, they were all gone, a whole week of farm work, the whole yard, what should be cleaned up, what should be planted, what should be dismantled was cleaned up.

Go home.

Four months later

That is, the second time I went, I dug out all the seedlings that grew together with cabbage, did not let several grow together, dug out the excess seedlings and planted it to a vacant place, and put it in the basin without empty space, ready to wash and steam the buns. Don't say that the vegetables you grow are good. This is called the seedlings. Cultivate soil between seedlings. Weeding. This series of work, a whole week of busy work.

Third time to go.

After more than a month, it is chestnuts. I never knew that chestnuts had a layer of thorny green skin on the outside. As soon as the stab hits you, your place will swell and hurt, and in a few days it will become purulent. Not fond of it. It's been half a month.

With a large bamboo pole of 5 meters, the chestnuts on the tree were beaten down, my brother-in-law and I took turns to hit the chestnuts on the tree, my sister followed the bagging, and then used a small pull cart to pull back one bag after another, the potholes in the ground were not easy to walk, especially heavy.

Pull two sacks at a time. There is also a stop from chestnut land to rented houses, and the distance is not close.

Local farmers, every family has a small means of transportation, lay down chestnuts filled with sacks and put them on a small cart to pull goods, at least 10 bags of it on a trip, fill the car, drive back, unload outside the courtyard wall

If you think about it, one leg, one waist, can only help me lay hands.

In this way, the three of us played chestnuts for three consecutive days, beat them down and put them in sacks and pulled them back.

You also have to wrap the prickly chestnut green skin, the chestnut skin is full of thorns, and if you don't take it well, you will be pricked, which is particularly painful.

Chestnut skin does not open, the package can not be opened on a pile, covered with a sack, covered for two days, the skin is opened, you can wrap, the skin under the package, dry, burn the fire, chestnut skin is particularly easy to burn. Dry and see the fire.

Because we went back on Saturday, before we went back to the city, we had to clean up the place, and if the chestnut skins were not dry, we dug a pit and buried them, and the leaves had to be buried, so as to save the fire. The leaves of the cherry trees that were laid had to be disposed of before returning to the city.

It's several degrees lower than in the city in winter, and the kitchen and toilet are separated from each other.

Unlike the building, the kitchen toilet is all available, convenient, not cold.

So in the winter my sisters don't go over there.

Only my sister and aunt, go over there and see.

Because he had four chickens over there! He gave the chicken nest like a greenhouse, the chickens had food and drink in it, it was quite warm inside, the chickens laid eggs, and they could pick up the eggs every time they went.

Listening to my sister, that time my aunt went back and picked up more than 40 eggs.

My sister plans to go again in the spring next year.

to be continued......

These days in the Miyun kiln ziwa
These days in the Miyun kiln ziwa
These days in the Miyun kiln ziwa

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