
7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

author:Balcony garden vegetable garden

Friends in the north, almost every household has heating, because the temperature is particularly low in winter, so the flowers and grasses at home are taken to the indoor insulation maintenance, these flowers grow very vigorously in the heating room, but growing vigorously does not mean that they are in line with their growth habits.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Some flowers are maintained in warm places in winter, but it is not easy to flower, and it is more interesting to freeze in winter before it can burst into flames? See which flowers can't be overprotected in a heated room in winter?

First, Junzilan is too warm to blossom.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

If Junzilan wants to flower, it must be maintained for a period of time in a cold and low temperature environment. For example, there is a temperature difference of about ten degrees, about 20 degrees during the day and about ten degrees at night, so that it can flower for about a month. If it continues to be in the temperature of about 20 degrees in the heating room, its leaves will grow oily green and grow vigorously. It's just not easy to blossom.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Some friends have been raised for several years, it just does not flower, it is because Junzilan lives in the "temperature of spring" all year round, breaking its habit of nurturing, growing and flowering, there is no time to differentiate the flower buds to accumulate nutrients, junzi orchid naturally does not flower. If you want Junzilan to bloom well during the New Year, you must remember its growth habits.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Do not overprotect in the heating room, to freeze appropriately, if there is no condition, you can put Junzilan near the window, where the temperature at night is relatively low, but the temperature during the day is high, because the reason for the light will be higher, the temperature difference during the day and night will be larger,

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Flowers placed by the window are easier to flower, and if placed indoors, it is not easy to flower away from the window. When putting it, be sure to pay attention to the leaves of Junzilan, do not lean on the glass, and avoid frostbite on the glass because the temperature of the glass is too low.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Second, hydrangeas should be frozen in winter

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Hydrangeas are also relatively resistant flowers. In the northern region, if the ground-planted hydrangeas can withstand low temperatures of more than ten degrees below zero, hydrangeas can be maintained in the south and north. Hydrangeas grow vigorously, can grow twice as long as a year to blossom more than double, in the winter hydrangeas try not to put in too warm places, if placed in the indoor temperature of about 20 degrees where the maintenance, hydrangea leaves and new shoots have been growing continuously, without low temperature,

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Flower bud differentiation does not accumulate nutrients, the next year flowering is rare or no flowering, so hydrangeas in the winter is best to maintain in a cold place, it is best to put in the temperature below ten degrees below zero degrees to maintain, if it is a potted plant, try not to be less than minus five degrees. If it is ground planted, then don't worry, directly placed in a place of minus ten degrees, you don't have to care about him.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded
7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

If you put it in the heating room and bask in the sun, although it grows leafy, there are few flowers in the coming year, which will directly affect the flowering. But for varieties that can flower with new branches and old branches, such as endless summer, endless summer bride, etc., because new and old branches can flower, it will not have much impact on flowering.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded
7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Third, orchids should be low temperature vernalization,

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

There are many varieties of orchids, and some orchid varieties need low temperature vernalization to flower, so we also raise orchids at home, try to put them in a cooler place by the window to freeze. Orchids are relatively resistant to frost, and some below zero degrees it does not freeze to death, after a month or so of low temperature vernalization.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Its flower buds began to gestate, the next spring can bloom fragrant and gorgeous flowers, incense from the bitter cold, if there is no such cold environment, we raise orchids not to bask in the sun, but also let it grow at high temperatures, will definitely affect its role in vernalization, will not flower, it is a pity.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Fourth, Zhu Dinghong needs low temperature maintenance

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Vermilion is a popular internet red flower that everyone likes, and the vermilion red seed balls we buy are all at a low temperature of about five degrees, after low temperature vernalization, commonly known as five degrees of balls, after buying it, buried in the soil can flower. However, the vermilion that has been raised for a year and blooms again requires low temperature vernalization, and it also needs a low temperature of about five degrees, and it takes about a month to maintain it.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

If the indoor temperature is too high, it has been at about 20 degrees, it has been in the long leaves, all the nutrients are supplied to the long leaves, will not flower at all, so vermilion should be properly frozen in winter, in the autumn and winter can be placed in a low temperature of about five to ten degrees, more sun, low temperature maintenance. It is not until autumn and winter that the flowers are abundant and large.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Fifth, the monthly flowers should be frozen in winter

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Moon flowers are more frost-resistant, especially in the northern region, many courtyards planted in the moon season, do not care about it every year, minus 20 degrees It will not freeze to death, and it will burst into flames in the next year. Therefore, the monthly season still has to freeze.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Flowering will be more exciting. If you have been in a warm place to maintain, the month will always be leafy, high temperature will accelerate the growth of the month, grow leafy, there is no time to accumulate nutrients, and the month itself also needs to sleep in winter, all the nutrients are taken to grow branches, the next flowering will be less, and small.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

However, for the miniature moon season that blooms in all seasons, if there is enough light in winter, it can also bloom in one year. The need for low-temperature vernalization is generally the monthly season of vines, or the monthly season of large shrubs. In some places in the south where winter is not cold, many vines will grow into Hulks this month, and they will not bloom.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Sixth, jasmine flowers need cold care in winter

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Jasmine flowers also need to be frozen in the winter, saving nutrients, and the next year can bloom more in the spring and summer. In the winter, do not put jasmine in too warm places, if the temperature of the heating room is relatively high, and the light can not keep up, it will grow branches, some branches entangled, can grow to more than a meter long, in vain to consume nutrients, it will not flower, resulting in plants are relatively thin, there is no nutrient accumulation, to the next year flowering will be affected. So let's raise jasmine flowers in the winter, try to put it in a temperature of about ten degrees, and don't let it grow too fast.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Raising jasmine, increase the light throughout the year, bask in more sun to prevent it from appearing in a long state, if the winter is too warm, the growth of leaves and branches will be too fast, the next year's flowering will also be affected.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

Seventh, the arrow lotus flower needs cold maintenance

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

The arrow lotus is a plant of the cactus family, because it blooms so many and large, like a large lotus flower, it is deeply loved by people. The flowering period of the arrow lotus is generally in the late spring and early summer, so that the arrow lotus in the winter as far as possible in the cold place maintenance, if the temperature is too high,

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded

He could not accumulate nutrients, all the nutrients were used to grow branches and grow leaves, there was no way to differentiate the flower buds, and it would affect its flowering in the spring.

7 kinds of beautiful flowers, the heating room is not good, the low temperature is frozen, and the flower buds are crowded