
Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue will eventually be rewarded

author:Crossing the man's journey
Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue will eventually be rewarded

1 In the "Three Character Classic", it is said that in the five generations and the later Jin Dynasty, there was a person named Dou Yanshan, who had no heirs when he was more than thirty years old. One day, he dreamed that his grandfather had passed away and said to him, "Your past life was so bad that you are not only childless in this life, but also have a short life. You should do good deeds in time, and try to do more good deeds, and perhaps you can change your destiny. When he woke up, he took his grandfather's words to heart. In this way, we will help the poor and the needy, and accumulate virtue and do good. Thus saving the lives of those in distress. Saving money and thrift, funding volunteer schools, and cultivating many poor disciples to become adults. Among the villagers, those who did not have money to do funerals, he went out to buy coffins to send. If the children of poor families could not afford to buy a dowry and marry, he would fund it. The most precious thing is that he can repay the grievances with virtue, and do his best to raise the daughter of the servant who cheated his family of a huge amount of money, and marry a good family. Because Dou Yanshan has been practicing all kinds of good deeds for many years and does not ask for returns, he has gradually changed the original bad luck. Not only did he marry, but he also had five sons.

One day he dreamed to his grandfather and said to him, "You have accumulated a lot of yin virtue in the past few years, so the heavens have extended your life for three seasons, and your five sons are very prominent in the coming days." Since then, Dou Yanshan has worked harder to do good deeds and accumulate virtue. Later, his five sons really all entered high school, which is what we often call the five sons in history. He himself was blessed to be a high official, and finally died peacefully in conversation with relatives and friends at the age of eighty-two.

Who can surpass karma in this life! But fate can choose, with the right choice, go with the flow, and then you can get changed. The result changes with the cause, and the cash is obvious.

Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue will eventually be rewarded

During the 2 Guangxu years, Jiangsu Jia Mou engaged in business in the Shanghai Concession Goods Merchant House, and the owner admired his honesty and trusted him. One day, the master sent A to take a small leather bag to the South City to collect money. From morning to noon, he received more than 21,800 yuan in silver. He was hungry and thirsty and worried about the trading house, and in order to hurry back, he drank some tea in the sixteenth floor and returned to the business house. Back at the trading house he was stunned, and the skin bag was not brought back. In a hurry, he couldn't remember how he had lost it. The master suspected him of having embezzled it, and severely reprimanded him, saying that if he did not return the silver dollar, he would be allowed to eat the lawsuit. A is really difficult to argue, and can only cry loudly.

It is said that Pudong people B also engaged in business in the Shanghai Concession. He was worried about money, and he also planned to cross the Huangpu River to return to his hometown that day. After A left, B also came to the Sixteen Shop Tea House. While drinking tea and waiting for the boat, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a small leather bag left on the table, and opened it to see that it was a huge amount of money. B was surprised and happy, but then he thought that such a huge amount of money, if I take it, it is natural to return home, half a life of food and clothing. But things have their lords! If someone loses their reputation or even their lives because they lose this money, how can I be at ease? Man is rich or poor, and fate is predestined. Since I saw the lost property today, I have to do my duty and sit here waiting for the owner to come and return it to him, it was already noon, and there were eight or nine people drinking tea. B looked at these people, and none of them looked like they had lost money. By the evening, the tea customers in the building had dispersed. At this time, I saw that A was pale, and he rushed to follow the two people. It turned out that the master was afraid that A was absconding and did not allow him to go out, and A spent a lot of tongue, and the master asked someone to accompany him out to find. B observed them, really after the owner smiled and greeted them: It is you who have dropped the money bag, I have been waiting for you for a long time, and I said that I took out the skin bag to show them. A was very excited after seeing it, did not know how to thank B, and said to B, if there is no you, I will hang myself tonight. So they exchanged names, A wanted to pay one-fifth of it, B did not want it, A changed it to one-tenth, he still did not want it, and said to A, Since I can return the money to you, I will not ask for your money, otherwise it will violate my purpose of being a person. A was also very moved, so he said to B: Tomorrow morning, the younger brother will prepare a little wine and dishes at the Xiangyue Lou Hotel, and respectfully invite Brother Ren to come and see him. The next morning, B did come, A was about to thank you, B preemptively thanked: Thanks to you lost the silver yesterday, let me pick up a life. I was supposed to cross the Huangpu River by boat in the afternoon yesterday, but now I am shocked to hear that the boat is in distress in the middle of the river, when all twenty-three people in the boat were killed, and I have recovered one life.

A heroic act of kindness by B saved two lives. After the owner of A knows it, he believes that B has the most valuable quality of a businessman. He hired B to help him manage the ledger, and B was also very happy. After a few months, the master and B got along very closely. Recruit him as a son-in-law. Since then, Yi has been brilliant and tengda and has become a famous rich man in Shanghai.

Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue will eventually be rewarded

The ancients said: Life and death are determined by fate, and wealth is in heaven. The house of good deeds will be celebrated. In the house of evil, there will be remnants.