
Yihai Shibei - The "Wenqing" of Zhan Qiao Town I am familiar with (II)

author:Zhang Changqing 100

Second, Wenqing, who has made some achievements, Xie Xiangqian

Teacher Xie Xiangqian is a young literary youth with small achievements, because soon after I came to Zhan Qiao Middle School, I heard the young teacher Li Minghuang say that Teacher Xie, who was the secretary of the school League Branch, responded to the call of the Provincial Youth League Committee and participated in a literary creation contest initiated and organized by the Provincial Youth League Committee in the province. It has achieved the important position of Teacher Xie in the field of literary creation in Zhan Qiao Commune.

First of all, do not underestimate this literary award issued by the provincial youth league committee. Not to mention that there are at least hundreds of middle schools in the province, even the copywriting staff of other administrative organs is not a minority, especially in provinces, cities and counties, there are many universities and literary groups, among which there are countless professional creators. A middle school teacher in a remote mountain town far away from the bustling county town can stand out with an article in this literary ocean full of talents and heroes, but it is not as simple as picking one out of a hundred, at least one in a thousand, or even one in a thousand.

It is particularly noteworthy that in the late 1970s and early 1980s, it was the great time when the spring of literature and art on the mainland bloomed brilliantly, a hundred flowers bloomed, a hundred schools of thought contended, and for a time literary creation was like a volcanic eruption, not only did new literary journals mushroom, but literary novices were like stars in the night sky. How many enthusiastic literary workers are writing praises for the new era of magnificent waves and great changes in their hometown! A teacher in a rural middle school was able to win the grand prize awarded by the Provincial Youth League Committee in this essay collection activity, and he dare not say that it is the whole county, at least the ancient incident in Zhan Qiao Town.

Therefore, we say that the young teacher Xie has made achievements in the field of literature, which is not an exaggeration at all.

What's even more strange is that it may also be something you didn't expect at all, this little accomplished Wenqing teacher is actually a chemistry teacher at Zhan Qiao Middle School. It is not easy for a literature lover, an ordinary middle school teacher, to make a name for himself in literary creation. If this makes a little famous literary lover, or a science and engineering man, a junior high school chemistry teacher who has nothing to do with literature, it is really too much difficult.

However, It is no accident that Teacher Xie was able to achieve such results, and it is inseparable from his fanatical love of literature and his diligent pursuit on the road of literary creation, because I know him better!

The reason why I was able to understand Mr. Xie was not because he taught with me in the same school, was also a science teacher, and became a good friend who did not speak much, but felt sorry for each other, but because Mr. Xie was my neighbor across the wall, although I still did not have much interaction with him, but there was some advantage of "getting the moon first near the water". Teacher Xie used his silent and unremitting efforts every day to tell me about his difficult efforts in literary creation.

In 1981 I moved from the dormitory on the east side of the second floor of the teaching building in front of the school to a smaller dormitory in the middle of the bungalow area on the east side below. The dormitory is small because it is a special teacher's housing sandwiched between two classrooms, and a partition wall of about two meters high is added in the middle of this teacher's housing, which divides a larger teacher-only housing into two single rooms. The doors and windows of the single room in the front open to the corridor, while the door of the single room in the back opens behind the classroom on the right, and you must pass through the back of the classroom to enter and exit the dormitory. Because of the fear that access will affect students' learning, in general, whether it is day or night, this room is actually rarely visited.

I live in the front dormitory, which is a square room of less than ten square meters, because the doors and windows are open to the corridor, and everything that happens in the courtyard can be seen at a glance, so the view is wide, the air is fresh, and it is more lively. Teacher Xie lives in the back of this dormitory, the area is larger than my house, is a rectangular structure, not only the door is open in the classroom, the window is also open in the back of the courtyard, and the window is just opposite a quiet uphill path full of trees and weeds, so it can only be closed all day to avoid external harassment, the whole room has little sunlight, the air is not easy to flow, always appears to be a little dim and damp, not a livable room.

In fact, before I moved into the front of this dormitory, Teacher Xie already lived in the back of this dormitory, Teacher Xie has every opportunity to give priority to the front of this better housing, in fact, Teacher Xie did not, I once guessed that The reason why Teacher Xie avoided it was bad, and even intentionally chose this room that was not optimistic about most teachers, it is likely that it was his intention. For an ordinary teacher, this house may have a poor environment, and the living conditions are not good, which is not a good choice for people. For Mr. Xie, the quietness and inability to be disturbed in this dormitory may be the reason for his choice, or it is more suitable for the living standard of his choice of housing.

Because we are neighbors before and after, in the two years of Zhan Qiao Middle School, I once went into Teacher Xie's room to contact him and talked several times, but because he did not talk much, he was not good at talking, nor was he willing to talk, he always gave people a feeling of hidden feelings, and after several interactions, I did not enter his room again. I think that the number of times other teachers in the school walk into Mr. Xie's room may not be too much, because everyone knows that Mr. Xie prefers to be quiet.

At that time, Teacher Xie was probably only in his thirties, medium-sized, and a little fat. Because of his white skin, introverted and quiet personality, and little speech, and little communication with teachers and students, people feel that he has a "lonely arrogant" head that is not social with intellectuals. In addition, he wears a pair of myopic glasses, and among the ordinary teachers of the border town middle school who are "rustic" and untrimmed, he even thinks that only he can show the typical confucian and elegant demeanor of intellectuals.

Teacher Xie has a beautiful daughter of three to four years old, the child is smart and clever, very cute, it should be a small baby that teachers and students like to be close to and amusing, but I have only seen Teacher Xie bring her daughter to school a few times. Teacher Xie's wife is tall and handsome, but like Teacher Xie, she is also a bit "arrogant", and her impression is that she is a complete "cold beauty", I have only met her once in school, and it is also a glimpse of the shoulders.

In the small Zhan Qiao Middle School, when I first lived on the second floor of the teaching building in front of me, because Mr. Xie was always in-depth and simple, and his family appeared in the school very small, so that Mr. Xie and his family were still a little mysterious and strange to me. If I hadn't moved in later and became a neighbor with Mr. Xie, I might not have really known him, and I might not even know him.

Yihai Shibei - The "Wenqing" of Zhan Qiao Town I am familiar with (II)

Writers in the eighties (photo from the internet)

After getting to know Mr. Xie more deeply, I found that their family still had some historical fate with me.

As early as the time when I was still a child in Wulipai Town, my family was already a neighbor of Teacher Xie's family, the same is that my family lived in the front, his family lived in the back, the difference is that my family is a relatively low, ugly, simple and small adobe mud house built by itself, but his home is a row of units specially built, built with brick wall cement and lime, and several houses with special collective dormitories and workshops connected by corridors, it should be pointed out that such housing is one of the most beautiful houses in that era. Because his father was the main leader of a unit in our county.

When I was a child, I often saw Mr. Xie's father and his sister, but I never saw him, or I didn't have any impression of him in my memory. He may have left his home and entered society when he was young, and he had fewer days to return home. It may also be that because he is a few years older than me, he is a big brother in the eyes of a child, so he pays little attention to his whereabouts. But Mr. Xie's appearance is very similar to his father and his sister, and their looks are more special and easy to distinguish, and from this alone I can tell that they were originally a family.

Teacher Xie's room at school, from his simple pieces of furniture, can be seen that his life is also simple. In addition to a simple wooden bed arranged by the school, a regular desk and a wooden chair with a backrest, there is a small kerosene stove, a rice pot, a vegetable pot and a few dishes, a small wooden stool, and a mess of chemistry textbooks, student assignments and some novel magazines on the table. Obviously, Teacher Xie usually lives in his own home, but when he is busy with work and creation, he will live in school, and what can a multi-faceted kerosene stove do!

I found that although Mr. Xie rarely ate in the school cafeteria, he lived almost every night in the dormitory assigned to him by the school in the dormitory next to me, which was not very good. Teacher Xie was not the class teacher at that time, and there was relatively more time after class, but in addition to the class, he needed to walk around the school, go home to eat and must shuttle outside the school, as long as he was free, he was a lone cat in his own dormitory as quiet as no one, his whereabouts were almost always between the classroom, the dormitory and the family between the three o'clock, he was like gold, the time seemed to be calculated in minutes.

In the two years of Zhan Qiao Middle School, although I have not seen Mr. Xie's published works, nor have I had the opportunity to seriously read his articles that have won awards in the Provincial Youth League Committee, nor have I listened to his experience and experience in literary creation, I have witnessed Teacher Xie's crazy efforts on the road of literary creation.

I was 23 years old in 1981, and teaching in junior high school wasn't too much for me. However, because I prefer to read and study, I also have more hobbies of playing the piano, drawing, and writing, and I usually play after work until more than 11 o'clock at night before going to bed. However, in most nights, after I have slept for a while, when I am awake again, in the middle of the night, I can still hear the "clicking" writing sound from the next room, and even hear a few slight coughing sounds, which is Teacher Xie's crazy literary creation in his literary time and space.

It is certain that almost every night in the middle of the night, Teacher Xie writes in his dark and damp dormitory, or closes his eyes and meditates, or rests his head on the back of a chair, fixing his eyes and staring, and constructing an interesting and moving plot in the whimsy of literary creation. As for when he went to bed, or when he got up to wash his cough, I don't know anything. Because when I woke up the next day, Teacher Xie's room was already quiet, as if nothing had happened to him last night, teacher Xie's creative activities were always quietly carried out.

I also found that because I had to go to class during the day, to prepare lessons, to wholesale students' homework, and because the complexity of the day was not conducive to the literary creation of a high concentration of thought, Teacher Xie rarely wrote during the day. Teacher Xie's literary creation process is almost always carried out in the dead of night. Obviously, this will take up a lot of his rest time. Therefore, I always think that Teacher Xie is almost writing with his own life, catching up with his literary dreams with his own life, and casting his own success and greatness with his own life. It is okay to use a week and a day, and it is also possible to use a month and a day, but a year, or even more than Chinese New Year's Eve days, is not the will and perseverance of ordinary people. Teacher Xie is a literary creator who truly deserves our respect.

Perhaps it is precisely because there is a dream in his heart, and it is precisely because he knows that the realization of this dream is not easy to come by, Teacher Xie can only use time to accumulate, use time to realize his own "thick accumulation and thin hair", and finally usher in his long-awaited morning glow on the road of literary creation. Therefore, he had to lie down and taste the guts, could only go alone, had to enclose himself in a quiet environment, rarely communicated with other teachers and students, neither harassed others, nor did he want others to harass him, so that when students graduated, they rarely participated in the graduation photos of students.

In the following graduation photo of junior high school students taken in April 1981, all the teachers sitting in the first row are teachers from Zhan Qiao Middle School, and standing on the left and right sides of the second row are me and Teacher Li Wangsheng. There are many teachers who participate in the group photo, including Chinese teachers, math teachers, English teachers, physics teachers, chemistry teachers, and school leaders, obviously most of the teachers in the school hope to leave a souvenir with their students, because the photos also record the honor of the school and teachers. But teacher Xie, who did not teach chemistry, in my later understanding, Teacher Xie really rarely participated in such gatherings, because he did not have time to participate and was not interested in participating.

Teacher Xie as a literary youth who has already achieved a little, although he is not good at communication and words, in my heart is also a little mysterious and strange, but in the two years of my work, I have been able to stick to my dream of literary creation day and night, and have made great efforts for it, although I have not seen his works published, or he has published works, but I just don't know, but his persistence can be described as "touching the world", I am convinced that "sincerity of heart, golden stone is open", more believe" A piece of hard work, a piece of harvest.".

Teacher Xie did not have a flower intestine in literary creation, and a person who thought of making a difference in cultural creation knew that the flower intestine had no effect. Therefore, in those years, he was like a cattle that buried his head in the wilderness, silently cultivating the literary land with his own diligence and sweat, although I did not see his works published before I left Zhan Qiao, that is, he did not publish his works in important literary journals in his life, I still respected him, admired him, and regarded him as the literary master in my heart, thinking that only by virtue of his literary creative spirit and persistence, he was already worthy of this "honorific title".

Yihai Shibei - The "Wenqing" of Zhan Qiao Town I am familiar with (II)