
Anchoring the "three walking ahead", shandong province's state-owned state-owned enterprises achieved these results last year

author:Qilu one point

On January 20, the Information Office of the Shandong Provincial Government held a press conference to invite the responsible comrades of the Shandong Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and Shandong Energy Group to introduce the economic operation of Shandong provincial enterprises in 2021. Zhang Bin, secretary of the party committee and director of the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, introduced that since 2021, the provincial state-owned assets and state-owned enterprise system has deeply studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions for Shandong's work, firmly anchored the "walking in the forefront, comprehensively pioneering" and "three walking in the front" general observance, general positioning, and general navigation markers, focusing on the overall situation of the province's economic and social development, conscientiously fulfilling political, economic and social responsibilities, and striving to be the vanguard and take the lead in the province's "three walking in front".

Anchoring the "three walking ahead", shandong province's state-owned state-owned enterprises achieved these results last year

In terms of service and integration into the new development pattern, the first is to strengthen investment cooperation inside and outside the province, successfully held the Fourth China Enterprise Forum, and 56 projects were signed on the spot, with a contract amount of 174.07 billion yuan. Held 5 docking activities such as "Innovation Empowerment, Win-win Cooperation" Shandong Provincial Enterprises Double Stroke and Double Introduction (Beijing) Promotion Conference, with a total of 65 signed projects and a total investment of 53.143 billion yuan. Shandong talents promoted the introduction of more than 5,500 talents of various types, and Shandong developed the Jinan International Talent Innovation Center to open for operation. The second is to help smooth the domestic and international channels, and the China-Europe express train (Qilu) operated by Shandong High-speed opened 1825 trains throughout the year, an increase of 21.2% year-on-year. Seize the opportunity of the full opening of the China-Laos Railway, launch the "China-Laos International Train", and build a golden channel between Japan, South Korea and China-ASEAN for Shandong. Shandong Port continues to improve and expand the layout of global routes, adding 34 new container routes to the sea, 26 inland ports to the development and construction of land, 72 sea-rail intermodal trains, and the construction of an international transit channel that "radiates Japan and South Korea, connects Southeast Asia, runs through India and Pakistan, the Middle East, and connects Europe and the United States". The third is high-quality participation in the construction of the "Belt and Road", the construction of the Bangladesh Dhaka Airport Elevated Expressway Project cooperated by Shandong Expressway and China Power Construction, the construction of the Bangladesh River Dredging Project undertaken by Shuifa Group is progressing smoothly, and the infrastructure construction undertaken by provincial enterprises in Europe, Africa and Asia is advancing as planned. Shandong Heavy Industry Weichai Power and Russia's Kamas Automobile Company cooperation 10,000 heavy-duty truck production supporting project has a mass production capacity, China National Heavy Duty Truck and Nigeria Dangote Group joint venture 5,000 commercial vehicles project phase I has been officially put into operation.

In terms of enhancing the innovation power of economic and social development, the first is to strengthen the guidance of scientific and technological innovation planning, guide 20 provincial enterprises to complete special plans for scientific and technological innovation, and lead all kinds of innovative resources to carry out efficient overall planning and coordinated deployment with planning. Support Shandong Property Rights Exchange Group to establish a collaborative platform for key resources for scientific and technological innovation, promote provincial enterprises to aggregate various types of innovative resources, and accelerate collaborative innovation. The second is to improve the support policy for scientific and technological innovation, and issue documents such as "Several Opinions on Further Promoting the Scientific and Technological Innovation and Development of Provincial Enterprises" and "Ten Incentive Measures for Vigorously Supporting Provincial Enterprises to Accelerate Scientific and Technological Innovation", and include the intensity of R&D investment, the expansion of the first (set) of equipment and the first batch of new material applications into the business performance appraisal of the person in charge of the enterprise; the full amount of R&D expenditure is regarded as profit in the assessment; and the total salary of the scientific research team undertaking major national and provincial scientific and technological research projects is separately listed. The third is to increase the introduction and training of innovative talents, implement the introduction of "five thousand" doctors and the "innovation team brand" cultivation plan of provincial enterprises, and create a leading innovation team brand against the Weichai Youth Science and Technology Innovation Team and the Qingdao Ganglian Steel Innovation Team. The implementation of these measures has effectively stimulated the initiative of provincial enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, and the R&D investment of provincial enterprises will reach 38.9 billion yuan in 2021, an increase of 52.1% year-on-year, and the intensity of R&D investment will reach 1.95%. Among them, the R&D investment of key provincial manufacturing enterprises was 22.7 billion yuan, and the intensity reached 3.6%.

In promoting the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, the first is to accelerate the layout of green and low-carbon industries, Shandong Energy accelerates the development of new energy sources such as wind power and hydrogen energy, and comprehensively builds a new energy industry cluster of "double tens of millions, double parks" for sea and land wind power, photovoltaic and hydrogen energy; Weichai power hydrogen fuel cell and key components industrialization project is comprehensively promoted, and the national fuel cell technology innovation center is undertaken to build the most advanced research and development base in the global industry; Shandong Development initiated the establishment of a provincial green development fund with a total scale of 10 billion yuan. The construction of the new energy base with an installed capacity of 4 million kilowatts of "foreign power into Lulu" is expected to provide 9 billion kWh of clean electricity for the province every year, save about 2.73 million tons of standard coal, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 7.6 million tons; Shandong land focuses on the main business and forms the Yellow River Ecological Development Group and the Green Building Development Group. The second is to increase the support for services along the Yellow River, Zhongtai Securities to help the high-quality development of the yellow area in the province, the cumulative financing of more than 55 billion yuan for more than 30 enterprises along the Yellow River; Shandong Property Rights led the establishment of the Yellow River Basin Element Market Alliance, the establishment of the Yellow River Technology Transfer Center, to serve the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological resources and technological achievements in the whole basin; Shandong Cultural Tourism initiated the establishment of a cultural tourism investment sharing platform along the Huangjiu Province, to help the high-quality development of the cultural tourism industry along the Yellow River.