
The legend of the Ming and Qing dynasties - Zhuang Xianren

author:There are wise stories

Liu Zicun in Wujin County, Jiangsu Province, was an official to a university scholar and an honest official. Liu Xueshi was superstitious about helping the beggars, and often helped the beggars to invite immortals, so he specially invited a god to offer them at home. This immortal was very scheming, and Liu Xueshi was very respectful to him. Whenever he encounters major national events and major livelihood problems, Liu Xueshi will ask the immortals for advice and then make a decision. Sometimes in the official arena, liu xueshi would also do it after consulting the immortals.

Liu Xueshi specially built a purification room in his home and enshrined the immortal in it. The only person who can usually live in this room is the one who asks xian shi to live in the clean room. Liu Xueshi attached great importance to the instructions of the immortals and never disobeyed them, just like a student listening to a teacher.

The legend of the Ming and Qing dynasties - Zhuang Xianren

One day, the people who supported him told Liu Xueshi that there was something going on in his home to leave, and Liu Xueshi hurriedly asked the servants to ask the immortals for instructions: "The person who supports the beggars wants to go back, so who will replace him when he supports the beggars from now on?" The Immortal instructed, "The bachelor's cousin Zhuang Peifeng is related to me and can replace this person who supports him." Cousin Zhuang had come to the capital many months ago and wanted to meet the bachelor, but the bachelor was too busy to see him. If the bachelor asks his fellow countrymen who are officials in the capital, he can know where he is now. ”

Liu Xueshi immediately went to find Zhuang Peifeng, but Zhuang Peifeng had returned to Changzhou because he did not want to visit the magnates and did not want to ask for people. Liu Xueshi wrote a letter to the prefect of Changzhou, asking him to tell Zhuang Peifeng to go to the capital to find himself. Zhuang Peifeng came to Liu Xueshi's place, and heard that it was the immortals who supported him to come by himself, so he came to the purification room to worship the immortals. Immortal Xian wrote a passage to Zhuang Peifeng: "Three hundred years ago, I was with you in Lushan To cultivate, and when I left, I also gave you a jade ring, do you remember these things now?" Zhuang Peifeng was dazed and could not recall it at all. Liu Xueshi let Zhuang Peifeng live in the clean room, pay homage to the immortals every day, and live with the immortals in the same room.

Fast forward two years, and it was time for the province to hold the township examination. Zhuang Peifeng was originally a Jiangnan Xiucai, and he also wanted to return to Jiangsu to take the exam. He told the immortals what he thought, and the immortals said to Zhuang Peifeng, "You were supposed to be the first in the examination, but your face was too cold and frugal, so let me change your appearance for you." ”

The legend of the Ming and Qing dynasties - Zhuang Xianren

That night, Zhuang Peifeng suddenly seemed to be mad, shouting and shouting, and ran around the yard. The servants in the family hurriedly told Liu Xueshi, who asked him to close the courtyard door, let the servants in the family not be silent, close the doors and windows and wait. The servants in the house were all hiding in the house and looking out through the gaps in the windows, only to see Zhuang Peifeng kneeling in the courtyard with his head held high, and using his hands on his face: "The face is bigger." As soon as the words fell, Zhuang Peifeng's face became rounded. Zhuang Peifeng pointed at his eyebrows again, "Eyebrows should be high." Immediately his eyebrows rose like a silkworm. Then his ears, eyes, mouth, and nose all changed as required, and it was not until midnight that Zhuang Peifeng stopped and returned to his room to rest.

The next day, when people saw Zhuang Peifeng again, they almost changed a person, and they had become a person with big ears and a wide range of riches, and they were no longer the original mr. Zhuang who looked poor and sour. After Liu Xueshi heard about it, he quickly came to recognize each other, and the two people faced each other, and Liu Xueshi almost did not recognize it. Zhuang Peifeng looked in the mirror himself, and he couldn't help but laugh dumbly, very satisfied with his current appearance.

After a few days, Zhuang Peifeng was about to go back, and the immortals said, "You don't have any money on you when you go back this time, so what can you do?" Liu Xueshi is a clean and honest official, and there is no way to give you much money to be proud. I'm here to teach you a set of spells, put this spell on the fire and burn it, drink the paper ash and water, can replace the medicine to save people, so that you can also make some money for yourself. You have to collect well, don't be greedy. ”

The legend of the Ming and Qing dynasties - Zhuang Xianren

Zhuang Peifeng thanked the immortals, accepted the spell, and bid farewell to the immortals and went back. Because there was no one to help him, the immortals also asked Liu Xueshi to resign and leave. When Zhuang Peifeng returned, he passed through Shandong, Yangzhou and other places, and along the way he used the spell given by the immortals to treat people, which was very effective, almost to the point of getting rid of the disease. Zhuang Peifeng's reputation was also spread, and people called him Zhuang Xianren. When Zhuang Peifeng treated people, he did not ask for money, and if the patient took the initiative to send him money, he did not resign, so when Zhuang Peifeng returned to his hometown, he actually accumulated a lot of wealth.

In this year's township examination, Zhuang Peifeng successfully passed the examination, but since then, Zhuang Peifeng has used this set of spells to treat people, and it will not work at all. Zhuang Peifeng later participated in several examinations, all of which were named Luosun Shan, but fortunately, he could also become an official, so he chose to become an official and became a county commander of Ruijin, Jiangxi.

Zhuang Peifeng was very kind to the people, tamed the people with virtue, and governed the whole county in an orderly manner. However, Zhuang Peifeng's superiors hated him because he did not please him. Just when the governor's son went to the county town below to play, blackmailed everywhere, and went to Zhuang Peifeng here, did not ask for money, he found Zhuang Peifeng and scolded him angrily. Zhuang Peifeng scolded the governor's son fiercely, and then went to see the governor, and Dayi said awe-inspiringly: "Although the subordinate official position is humble, he is also an official of the imperial court, and he is not something that the adult family can wantonly humiliate, otherwise how to manage the people of a county?" Zhuang Peifeng asked the governor to resign from the post of county order, and although the governor was dissatisfied, he still smiled and comforted Zhuang Peifeng and let him continue to serve as a county order.

The legend of the Ming and Qing dynasties - Zhuang Xianren

Not long after, Zhuang Peifeng's superior still found an excuse to let him dismiss the official and go home. Zhuang Peifeng did not even have the travel expenses to go back, and his daily life was difficult to sustain, so he had to live in the home of a member surnamed Chen in Nanchang. This Chen Yuanwai was a well-known rich family in Nanchang City, who was kind and charitable, he knew that Zhuang Peifeng was a person, and he spent money to make a donation for Zhuang Peifeng, zhuang Peifeng was reactivated, and went to Linchuan to make a county order.

Zhuang Peisheng was an official in Linchuan County, got up early every day to deal with government affairs, never accumulated official documents on the desk, and in his spare time, he talked with people about poetry, drank and played chess. Zhuang Peisheng served as a county magistrate for another six years, but in the end, because his style of conduct was incompatible with the officialdom at that time, he resigned his official post and returned to his hometown. At the age of seventy, Zhuang Peifeng still had bright eyes, sounded like a brass bell, walked like a fly, played chess with relatives and friends every day, and was tireless all day. He seemed to be able to foresee the date of his death, prepared early, and died without a disease. People call him Zhuang Xianren!

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