
History Behind history series 10 - The history behind the Korean movies "Cowfly" and "The Liar" The history behind the film Introduction The history behind the film is written at the back

author:The fifth kind of power

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > primer</h1>

I like to watch movies, and I especially like to watch movies based on real events, because this kind of movie is based on real events and it is the history that we have experienced, so this kind of movie is very immersive and can cause people to think deeply. Every time I watch the film, I will look for some relevant information about the film, so just to list the real events and history behind these films to give readers, this series will be updated from time to time according to the films I have watched.

History Behind history series 10 - The history behind the Korean movies "Cowfly" and "The Liar" The history behind the film Introduction The history behind the film is written at the back

Poster for the movie "The Liar"

Because today's two movies are based on south Korea's famous major financial pyramid scheme fraud real case "Cao Xi Eight Case", so today we will talk about the two films "Cowfly" and "Liar".

History Behind history series 10 - The history behind the Korean movies "Cowfly" and "The Liar" The history behind the film Introduction The history behind the film is written at the back

Poster for the movie Cowfly

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > film introduction</h1>

"Cowfly", the film is adapted from the real case of major financial pyramid scheme fraud in South Korean history "Cao Xi Eight Case", Cao Xi Eight established more than 10 pyramid-style pyramid marketing organizations throughout South Korea from 2004 to 2008, on the grounds of leasing medical equipment, to protect investors with up to 30% to 40% of the income, defrauded countless investors during the five years, the film in the MLM organization and the judicial agency colluded, in order to be deceived father and sister, Jiang Haixu (Kim Jin-woo) had to fight alone...

History Behind history series 10 - The history behind the Korean movies "Cowfly" and "The Liar" The history behind the film Introduction The history behind the film is written at the back

Screenshot of the movie "Cowfly"

"Liar", the film is about the fraud crime that involves 4 trillion won and causes 30,000 victims, fraudsters (Played by Hyun Bin) and prosecutors to compete. Hyun Bin will play the fraudster Wong Ji Sung, a fraudster who has set up a perfect scam in the film, a genius fraudster who specializes in cheating criminals; Liu Ji Tai plays the inferior prosecutor Park Hee-so in the film, who makes plans to recruit Huang Ji-sung in order to catch the rare big liars, but on the surface of justice is a person with an endless desire for power.

History Behind history series 10 - The history behind the Korean movies "Cowfly" and "The Liar" The history behind the film Introduction The history behind the film is written at the back

Screenshot of the movie "The Liar"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the history behind the film</h1>

In 2008, there was a "rare scammer incident" in South Korea that shocked the whole society, which was the Cao Xiba fraud case. Cao Xiba defrauded money by attracting money to pay interest, and after the incident, he smuggled it into China through the port of Majianpu in Taean County, Chungnam. The victims of this case exceeded 30,000 people, and the damage snowballed, with total losses exceeding 4 trillion won (24 billion yuan), and suicides were also emerging. Subsequently, it was inferred that this fraudulent act was taken care of by the Korean public power. Cao Xiba is said to have died in China in 2011, but the impact of the case will not end there.

History Behind history series 10 - The history behind the Korean movies "Cowfly" and "The Liar" The history behind the film Introduction The history behind the film is written at the back

Cao Xi Eight

Born on February 5, 1958 in Jilin Province, China, Cao Xiba is an ethnic Korean and the main perpetrator of the largest fraud case in South Korea to date.

From October 2004 to the end of October 2008, Cao Xiba conducted medical device leasing business throughout South Korea, and carried out illegal fund-raising activities in the name of corporate wealth management business. The Cao Hee-ba fraud involved a number of industries in South Korea, including real estate leasing, environmental undertakings, tourism and leisure projects.

As the largest amount of money fraud in South Korean history, the "Cao Hee Eight Case" has continuously triggered a chain reaction. In November 2012, Kim Kwang-joon, a ministerial prosecutor at the Seoul High Prosecutor's Office in Seoul, South Korea, was detained by South Korean prosecutors on suspicion of accepting bribes of 900 million won from the Arijin Group and pyramid scheme fraudster Cho Hee-ba. This has made many South Korean people suspect that Cao Xiba has a protective force behind him, and there are unknown forces to help him escape from South Korea.

History Behind history series 10 - The history behind the Korean movies "Cowfly" and "The Liar" The history behind the film Introduction The history behind the film is written at the back

Cao Xiba and his deputy

South Korea's JoongAng Daily said on May 21, 2012, that the police found that nine family members, including Cao Hee-ba's wife and children, had traveled to China in December 2011. By searching their homes, emergency medical records, death certificates, cremation certificates, and other items were found. South Korean police determined that Cao Xiba may have died of an acute myocardial infarction on December 19, 2011, at a hospital in Qingdao City, China, based on statements from those involved and footage of funeral rites. However, there are also skeptical voices that the body has been cremated and cannot be verified for DNA, which does not rule out the possibility that this is Cao Xiba's "self-written and self-directed suspended death".

South Korea has a total population of more than 60 million, more than 40,000 people were deceived in this case, on average, every 1,500 Koreans, one was deceived, and the average person was defrauded of about 600,000 yuan. If you consider that many of the deceived people are behind a family, the population involved in the deception is even more amazing. It can be seen that the impact and destructive power of this case in South Korea are great.

After Cao Xiba absconded, he also installed spies in the investor rights protection organization to understand the investors' movements. When activist investors discovered Cao Xiba's hiding place, Cao Xiba did not hesitate to use murder to destroy the evidence.

History Behind history series 10 - The history behind the Korean movies "Cowfly" and "The Liar" The history behind the film Introduction The history behind the film is written at the back


Cowfly: The cowfly, also known as the cow skin fly, is about 15 mm long, thick and hairy, and resembles a bee. The larvae parasitize in the subcutaneous tissues of the back of cattle, causing chronic parasitic diseases; occasionally parasitize humans, horses, donkeys, sheep and wild animals. Due to the parasitism of the larvae of the skin fly, the quality of leather is reduced, the milk production is reduced, the affected animals are emaciated, and the young animals are stunted, resulting in economic losses.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > written at the end</h1>

Pan Asian Nonferrous Metals Exchange 40 billion

e rent treasure 50 billion

Red Ridge Venture Capital has not yet paid 16.5 billion

Qianbao network 30 billion

Group loan network 14.5 billion

Love invested 13 billion

The brick box has not yet been redeemed for 4 billion


The list is too long to finish. According to statistics, the total amount that cannot be paid by various financial platforms of the national thunderstorm is hundreds of billions. In 2018 alone, there were 1,279 closed and problematic platforms, involving 2.154 million investors and an amount of 176.65 billion yuan.

History Behind history series 10 - The history behind the Korean movies "Cowfly" and "The Liar" The history behind the film Introduction The history behind the film is written at the back

Behind these cold figures are the fragmentation of countless people and countless families, and the overnight return to poverty and even the price of their lives.

"Thunderstorms, running away, missing contacts, investigations... It is estimated that many former investors have seen such words have become numb, for them the money is gone, any language and words to describe is pale and powerless.

History Behind history series 10 - The history behind the Korean movies "Cowfly" and "The Liar" The history behind the film Introduction The history behind the film is written at the back

Finance is an industry that relies on money to generate money, it does not create wealth by itself, it relies on various tools and products to package money to create wealth. Therefore, the tricks of financial fraud are to use people's desires to accumulate wealth, and when your desires have exceeded your rationality and the normal law of a transaction, it is inevitable to be deceived.

Money, desires, financial instruments, interest are all innocent, and it is people who are guilty. While those who commit financial fraud should be judged by the law, so should those investors be judged by the soul.

History Behind history series 10 - The history behind the Korean movies "Cowfly" and "The Liar" The history behind the film Introduction The history behind the film is written at the back

It is foreseeable that financial fraud will run through the entire history of mankind, it will appear in front of the world in various names and images, and fraud is the eternal companion of human beings like viruses.

After all, the most insurmountable thing for people is human nature, and the growth of leeks is always in the human world.

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History Behind history series 10 - The history behind the Korean movies "Cowfly" and "The Liar" The history behind the film Introduction The history behind the film is written at the back

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