
To, imperfect self

author:Free Peach Toot

Look around, there are so cattle people, they are actually very panicked.

Looking back at myself, in addition to a little feeling, a little perseverance, it seems that there is nothing left.

Knowing that the family is under great financial pressure, I always want to do something to earn some money and save some tuition for my children to go to high school and college in the future.

Relatives and friends have money, it is always the family's, no one is obliged to help you all the time.

To, imperfect self

In the past few years, I have thought of many ways, but I have achieved nothing.

Watching people write online articles to make money, I want to try it myself, and when I try it, I find that my brain capacity is too small to design a variety of plots that attract readers.

Barely wrote 300,000 words, and there were no readers, sloppy, successfully hit the street.

After that, I studied it very carefully for a few months, and was greatly sentenced by the editor, "Some things still depend on talent."

To, imperfect self

Well, I admit it, I wilted. I'm the one who has no talent.

Old age, rigid thinking, can not adapt to the internet routine.

During this time, I saw many people writing various articles to make money, and I was moved again.

As soon as my heart strikes, I act. I wrote five submissions with great interest, all of which were returned.

I was devastated, was I a person who was destined not to be able to support my family by writing?

To, imperfect self

Well, actually, I'm still a little stubborn. I signed up for a writing companion camp, hoping to improve my writing level in the new year.

Most of the students in the class have successful careers and learn to write only to accompany their children.

I'm the only one who's a real-world squire, and I just monetize through writing.

Children are getting older, old people are getting older, and there are more and more places where money is needed.

If you don't work hard and only rely on your husband to support your family, the pressure is too great.

Whether I have talent or not, whether my brain is rigid or not, I still have to continue to work hard and strive to achieve my goal of monetizing my writing.

Only to give the elderly a guarantee and create a good condition for children.

Come on, imperfect yourself!

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