
Winter Olympics with fire Sichuan ski market: festival ski resorts are hot There are "enthusiasts" who spend tens of thousands of yuan in a snow season

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Zhu Zhu

With the Beijing Winter Olympics approaching, the enthusiasm of the Chinese people for ice and snow sports is high. In the past two years, skiing is changing from a niche and professional northern sport to a new trend, and weekend skiing has become a leisure and entertainment method for southerners.

Ski consumption continues to heat up, ski enthusiasts and enthusiasts are also growing, the survey found that in the pursuit of a more professional experience, there are "enthusiasts" a snow season to spend tens of thousands of yuan. The reporter also learned from a number of ski resorts in Chengdu that it is expected that the Spring Festival will usher in the peak of ice and snow sports, and more and more people will embark on high-grade ski slopes.

Winter Olympics with fire Sichuan ski market: festival ski resorts are hot There are "enthusiasts" who spend tens of thousands of yuan in a snow season

Shino for skiing in Altay, Xinjiang

Ski consumption is heating up

There are "enthusiasts" who spend tens of thousands of dollars a year

Because of the limited skiing areas in the south, Chengdu ski enthusiast Shino will ask friends to go to Xinjiang Altay or Northeast Jilin to ski in the snow season, "where the snow is good, you can fly wherever, before the epidemic can also go to the southern hemisphere countries anti-seasonal skiing", as a southerner, Shino fell in love with skiing and became more cheerful without fear of the cold.

"Skis, fixers, clothes, hotels, air tickets, 3,000 yuan a coaching class, snow tickets range from 260-480 yuan, the money spent on skiing in the past two years does not dare to calculate," Although skiing is indeed a money-burning hobby for Shino, she feels that this is more interesting than tourist punch card attractions, equivalent to going out to travel more than three times a year, and responding to the call of "three hundred million people on ice and snow".

The reporter learned that once enthusiasts are hooked on skiing, they will pursue more professional brands, and "enthusiasts" will spend tens of thousands of yuan or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy equipment in a snow season. "Because in the first two years, the domestic ski brands have not yet been done, we buy foreign ski equipment is more expensive, and then in the epidemic era, outdoor sports are prevalent, and slowly some domestic ski brands have begun to come out, and the price is much cheaper than what we bought before," Shino said.

From the consumption data of this year's Double Eleven, it can also be seen that the turnover of ski clothes in an e-commerce mall increased by 270% year-on-year, the order volume of ski snowboard increased by 590% year-on-year, the order volume of ski goggles increased by 300% year-on-year, and the number of self-operated orders for ski categories increased by 23 times year-on-year. In 2021, the GMV of related products containing the keywords of "ski helmet" and "ski protective gear" in what is worth buying also increased by 38.8% and 51.65% year-on-year.

The reporter checked the e-commerce platform and found that as far as ski equipment is concerned, the difference between domestic brands and foreign brands ranges from hundreds to tens of thousands of yuan, ice and snow consumption has become an opportunity for new domestic brands to overtake in the corner, many domestic new brands have emerged, and the price of the main trend direction is also more close to the people.

Winter Olympics with fire Sichuan ski market: festival ski resorts are hot There are "enthusiasts" who spend tens of thousands of yuan in a snow season

Indoor ski slopes

The festival ski resort is popular

Premium pistes and ski camps are popular

After the successful "breaking of the circle" of skiing, sichuan people who do not often see snow are more and more enthusiastic about skiing, and indoor and outdoor ski resorts such as Xiling Snow Mountain, Prince Ridge, Bipenggou and Sunac Snow World have become the choice of more people.

The relevant person in charge of a ski scenic spot in Chengdu told reporters that because of the epidemic situation, the total number of tourists in the scenic spot has not shown an increasing trend, but ski enthusiasts and enthusiasts continue to grow, and it is more obvious that the tourists who used to go on the high-level roads are still relatively rare, and the number of people has gradually increased in the past two years. Because of this, some ski resorts also open more professional snowboard parks.

The holding of this year's Winter Olympics has attracted more people to pay attention to the sport of skiing, and the relevant person in charge of the ski scenic spot said: "We have noticed that more and more children are participating in skiing projects, and many parents are willing to let their children participate in ski winter camps, so that they can contact ice and snow sports from an early age, not only can strengthen their bodies, but also cultivate children's broad hearts and perseverance in the ice and snow."

The relevant person in charge of a large indoor ski resort in Chengdu said that since October, the highest passenger flow of the ski resort in a single day can reach 6500-7000 people. The Countdown to the Winter Olympics, the enthusiasm of tourists for skiing has also increased significantly, just past the New Year's Day, the passenger flow of the snow world has increased significantly, and it is foreseeable that during the Spring Festival, the trend of the whole people on ice and snow will reach a climax.

Winter Olympics with fire Sichuan ski market: festival ski resorts are hot There are "enthusiasts" who spend tens of thousands of yuan in a snow season

Ski scenic spots

The Winter Olympics "ignite" the ski industry

Technical and management talent needs to keep up with market developments

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, as of October 2021, 346 million people have participated in ice and snow sports nationwide, and the "target of 300 million people on ice and snow" proposed in 2018 has been achieved.

As the only one in the global ski market that has grown rapidly in the past five years. According to the data of the State General Administration of Sports, as of the beginning of 2021, there are 654 standard ski resorts and 803 indoor and outdoor ski resorts in the country, an increase of 317% and 41% respectively compared with 2015.

At the same time, the capital market has also seen the blue ocean market of China's ice and snow. According to incomplete statistics, 13 financings will be completed in the ice and snow field in 2021, including Aoxue Culture, SNOW51, Snow Owl Technology and other companies. In addition, Hillhouse Venture Capital took out 40 million yuan in August last year to invest in the ski mobile app App Skiing.

"With the development of the industry, the mainland's ski training system needs to be improved urgently, and ice and snow talents and education have become the top priority," Guoyuan Securities' research report on the ski industry pointed out that China's ski development process is short and the foundation is weak, resulting in the ski training system is not perfect, can not match the speed of market development, and the entire industrial development has encountered bottlenecks.

Guoyuan Securities believes that the current main bottleneck is reflected in the contradiction between the training needs of the huge primary ski market and the insufficient number of ski instructors, the contradiction between the management needs of a large number of new ski venues and the scarcity of professional management personnel and professional and technical personnel, the contradiction between the training needs of a large number of competitive athletes and the scarcity of professional coaches, and by 2022, the demand for professional talents in ski industry venues will be about 20,000 people.

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