
Five provincial and ministerial officials took up the new post on the same day

author:Lu Net

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Five provincial and ministerial levels took office on the same day (January 19)!

Ulan, Yellow Orchid

He was elected vice chairman of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's

Ran Wanxiang, Gao Zhili, Zhang Gujiang

He was elected vice chairman of the Hebei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's


Huang Lanxiang was the first female mayor of Yueyang

Ran Wanxiang was the youngest vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee

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He was elected vice chairman of the 12th Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

On the morning of January 19, the fifth meeting of the 12th Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference held its second plenary meeting to hold the election of the general assembly. The meeting elected Wu Lan and Huang Lanxiang as vice chairmen of the 12th Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

From Inner Mongolia to Hunan

Wu Lan, female, Mongolian, born in November 1962, Inner Mongolia Kezuo Zhongqi people, graduate student of the Central Party School. He began his career in December 1978 and joined the Communist Party of China in November 1984.

WuLan is an alternate member of the 17th, 18th and 19th Central Committees and a member of the 10th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Five provincial and ministerial officials took up the new post on the same day

Public information shows that Ulan has worked in Inner Mongolia for a long time.

Wu Lan has served as the secretary of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Committee of the Communist Youth League, the deputy secretary of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Yikezhao League Committee (main hall level), the deputy secretary of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Ordos City Party Committee (main hall level), and the deputy secretary and president of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Bayannaoer League Committee.

In November 2003, WuLan was promoted to vice chairman of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Government, in November 2006 he became a member of the Standing Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee, followed by the head of the Propaganda Department of the Autonomous Region Party Committee, and in October 2016, he was transferred across provinces to deputy secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee.

When Wulan took office, she also became a rare female full-time deputy secretary of the provincial party committee in the 31 provinces and municipalities of the country at that time, and the other was Huang Xiaowei, who was the deputy secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee at the time.

Wulan's first investigation after his arrival was in Shaoshan, Mao Zedong's hometown.

On the morning of November 2, 2016, Wulan came to Shaoshan, bowed to the bronze statue of Mao Zedong in Mao Zedong Square, and visited the former residence and memorial of Mao Zedong.

In November 2021, Zhu Guoxian succeeded Wulan as deputy secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee. In the same month, Wulan served as deputy secretary of the party group of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

The first female mayor of Yueyang

Let's look at Huang Lanxiang.

Huang Lanxiang, female, Han ethnicity, born in February 1962, a native of Liling, Hunan, a graduate student of the Central Party School, a master's degree in public administration, an engineer. He began his career in July 1983 and joined the Party in January 1983.

Five provincial and ministerial officials took up the new post on the same day

Public information shows that Huang Lanxiang has been working in Hunan Province for a long time.

She graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Hunan Normal University, majoring in mathematics, and after graduation, she successively served as a teacher in the Zhuzhou Bridge Factory Of the Ministry of Railways, the secretary of the Youth League Committee of the factory, the deputy director of the Propaganda Department, and the secretary of the party branch of the machine repair workshop.

In January 1991, Huang Lanxiang was appointed secretary of the Zhuzhou Municipal Party Committee of Hunan Province of the Communist Youth League, and then successively served as the secretary of the Zhuzhou North District Committee, the secretary of the Shifeng District Committee, the vice chairman of the Hunan Provincial Women's Federation, the vice mayor of Zhuzhou City, the standing committee member and vice mayor of Zhuzhou Municipal Party Committee, the mayor of Yueyang City, and the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.

Huang Lanxiang was elected mayor of Yueyang in January 2007, and she was the first female mayor of Yueyang and the only female mayor of Hunan at that time.

Five provincial and ministerial officials took up the new post on the same day

In January 2013, Huang Lanxiang was appointed Vice Governor of Hunan Province, and in August 2015, he became a member of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and later concurrently served as the head of the United Front Work Department.

In September 2020, Huang Lanxiang also served as the deputy secretary of the party group of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

It is worth mentioning that before and after Huang Lanxiang concurrently served as deputy secretary of the provincial CPPCC party group, many provincial-level party committees throughout the country also served as deputy secretaries of the CPPCC party groups at the same level.

For example, in January 2020, Gongbao Tashi, member of the Standing Committee of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and director of the United Front Work Department, concurrently served as deputy secretary of the provincial CPPCC party group; in January 2020, Xu Guangguo, member of the standing committee of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and director of the United Front Work Department, concurrently served as deputy secretary of the provincial CPPCC party group.

In December 2021, Sui Zhongzhong succeeded Huang Lanxiang as the head of the United Front Work Department of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee. Sui Zhongzhong has been appointed deputy secretary of the party group of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative

The chairman of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is also a

The current chairman of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and secretary of the party group is Li Weiwei, who is also a woman.

Five provincial and ministerial officials took up the new post on the same day

Li Weiwei, born in March 1958, a native of Ningxiang, Hunan, began working in July 1975, joined the Communist Party of China in July 1976, graduated from Hunan University majoring in international trade, on-the-job graduate degree, doctor of economics.

According to public information, she served as the president of the Hunan Branch of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the standing committee member of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, the director of the United Front Work Department, the standing committee member of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, etc., and in January 2016, she was appointed as the chairman of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the secretary of the party group.

The reporter noted that the women who have recently assumed the vice chairmanship of the provincial CPPCC are not only Wulan and Huang Lanxiang.

On the morning of January 8, the Fifth Session of the Twelfth CPPCC National Committee of Henan Province held its third plenary meeting to elect vice chairmen and standing members of the CPPCC Provincial Committee by-election. Huo Jinhua was elected vice chairman of the 12th Henan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Huo Jinhua, female, born in March 1962, Han ethnicity, Henan Yuanyang people, on-the-job university degree, master of management, senior lecturer, member of the Democratic League, joined the work in October 1981.

According to public information, Huo Jinhua took office as vice governor of Henan Province in January 2018, and she is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League and the chairman of the Henan Provincial Party Committee.

He was elected vice chairman of the 12th Hebei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

On the morning of January 19, the fifth meeting of the 12th Hebei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference successfully completed its agenda and closed at the Hebei Hall in Shijiazhuang.

Comrades Ran Wanxiang, Gao Zhili and Zhang Gujiang were elected vice chairmen of the 12th Hebei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

He was the youngest vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee

Ran Wanxiang, male, Han ethnicity, born in September 1963, 58 years old, Huining, Gansu, joined the Party in June 1985, joined the work in August 1985, graduated from Chinese University majoring in agricultural economics, university degree, bachelor's degree in economics.

Five provincial and ministerial officials took up the new post on the same day

According to public information, Ran Wanxiang graduated from the Department of Agricultural Economics of Chinese University, majoring in agricultural economic management, and worked in the Gansu Provincial Party Committee after graduating in 1985.

The reporter noted that Ran Wanxiang is a cadre who grew up step by step in Gansu, and has long worked in the research office of the provincial party committee and the general office of the provincial party committee, which can be called a "think tank."

In the past 30 years in Gansu, he has successively served as an officer of the Policy Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee, a director of the Rural Affairs Department of the Policy Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee, an assistant researcher of the Comprehensive Department of the Policy Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee, a deputy director of the Comprehensive Department of the Policy Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee, a director of the Rural Division of the Policy Research Office of the Provincial Party Committee, a deputy director of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee, a deputy secretary general of the Provincial Party Committee, a director of the Policy Research Office, and a secretary of the Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture Party Committee.

In August 2012, Ran Wanxiang was appointed Vice Governor of Gansu Province, the youngest Vice Governor of Gansu at the time. Less than two years later (January 2014), he became a member of the Provincial Standing Committee and served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee and the Head of the United Front Work Department of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee.

Five provincial and ministerial officials took up the new post on the same day

In April 2015, Ran Wanxiang entered Beijing and was appointed deputy director and secretary general of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee. In March 2018, he also served as the deputy secretary-general of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

After Ran Wanxiang assumed the post-vice ministership, he became the first "post-60s" vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee.

Five provincial and ministerial officials took up the new post on the same day

The first minister of the United Front Work Department of Hebei to directly "airborne."

In October 2017, Ran Wanxiang attended a press conference held by the press center of the 19th National Congress. At the scene, Ran Wanxiang responded to "What further measures are there to promote the development of the non-public economy?" "What is the role of multiparty cooperation, and what is the significance of the existence of these democratic parties?" and other issues.

Five provincial and ministerial officials took up the new post on the same day

He held that the non-public economy, as an important force in the socialist market economy, and non-public economic figures, as builders of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, are important members of the united front and an important target of united front work.

Ran Wanxiang also used "56789" to summarize the role and contribution of private enterprises:

  • "5" means that private enterprises contribute more than 50% to the country's tax revenue. "6" means that the GDP, fixed asset investment and outward direct investment of domestic private enterprises exceed 60%. "7" is that high-tech enterprises account for more than 70%. "8" means that urban employment exceeds 80%. "9" means that the contribution rate of private enterprises to new jobs has reached 90%.

Ran Wanxiang said: In line with the principle of "long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with all sincerity, and sharing weal and woe," the CPC and the democratic parties have practiced "communist leadership, multi-party cooperation, the ruling of the Communist Party, and multi-party participation in state affairs." This embodies the consultative democracy in which there are good things to discuss and the affairs of the people are discussed by the people, and the right of all parties to participate extensively, continuously, and deeply in daily political life is guaranteed; this is a unique form and unique advantage of socialist democratic politics on the mainland.

In August 2018, Ran Wanxiang "parachuted" into Hebei and served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and the director of the United Front Work Department. In December 2021, Xia Yanjun (female), a member of the standing committee of the newly promoted Hebei Provincial Party Committee, was appointed as the director of the United Front Work Department of the new Hebei Provincial Party Committee.

According to this reporter's statistics, after the Eighteenth National Congress, Tian Xiangli (female), Fan Zhaobing, Gao Zhili, Ran Wanxiang and Xia Yanjun successively served as members of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial CPC Committee and director of the United Front Work Department.

Ran Wanxiang was the first director of the United Front Work Department of the Hebei Provincial CPC Committee to "parachute" directly from the central authorities after the Eighteenth National Congress.

After Ran Wanxiang arrived in Hebei, the place where he first investigated was Zhengding County.

On September 1, 2018, Ran Wanxiang went to Zhengding County, Shijiazhuang City, to conduct research on doing a good job in the united front work in the new era. He stressed that it is necessary to deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on strengthening and improving united front work, start from solving practical problems, promote the innovative development of united front work, and gather extensive support for building an economically strong province and a beautiful Hebei.

Gao Zhili and Zhang Gujiang

Let's look at Gao Zhili and Zhang Gujiang.

Gao Zhili, male, Han ethnicity, born in October 1962, Handan people, joined the Party in April 1990, joined the work in August 1984, graduated from the Department of Business Economics, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, majoring in business economics, university degree, Hebei University Master of Economics.

Five provincial and ministerial officials took up the new post on the same day

According to public information, Gao Zhili became a teacher at the Hebei Grain Cadre School after graduation, and four years later he went to the Hebei Provincial Department of Finance, and since then, Gao Zhili has worked in the fiscal and taxation system for many years, successively serving as deputy director of the Provincial Department of Finance and director of the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau.

In January 2014, Gao Zhili was appointed Director of the Department of Finance of Hebei Province, and in November 2016, he became a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and concurrently served as the head of the United Front Work Department.

In August 2018, he was transferred to the secretary general of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee. At the end of 2021, Dong Xiaoyu, a newly promoted member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, had a clear division of labor and succeeded Gao Zhili as secretary general of the provincial party committee.

Zhang Gujiang, male, Han ethnicity, born in March 1963, Tianjin people, joined the Party in December 1984, joined the work in August 1982, graduated from the Provincial Party School on-the-job graduate class of economic management, provincial Party School on-the-job graduate degree, China Agricultural University agricultural extension master's degree, engineer.

Five provincial and ministerial officials took up the new post on the same day

According to public information, Zhang Gujiang has worked in Hebei Province for a long time, serving as deputy secretary and mayor of the Chengde Municipal Party Committee, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, executive deputy director of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and secretary of the Xingtai Municipal Party Committee.

In January 2017, Zhang Gujiang assumed the post of Vice Governor of Hebei Province, and in January 2020, he became a member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and later the Secretary of the Tangshan Municipal Party Committee.

In November 2021, after the change of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, six people withdrew from the Standing Committee, namely:

  • Yuan Tongli, Member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Vice Governor of Hebei Province (b. August 1961)
  • Ran Wanxiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and director of the United Front Work Department (b. September 1963)
  • Dong Tongsheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee (born in February 1962)
  • Gao Zhili, Member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Secretary General of Hebei Province (born in October 1962)
  • Li Ning, Member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Political Commissar of the Provincial Military Region (b. February 1962)
  • Zhang Gujiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Tangshan Municipal Party Committee (born in March 1963)

On January 8, Yuan Tongli resigned as vice governor of Hebei Province. Dong Tongsheng has been appointed deputy secretary of the party leading group of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial People's Congress.

Source: Zhengzhi, Xinhua News Agency, People's Network, CCTV, Central Broadcasting Network, the official website of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, etc