
Baidu Encyclopedia entry creation skills to help efficiently create encyclopedia entries

author:Roche loves to do encyclopedia media networks

People who have done network marketing promotion have generally heard of encyclopedia marketing, in short, it is the creation of Baidu encyclopedia entries, including enterprise Baidu encyclopedia, baidu encyclopedia, brand encyclopedia and character encyclopedia, etc., because the importance of Baidu encyclopedia is not only the traffic it is visited, but also because its weight is very high, and the user trust is also higher. Of course, the difficulty of creating Baidu Encyclopedia entries has also increased, and it is precisely because of the high difficulty of passing and the pass rate that is too low, so many people give up Baidu Encyclopedia entries after submitting several encyclopedia reviews that have not passed. Loch loves to do encyclopedia network _ Baidu encyclopedia how to do _ encyclopedia creation for many customers successfully created Baidu encyclopedia entry, in this process also accumulated a lot of Baidu encyclopedia entry creation skills, the following to share with you, so that everyone knows how to create an encyclopedia entry.

Baidu Encyclopedia entry creation skills to help efficiently create encyclopedia entries

Baidu encyclopedia entry creation skills - Roshi loves to do encyclopedia network


  In fact, to do a good job in Baidu Encyclopedia's most basic and important point is language neutrality, authority, objectivity, in the creation of Baidu Encyclopedia entry, it is best to use a third-party language to objectively describe what you want to promote, be sure to avoid perceptual and subjective narrative, wording should be rigorous, to ensure the validity of the entry information, and then on the basis of "accuracy" and "objectivity", multi-angle, multi-position enrichment of information content related to the theme of the entry.


  The second is the principle of importing reference materials, the role of the entry link is to help the reader understand the connotation and extension of the topic of the entry, which can be used by the reader to understand the relevant information, and vice versa, it interferes with the reader, therefore, when importing the entry, consider the relevance, authority and readability of the link content, do not import some low relevance or unrelated links, otherwise Baidu will be brushed off when reviewing Baidu, because Baidu will think that you have the suspicion of irrigating advertising.

  Use of images:

  Pictures in the encyclopedia show that many people's first reaction is that it can play a beautiful image, in fact, it also has a more implicit role: sound east hit the west, how to understand the sound of east hit the west, that is to say, the picture may be able to divert some of the attention of Baidu auditors during the review, reduce the audit strength, increase the pass rate of the entry.


  The typography complies with general Internet content distribution specifications:

  The structure of the arranged paragraphs is reasonable, the text attributes are in line with the unified arrangement style. Avoid abusing the editor layout and causing the entry layout to fall apart.

  General encyclopedia compilation style:

The discussion should follow the general encyclopedic logical structure and advance at different levels. Generally, the narrative is expanded from the definition (introduction), and the content is gradually expanded, step by step, not abrupt.

Baidu Encyclopedia entry creation skills to help efficiently create encyclopedia entries

Create an encyclopedia entry - Roche loves to do encyclopedia

The above is some of the general skills about the creation of Baidu encyclopedia entries summarized by Luoxi Love to do encyclopedia network, but there are still many mysteries in creating encyclopedias, and you need to accumulate experience in the process of creating Baidu Encyclopedia, of course, if you are an encyclopedia white and do not understand these rules at all, then you can also cooperate with Luoxi Love to do Encyclopedia Network to efficiently create Baidu Encyclopedia entries.