
Zhang Yongsen went deep into Wuqu Town to carry out the activity of "re-learning, re-researching, and re-implementing"

author:Shouning News
Zhang Yongsen went deep into Wuqu Town to carry out the activity of "re-learning, re-researching, and re-implementing"

On January 18, County Governor Zhang Yongsen went deep into Wuqu Town to carry out the activity of "re-learning, re-researching, and re-implementing". County leaders He Chenxu, Fu Ping, and Liu Xinxiu attended the event.

Zhang Yongsen went deep into Wuqu Town to carry out the activity of "re-learning, re-researching, and re-implementing"

Zhang Yongsen and his party successively inspected the construction of a planted garden food processing and production project and the provincial soil erosion comprehensive treatment project, and supervised and inspected the epidemic prevention and control, "two violations" rectification, river chief system, safe production and other work. Zhang Yongsen asked——

Enterprises should base themselves on the long term, pay attention to food safety, build standardized factories with high standards, plan the purchase and supply of food raw materials in advance, and strive to complete and put into operation in April. Wuqu Town should combine the construction of "Tea Fairy Town", accelerate the progress of the construction of the comprehensive treatment project of soil erosion, strengthen the comprehensive development and utilization of the surrounding plots of the project, and better realize the integrated development of cultural tourism and agricultural tourism. Town and village cadres should strictly grasp all aspects of epidemic prevention and control, strictly implement grid management, do a good job in the investigation and registration of the epidemic situation of returnees and foreigners, and resolutely fight the Spring Festival epidemic prevention and control defense war.

Zhang Yongsen went deep into Wuqu Town to carry out the activity of "re-learning, re-researching, and re-implementing"

Subsequently, Zhang Yongsen held discussions and exchanges with town and village cadres on industrial development, infrastructure construction, rural revitalization and other work. Zhang Yongsen asked——

Wuqu Town should resolutely implement the deployment requirements of the county party committee and the county government, take precise and pragmatic and effective measures, and go all out to do a good job in the work of relocation, epidemic prevention and control, and comprehensive rectification of "two violations" to ensure the smooth completion of various key tasks. It is necessary to base ourselves on the basic conditions of local industry and commerce, innovate ideas, broaden channels, optimize the environment, continuously improve the ability to attract investment and investment, and strive to be at the forefront of the county. It is necessary to always adhere to the work style of "really grasping hard work and doing a good job", do a fine job in the early stage of various people's livelihood projects, clarify the source of funds and construction cycle, and earnestly do a good job, do a solid job, and achieve results in all people's livelihood practical matters. It is necessary to pay attention to leading a good contingent at the grass-roots level, strengthening the capacity building of the contingent, enhancing the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the town party committee and government leading body, creating a good atmosphere for officials to start a business, and pushing all work in Wuqu Town to a new level.

Zhang Yongsen went deep into Wuqu Town to carry out the activity of "re-learning, re-researching, and re-implementing"

Zhang Yongsen stressed --

The new village "two committees" leading bodies should strengthen their study, adapt themselves to their posts as soon as possible, and become familiar with and master various professional work and policy knowledge; in particular, the cadres of the old villages should actively adapt themselves to the requirements of the new situation, further enhance their ability and quality, and enhance the level of rural construction and governance. It is necessary to perform our duties and fulfill our responsibilities, always put stressing politics in the first place, enhance our sense of responsibility and mission in seeking benefits for the people, and write a new round of five-year answer sheets with heart and affection with the attitude of "leading geese" to help the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. It is necessary to take the lead in getting rich, actively plan for the development of village-level industries, infrastructure construction, and the improvement of village appearance, wholeheartedly lead villagers to start a business, and do everything possible to increase the income of villagers and village collectives. It is necessary to unite with the masses, persist in following the mass line, go deep among the peasant masses, mingle with the peasant masses, and connect with the masses, so as to better promote the civilization of the village style, the cleanliness of the village, and the prosperity of the villagers.

Shouning County Rong Media Center Zheng Yonghua

Editor: Huang Ruiyun Proofreader: Liu Shoufang Zhou Yiming Review: Wu Xinde

Zhang Yongsen went deep into Wuqu Town to carry out the activity of "re-learning, re-researching, and re-implementing"

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