
Xuyi: With the goal of "six new", we will strive to write a new chapter of high-quality development

author:Information News

Recently, the first session of the Eighteenth People's Congress of Xuyi County was successfully concluded, and the summary of the results of the meeting was encouraging, the analysis of the situation was profound and thorough, and the planning and deployment urged people to forge ahead. With the goal of "six new", the county has made every effort to promote the integration of Xuyi into the Nanjing Metropolitan Circle, build a bridgehead in northern Jiangsu at a high level, and strive to write a new chapter of high-quality development.

Comprehensive strength has stepped onto a new level. Strive to increase the growth rate of major economic indicators higher than the average level of Jiangsu Province, Northern Jiangsu and Huai'an City. The average annual growth rate of regional GDP is about 7.5%, the average annual growth rate of general public budget revenue is 7%, and the indicators of scientific and technological innovation have reached the average level of Jiangsu Province. The scale of the "two highs and two new" industries has doubled, and efforts have been made to achieve breakthroughs in attracting major projects of 10 billion yuan, cultivating leading industries of 10 billion yuan, manufacturing enterprises with invoiced sales of more than 5 billion yuan, and listing on the main board of local enterprises. The Ninghuai Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park has become a model for regional cooperation in Jiangsu Province, and the economic development zone has moved towards a national-level economic and technological development zone. The lobster industry held hands with the Huai'an market, and the pace of listing Xuyi lobster accelerated. The level of industrial integration, scale and modernization of agriculture has been significantly improved, and it strives to create a national agricultural modernization demonstration county. Vigorously develop the digital economy, promote modern commerce and trade, modern logistics, ecological cultural tourism, and e-commerce to branding and quality improvement, promote the creation of 5A-level scenic spots in the First Mountain Area, strive to create a national-level tourist resort in Tianquan Lake, and create a national full-scale tourism demonstration area in Xuyi.

New breakthroughs have been made in urban and rural development. Improve the county's land spatial planning, strengthen the shaping of spatial characteristics, and build a modern landscape and cultural city in the Yangtze River Delta. Make full use of the policy effect of the national new urbanization demonstration county, accelerate the organic renewal of the city, complete the black transformation of Xuanhua Road and Huaijian Road, accelerate the improvement of the landscape of important nodes, and strive to create a clear and orderly urban style with distinctive characteristics. Adhere to the integrated development of Xuma and Highlight the status of Maba County as the sub-center. Improve the infrastructure of The Ninghuai Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, promote the construction of the Xuyi Campus of the Southern Polytechnic Institute, and promote the accelerated agglomeration of industries and populations. Deeply implement the action of building beautiful villages, continue to improve the housing conditions of farmers, promote the extension and expansion of characteristic industries, infrastructure, and public services to towns and villages, and build more than 10 provincial-level characteristic pastoral villages, with a completion rate of 100% in beautiful and livable villages. Actively promote the construction of xuming high-speed, accelerate the integration of urban and rural public transportation and urban and rural logistics, and make every effort to strive for the Nanjing-Xuyi urban (suburban) railway, the high-speed railway along the Huaihuai, and the Ningsu high-speed railway to be included in the plan, and set up stations in Xuyi, build a comprehensive transportation system with smooth external links, and strive to create a national "four good rural roads" demonstration county.

People's livelihood and well-being have reached a new level. Consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, promote more adequate and higher-quality employment and entrepreneurship, strive to exceed 50,000 yuan in per capita disposable income of all residents, and accelerate the realization of the goal of common prosperity. Optimize the layout of urban and rural education, promote the public welfare and inclusive development of preschool education, the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education, accelerate the comprehensive revitalization of county high schools, improve the level of innovation and development of vocational education, and make every effort to create a brand of "learning in Xuyi". Deepen the reform of public hospitals, county hospitals strive to create a third-class B-class general hospital, Chinese medicine hospitals strive to create a third-class B-class traditional Chinese medicine hospital, and build four regional medical centers such as the county public health service center and Maba, and continue to improve the level of health construction. Optimize the housing security mechanism and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. Improve the social insurance and social assistance system, improve the old-age service system, realize the simultaneous improvement of the people's livelihood security capacity and the new available financial resources, and strive to make every Xuyi person can better enjoy a high-quality life in high-quality development.

The ecological environment has been newly improved. Strengthen the control of ecological space, strengthen the coordinated management of landscapes, forests, fields, lakes and grasses, deeply promote the three-year action of harnessing and protecting Hongze Lake, fully implement the "ten-year ban on fishing" in key waters of the Yangtze River Basin, and strive to create an ecological "green heart" in Huai'an and even Jiangsu Province. Strictly implement the responsibility system for the length of rivers and lakes, long sections, and long points, systematically carry out projects such as intercepting sewage pipes, diverting rain and sewage, and rectifying black and odorous water bodies, resolutely win the battle against pollution, ensure that the centralized treatment rate of urban sewage reaches more than 95%, the ratio of good air days and the proportion of surface water superior to class III water continue to increase, and the ecological quality continues to rank in the forefront of Jiangsu Province. Promote the transformation of "double control" of energy consumption to "double control" of total carbon emissions and intensity, resolutely curb the blind development of "two high" projects, and create a national ecological civilization construction demonstration county and a national forest city.

New strides have been made in the practice of civilization. Strengthen the guidance of socialist core values, grasp the right to speak ideologically, sing the main melody, and gather positive energy. Promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of civilization creation, and strive to create a civilized city in the country. Strengthen cultural self-confidence, adhere to cultural people, continue to expand the practice of civilization in the new era, and strive to create a "good way Xuyi" spiritual civilization construction brand, so that the social trend of upward goodness, integrity and mutual assistance is more intense. Upgrade the public cultural service position, solidly promote the "ten hundred thousand" demonstration project and the source project of artistic creation at the grass-roots cultural site, comprehensively promote reading for the whole people, and strive to create a provincial-level book city demonstration county, so that cultural civilization can infiltrate the soul of every Xuyi person. Strengthen the protection of cultural heritage, complete the construction of the Xuyi section of the Baili Gallery of the Grand Canal with high standards, and make every effort to create a sample of the construction of the Grand Canal Cultural Belt. Adhere to the cultural development industry, continue to do a solid job of excellence and strengthening of historical and cultural, red culture and lobster festival cultural brands, actively develop cultural and creative industries, build a number of new cultural venues such as museums, and strive to make cultural soft power a hard support for Xuyi's high-quality development.

New achievements have been made in social governance. Taking Huai'an as an opportunity to be included in the national pilot city for the modernization of urban social governance, we will continue to improve our governance capabilities and governance level, and strive to form a governance pattern with multi-party participation and comprehensive policies. Improve the mechanism for diversified resolution of contradictions, strengthen the backlog of petitioning cases, and accelerate the "zeroing out" of problems left over from the history of petitioning. Deeply carry out the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" to popularize the law, deepen the construction of the rule of law, peace, and integrity, normalize the struggle against organized crime and evil, and continuously enhance the public's sense of security and satisfaction with the construction of the rule of law. Earnestly implement the "four mechanisms" of risk prevention and control, and resolutely prevent the occurrence of major regional risks. Comprehensively promote the special rectification of safe production and create a demonstration city for safe development in the province. Scientifically and accurately carry out normalized epidemic prevention and control, comprehensively improve emergency response capabilities, and build a solid defense line of "external prevention of import and internal prevention of rebound".

(Source: Huai'an Municipal People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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